Realize Big Savings With A Geothermal System
If you live in Broken Arrow, you know that the summer months can get extremely hot and the winters can produce some pretty cold weather. These varying temperatures put your heating and cooling systems to the test, and can often leave you spending too much on your utility bills. Geothermal heat pumps provide a much more effective method of heating and cooling than do standard systems, and can also help you save money.Geothermal heating and cooling units are unlike most heat pumps in that they use the ground to provide your home's heating, air conditioning and hot water. These systems are considered to be 45-75 percent more energy-efficient than standard options. And because of their efficiency, the Federal government offers a 30 percent tax credit to consumers who add new geothermal heat pumps to their homes.The 30 percent tax credit currently being given by the government takes into account the price of the unit, in addition to the price of all of the installation and labor required. This credit is also uncapped, so no matter how large the project, the credit remains 30 percent. Also, the credit can be rolled over into other years up to 2016. A geothermal heating and cooling system must meet the Energy Star requirements that are in effect at the time of purchase.While geothermal systems cost more upfront, they will make up for that cost by saving you money in the long run. The experts at Air Assurance are well-trained to provide you with the assistance you need in choosing the correct heat pump for your home. Please contact us today for more information.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.