Why The Blower Is Such An Important Part Of Your Furnace
When you have a forced-air system, heated air is created at the furnace and blown through a system of ducts, which carry the heated air to vents in each room of your home. The mechanism that actually moves this heated air through your ductwork is called a "blower." Without the blower, your heated air would not reach its intended destination. If your blower is malfunctioning, getting furnace repair is a top priority. Understanding your furnace blowerThe blower motor is usually the part of your furnace that has to work the hardest, since it is responsible for circulating your heated air. Blowers come in several different forms, depending on your furnace technology:
When you have a single speed blower, your blower is either on or off. When the temperature drops your thermostat setting, the blower kicks on at full capacity, with no option for adjustment.
With a variable-speed blower motor, you get the added benefit of a "soft start," which means the blower comes on at less than full throttle. After a few minutes of operation, the blower can increase capacity as needed to sufficiently warm your home. That way, the blower motor only runs at full charge when it needs to, instead of running at full capacity all the time.
No matter what type of blower you have, proper maintenance is essential to proper furnace function. Check your system regularly dirt or dust buildup, consult a professional if your blower needs repair, and don't forget to schedule annual maintenance.To learn more about furnace blowers, or if you need assistance with furnace repair, contact Air Assurancetoday.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today! Fan symbol image via Shutterstock