evaporative cooler

Air Conditioning

What Are Swamp Coolers?

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A swamp cooler is a type of cooling system that relies on water evaporation to cool the air. Also known as evaporative coolers, these devices cool incoming air by as much as 30 degrees F. They’re the most energy efficient way to cool, as long as the humidity is low.

The coolers pump water over absorbent pads. A fan inside the cooler pulls air through the pads. The air blows through the home to cool it. Some coolers use thermostats to turn on and off. How much they cool is completely dependent on the weather. They are most effective in arid regions like Arizona, New Mexico and parts of Texas.

Their Benefits

  • An evaporative cooler uses about four times less electricity than an air conditioner.

  • The coolers cost much less than central air conditioners.

  • Swamp coolers pull in a constant stream of fresh air and run quietly.

Ideal Applications

The easiest kind of home to cool with an evaporative cooler is a ranch-style single-story home. They can cool two-story homes, but the airflow needs to be balanced to assure adequate cooling for the upstairs. Larger homes require larger coolers. They’re also good for spot-cooling a garage or outbuilding.

Their Limitations

  • Evaporative coolers are extremely effective in arid climates when the dew point is below 55 degrees F. Swamp coolers are not nearly as effective as the humidity rises.

  • They also require venting. The air they pull in has to exit your home through windows, doors, or up ducts.

  • They raise the humidity levels indoors. As humidity increases, so does mold growth. Dust mites also thrive in humid conditions. Anyone sensitive to or allergic to either should consult his physician before installing a swamp cooler.

  • They require more maintenance than air conditioners even though they're mechanically much simpler than A/C units and heat pumps.

A swamp cooler can provide comfortable and efficient cooling during the spring and fall in the Broken Arrow region. If you’d like to learn more about these appliances, contact Air Assurance. We provide HVAC services for Broken Arrow homeowners.