Have You Had Maintenance Completed on Your Generator?
A home generator can make a world of difference during a power outage. A generator, depending on its capabilities, may keep refrigerated food from spoiling and your hot water tank pumping out hot water. In other words, a it may help you from having to seek alternative living conditions during a power outage. In order to keep a generator in proper working order when you need it the most, it is imperative you establish a yearly routine generator maintenance schedule.
There are a number of factors which may keep your generator from working properly. Climate, specifically freezing temperatures, may keep an already compromised generator from starting. Fortunately the Tulsa climate dose not dip into the negative temperatures too often, but even our temperatures will affect an improperly cared-for generator. Losing power during the winter months, and without a generator to back you up, you may be put in a dire predicament. Other reasons your generators may not start include: compromised fuel supply, rust, debris, seized starter, blocked carburetor, fouled sparkplug, damaged flywheel, or severed electrical wire, just to name some of the more common ways a generator will not start.
Generators, depending on their make, model, size, and fuel supply, will require service not unlike your furnace. Routine generator maintenance includes ensuring components are in proper working order, making sure fluids are filled, and changing out air filters for starters. Waiting until a power outage to discover your generator has a loose sparkplug will cause you unnecessary heartache. Also, waiting until a power outage, or until the unit is fully broken, will ensure you pay the maximum dollar amount for your repairs. A little maintenance once or twice a year may keep you from having to shell out replacement costs on your investment.
Generators can make a difference during an emergency, but only if they are properly maintained. If you live in the Tulsa area, and have a generator that has not seen a maintenance mechanic since the assembly line, please feel free to contact us.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about generators and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.Image courtesy of Shutterstock