cost efficiency


What Are the Smartest Ways to Cut Costs on Your Heating or Cooling Bill?

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The price of energy remains relatively inexpensive, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be cutting costs on electricity and gas whenever you can. There are so many easy ways to cut costs on energy use, and once you're aware of them, you'll want to put them into practice right away. 

Best Practices for Cutting Energy Costs

  1. Change the Filter.
    Changing the HVAC filter allows air to flow through the system unimpeded so that the cooling and heating work more efficiently while cutting costs on energy use. Also, keeping the return air clean cuts down on friction caused by dirt entering the unit's parts, which makes the unit run hotter. Furthermore, when the HVAC labors to heat or cool, parts may wear out faster, necessitating repairs or replacements. 

  2. Install a Programmable or Smart Thermostat.
    While a programmable thermostat is more complicated than a smart thermostat, you can save money on energy with either type of technology if you set a program and stick to it. Cut back on energy use when you're away from home or sleeping. Even a change of a few degrees will contribute to cutting costs on the energy bill. 

  3. Air-Seal Your Home.
    Air-sealing your home isn't that difficult, and the reward in cutting energy costs will be significant. Seal small leaks around door and window frames, baseboards, the attic hatch, and holes in exterior walls where pipes, cables, and wires come through. Use weatherstripping, insulation, and caulk.

  4. Replace Inefficient Windows.
    Replace single-pane windows with the efficient, double-pane type.

  5. Schedule Preventative Maintenance. 
    Have an HVAC consultant check your equipment regularly to ensure good performance. Ask your consultant to check the ductwork for holes or gaps to prevent air leaks — an important step in cutting costs of energy use. 

The Department of Energy (DOE) has found that heating and cooling accounts for 50% to 75% of energy used in the average American home. For more information on cutting energy costs in your home, contact Air Assurance of Broken Arrow.

Air Conditioning, Central, Energy Evaluations, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Planned Maintenance, Rebates, Service & Maintenance, Tax Credits, Thermostats

Get Efficient A/C Systems With SEER

No matter whether you live in Broken Arrow, Tulsa or any other town or city across the state of Oklahoma, when you’re A/C system isn’t operating at top capacity, you certainly feel it. And when your equipment has passed the 10-year mark in age, it’s time to seriously look at replacing the system you have now with a high-efficiency air conditioning unit.When embarking on this adventure, you should be aware of the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating of the unit you will purchase. Cost-efficiency is important in these days of rising energy costs.What is SEER?The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio is the rating of an air conditioning unit, measuring the cooling output against the amount of energy (watt-hours) used over the course of a season of cooling. But what you really need to know is this: it measures how effectively a unit will cool your home. Think of it as Miles Per Gallon on a car.The higher the rating, the more energy efficient it is, and the less you will pay in cooling costs. Remember:

  • Older air conditioners usually have a lower SEER rating of perhaps 5 or 6.

  • More efficient models have a rating of at least 14 and can extend to 21+. Geothermal units can go as high as 27!

Save Money with Efficient Energy UseResidential air conditioners are currently required to be manufactured with a minimum rating of 13. But when you decide to replace your A/C system, you should look at getting a SEER rating of 14 on your unit, which qualifies it as an Energy Star air conditioner. Energy Star labels tell you you're getting energy-efficient equipment. Typically, these units also qualify for additional utility company rebates which can often offset the cost of the upgrade.When you have a long cooling season and high electricity costs, it is quite justified to spend a little more upfront for a high-efficiency A/C unit because you'll save more over time.To review your options thoroughly, it’s best to get a professional HVAC contractor to go over them with you. At Air Assurance, we are happy to answer any questions and give you our expert advice.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.