air conditioner cover

Air Conditioning, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Shutting Your Air Conditioner Down For the Season? A Few Simple Tips

With fall rolling in and winter to follow, it's time to put your A/C into hibernation. But instead of just leaving your unit idle until next summer, follow a few simple tips to preserve it, keep it clean and functioning, save a little money and also prevent the cold winter air from coming into your home.If you have an outdoor condensing unit as a part of your air conditioning system, take a hose, set it on “jet” and spray the unit to clean debris and dirt from the fan blades and condensing coils. Once dry, cover it securely with a breathable air conditioner cover. Although air conditioning condensing units are designed for outdoor use, covering them during the winter will protect it from freezing, water and wet leaves, thus extending the condenser's life and performance. Also, don't forget to turn off the exterior power supply to the condensing unit.If you have a window unit, remove it and store it away to prevent drafts. If it's not removable, cover it with an air conditioner cover.For more information and tips on winterizing your home, contact Air Assurance. We've been serving the Tulsa and Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!