Insulation R-Value: Important for Helping You Keep Your Cool
Summer is coming, and if you live in northeastern Oklahoma, you'll probably greet warmer temperatures and sunnier skies with open arms. However, when the weather changes, utility bills often get higher. Unrelenting sunshine and hot weather overtax your air conditioner, while new blooms produce pollen that can invade the home and aggravate allergies. One of the most effective and long-lasting ways to lower the cost of cooling and reduce the strain on your HVAC system and appliances is to improve the amount and quality of insulation that protects your home from the outside world.
How do you know if your home is insulated properly? All modern insulation is graded according to how well the materials can resist heat. An insulation R-value is its resistance value, and it indicates thermal resistance to the flow of heat. In the wintertime, that heat flow needs to stop at the perimeter of your home, in order to avoid wasting money on heat that escapes outside. During the summer months, heat resistance is crucial because it determines how much energy it takes to beat the heat trying to get inside.
The most energy-efficient insulation may be able to reduce bills by as much as 30 percent each month. However, when it comes to insulation R-value, one size doesn't fit all. Insulation calculators and estimates will help you determine the appropriate R-value for your home's specific altitude, proximity to bodies of water and local climate. Insulation efficiency also depends on how and where it's installed; multiple layers can increase the resistance value, while tightly compressed insulation loses some of its strength.
Regular maintenance, such as thorough, seasonal duct sealing and regular air filter replacement, is also essential to maintain good air quality and prevent energy loss. For more information and advice about keeping your home comfortable and efficient all year, contact us at Air Assurance in Broken Arrow. We have more than three decades of experience in Broken Arrow and the greater Tulsa area, and we can help maximize the quality of your air and make sure you're not wasting money or energy.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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