Hydrostatic Sewer Pipe Testing - Tulsa, OK
Hydrostatic Sewer Pipe Testing - Tulsa, OK
Hydrostatic test is a process performed by an experienced plumber to locate any breaks or leaks that may exist in a sealed sewer pipe system. An inflatable test device is inserted into building or home main line sewer cleanout and is then inflated in order to block or plug the main sewer line. The plumbing professionals at Air Assurance can provide a hydrostatic pressure test for your home or business if you believe a sewer line leak may exist. If your property has any foundation issues, foundation cracks or changes, these often can lead to a sewer pipe break in the foundation.
Air Assurance Hyrdostatic Services
Air Assurance Plumbing Division will not only determine the existence of a sewer leak with Hydrostatic Sewer Testing, but also determines the leak’s exact location and source. Pinpoint the leak’s source is critical because any intrusion into your home’s or business’s foundation needs to be kept to an absolute minimum. The sewer line professionals at Air Assurance are experts at determining the existence and location of sewer line problems, so you can rest assured the job will be done correctly with adherence to best plumbing standards and practices.
Leak Detection and Pipe Inspection – Process:
1. Hydrostatic Pressure Test
A hydrostatic pressure test is performed on a home or building’s sanitary sewer system to determine if there are water leaks present in the plumbing system. An inflatable test ball is inserted into building or home main line sewer cleanout and is then inflated in order to block or plug the main sewer line. The sewer system is then filled with water up to slab level, where the water level is observed for up to 15 minutes. If the system does not fill to slab level, or if the water level begins to drop, water leaks are present in the sanitary sewer system. The next phase of leak detection to identify these leaking sewer lines involves a combination of video camera pipe inspection and static leak isolation testing of pvc or cast iron sewer system.
2. Video Camera Pipe Inspection and Leak Location
State of the art in-line sewer or drain video camera equipment is used to perform sewer pipe or drain line camera inspection of a sanitary sewer system. The infrared camera is inserted into system through existing cleanouts, roof vents, or toilet drains to observe and analyze the condition of a sub-slab drain system. Exact locations of obstructions, breaks, stoppages or deteriorated pipes can be determined with sewer camera inspection along with approximate depth of the sewer pipe.
3. Static Leak Isolation Testing
Static leak isolation testing is the leak detection process in which we use a combination of sewer video camera pipe inspection and hydrostatic pressure testing to isolate and test different sections or areas of an under slab sanitary sewer system to pinpoint exact locations of water leaks in the system. Inflatable test devices are inserted into system through existing cleanouts, roof vents, and exposed toilet drains to perform hydrostatic test on an isolated portions of the sewer system. An in-line sewer video camera is used in the process to assist with the placement of test balls throughout the system and to map out the layout of the sanitary sewer system.
If you think you have a sewer leak, water line leak, or any other leak - you can count on the plumbing professionals at Air Assurance. Our plumbing service areas include Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Jenks, Owasso, Sapulpa, Sand Springs, Coweta and more. Call us today!