air purification

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

What Is the Best Whole House Air Purifier?


We might not have to worry much about urban smog around Broken Arrow, but dust, allergens, and harmful microbes are still common air-quality issues. By using multiple air-cleaning methods, the best whole house air purifier models help protect you from all these pollutants.

Choosing Air-Purification Methods

Some in-duct systems use a prefilter, such as a HEPA filter, to trap dust, pollen, pet dander, and other particles. Those that include an electronic ionizer catch particles too small for filters to handle. Air purifiers do more than just trap particulate pollutants, though. Many include ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) lamps that neutralize even the smallest viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. Rather than physically trapping these microbes, the light breaks them down to prevent them from reproducing. Systems that use a gas-phase air filter, such as activated carbon, absorb harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and odors that slip through particulate filters and are among those that are the best whole house air purifier.

Relatively new on the market are photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) systems. These systems neutralize organic air contaminants by shining UV light at a catalyst (usually titanium dioxide), which breaks down organic pollutants in the air passing through. These systems handle both microbes and gaseous contaminants.

The Best Whole House Air Purifier Options

REME HALO In-Duct Air Purifier. Using proprietary Reflective Electro Magnetic Energy technology, this system safely oxidizes and neutralizes mold spores, bacteria, viruses, VOCs, and smoke particles. It was originally designed to correct sick-building syndrome.

D200 Dual Lamp Air Purifier. This PCO system neutralizes viruses, bacteria, and mold spores as well as VOCs. It also includes an activated carbon filter to absorb gaseous pollutants and odor-causing compounds not broken down by the PCO light.

REKO Lighting R2000 Air Purifier. This easy-to-install UVGI light system neutralizes bacteria, viruses, and mold spores but doesn't work against any other type of pollutant. If mold is your main problem, though, it's a good choice. 

If you could use some help finding the best whole house air purifier for your needs, contact us at Air Assurance.

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

The Best Dusting Techniques and Products to Improve Your IAQ

The Best Dusting Techniques and Products to Improve Your IAQ

The Best Dusting Techniques and Products to Improve Your IAQ

Dust is one of the most annoying problems we face inside our homes. No matter how thoroughly you clean your house, dust tends to reappear with surreal frequency. Fortunately, you can keep your home dust-free for longer by using some brilliant dusting techniques. 

Change Air Filters Regularly

Dirty air filters are a huge source of indoor dust. They collect dust particles and prevent them from being blown back into your home's air. However, failing to replace the filters frequently allows the particles to cycle through and circulate throughout your home. You can significantly reduce the buildup of dust by changing your filters every month during the high-use summer and winter seasons.

Use Microfiber

You can dust your home like a pro by using microfiber towels. Unlike other commonly used tools like feather dusters that spread dust from surface to surface, microfiber dusters successfully capture dust. Use soft fluffy microfiber cloths to clean delicate surfaces that easily scratch and flatweave cloths to clean hard surfaces like glass.

Dust from Top to Bottom

This is one of the best dusting techniques that most people usually overlook. When dusting the highest items, some dust falls onto anything that's below. Therefore, you want to start dusting from the highest to the lowest points of the room. That way, everything will be clean once you're done with dusting.

Install an Air Purifier

If you're serious about minimizing dust in your home, then an air purifier is a must-have. It uses advanced technology to capture more dust and pollutants from your household air than air filters. The less the dust in your air, the less it will collect on your items, giving you the huge benefit of dusting less often.These dusting techniques reduce indoor dust. As a result, they make your house much easier to clean and the air you breathe healthier. If you have any questions related to air quality, contact us at Air Assurance. We offer air purifiers, air cleaners, and several other indoor air quality solutions that help homeowners in the Broken Arrow area breathe easier indoors.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Featured, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Air Cleaner or Air Purifier: What Should You Choose?

Air Cleaner or Air Purifier: What Should You Choose?

Homes today are more airtight than ever before, so the air your family breathes can be significantly more polluted than what's outdoors. You might be thinking about having an air cleaner or an air purifier installed, but you're unsure which option is better. To help you decide, here's some helpful information about both of these methods of improving air quality.

Air Cleaners 101

There are two basic types of air cleaners on the market today:

  • Electronic air cleaners that ionize particles to draw them out of the air supply. Ozone is a byproduct of the ionizing process, and it's a known lung irritant that worsens respiratory problems.

  • Mechanical air cleaners use a filter medium to trap undesirable particles and allergens floating in the indoor air supply.

Whole-home mechanical air cleaners are installed on the HVAC ductwork so your home's air supply travels through the filter before it's conditioned and distributed. There are a number of makes and models available that offer different degrees of filtration to get rid of particles like:

  • Ash, soil and dust.

  • Plant pollens.

  • Dust mites.

  • Pet dander.

  • Mold and mildew spores.

  • Tobacco smoke.

Air Purifier Basics

Air purifiers also improve air quality, but they work differently than filtered air cleaners. Instead of capturing particles in a replaceable filter, air purifiers rely on ultraviolet (UV) lamps to eradicate airborne pollutants and contaminants. As with air cleaners, there are whole-home purifiers available that are integrated into the ductwork so all of the return air entering the HVAC system gets zapped and purified before it's heated or cooled and distributed through the supply ducts. The unit's UV germicidal lamps remove odors and kill mold, mildew and biological contaminants like viruses and bacteria.

Do You Need An Air Cleaner or Air Purifier?

Before you decide, have your air quality assessed by a knowledgeable professional to learn whether you need an air cleaner, purifier or a system that combines a filter and UV light.If you need expert advice about whether an air cleaner or air purifier is the best choice for your Broken Arrow home, contact us at Air Assurance.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Maklay62/Pixabay”

Air ducts, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Insulation, UV Lights

Three Simple Steps You Can Take To Improve The Indoor Air Quality In Your Home

When the air outside in Broken Arrow isn't pleasant enough to open up your home and let the outside air in, you need to be able to rely on healthy indoor air quality to keep your family comfortable. People don't often realize that indoor air can sometimes be more polluted than the air outdoors. Here are three simple steps you can take to improve the indoor air quality of your home:

  1. Ventilate your home for at least 30 minutes each day to remove the stale, polluted air from your home, and to replace it with healthier air. You can open up your windows, or run bathroom or kitchen fans. If you are concerned with pollen levels or air pollution outside, both of these are lowest in the evenings.

  2. Air purification units remove particles and other toxins from the air that can cause allergies, asthma or respiratory illness. A number of different models are on the market, some using electronically charged collection plates, and others utilizing filters (HEPA filters work the most effectively).

  3. Address the source of problems affecting your indoor air to help fix the situation, or at least keep it at a minimum. Make sure things like asbestos are properly removed or sealed off. Alter your gas stove settings to prevent emissions. Some people even switch their flooring to hardwood to remove chemically treated carpets.

Contact Air Assurancefor more information on steps you can take to improve the indoor air quality in your home.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!