home security

Air Conditioning, Featured

Simple Steps to Protect Your A/C Unit From Theft

Simple Steps to Protect Your A/C Unit From Theft

The relatively small amount of copper contained in your air conditioner's outdoor unit is an attractive target for thieves. To steal the copper in the coil, wiring and coolant lines, they won't hesitate to dismantle this costly component and leave you with spilled refrigerant, exposed electrical wires and an expensive A/C replacement. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to protect your A/C unit from theft to help avoid this costly and stressful experience:

  • Put the unit inside a cage - Enclosing the unit in a locked, well-built steel cage that's securely bolted in place will make your A/C less appealing to would-be thieves who are looking for a quick and easy copper heist.

  • Have an alarm installed - Have your HVAC contractor install an alarm that sets off a loud siren if tampering, voltage interruption or refrigerant leaks occur in your outdoor unit. Most alarms are designed to alert you by phone as well.

  • Install lights and a camera - Add a security camera to monitor the air conditioner. Place it in a difficult-to-reach spot and place warning stickers on the unit so thieves know they're on camera. To illuminate the A/C at night, have one or more motion-activated outdoor lights installed too.

  • Hide the unit from sight - Add shrubs, a hedge or a high fence around the outdoor unit to make it less conspicuous to thieves. If there's usually a lot of traffic on your street, leaving the unit out in plain sight can be an equally effective deterrent to thieves who don't want to be identified.

  • Paint the coil with microdots - Brush-on microdot products carry hundreds of individual dots that are visible under magnification. Each dot contains a uniquely assigned code that's registered with a national database. When a thief sees the microdot warning sticker on your unit, they'll be inclined to move on rather than risk trying to sell traceable stolen copper.

To learn more ways to protect your A/C unit from theft, contact the HVAC experts at Air Assurance today. We've been serving Broken Arrow homeowners since 1985.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “GSPhotography/Shutterstock”


Your Winter Vacation Checklist: Set the Thermostat for Maximum Efficiency, and Other Tips

Your Winter Vacation Checklist: Set the Thermostat for Maximum Efficiency, and Other Tips

Home efficiency and security are daily routines for many homeowners, such as turning back the thermostat during working hours and locking doors. If you are taking a vacation from the daily routine and grind this winter, make sure you put in place proper home efficiency, prevention and security measures while you are away. To make it easy, you can use this handy winter vacation checklist:

Winter Vacation Checklist

Thermostat settings are important for comfort and efficiency any time of year. When you are away on vacation, there are specific settings which, rather than completely turning off the heating system, you can use in order to save energy and prevent damage to home systems. Consider these recommended thermostat settings, and other helpful tips for combustion appliances:

  • Set the heating thermostat to 62 degrees. You don’t want plumbing issues (pipes freezing/bursting) by turning off the heat completely.

  • Put your combustion water heater on "vacation" setting (i.e., continuous pilot). If your system does not have a vacation setting, lower the thermostat to 70 degrees.

  • Turn off electric water heaters at the circuit panel.

  • Turn off the water main to the home. Run the water from an indoor fixture for a minute to relieve pressure.

  • For older appliances with a standing pilot light, turn the gas valve off.

Home Security

It’s normal to be concerned about your home when you are away. Use these tips so you may rest a little easier on your vacation:

  • Place your mail and newspaper delivery on hold, or have a neighbor retrieve it daily.

  • Use timers for lights, TV and radio to make your home appear occupied.

  • Consider placing valuables, such as jewelry, in a safety deposit box or safe.

  • Take out the garbage before you leave.

  • Unplug electronics.

  • Close window coverings at the rear of the home.

  • Make sure your homeowner’s insurance is up to date.

  • Leave emergency contact numbers -- including the number of your HVAC professional -- with your neighbor or house-sitter, and have a great time on your vacation!

For more winter vacation checklist tips, contact Air Assurance. We serve homeowners in Broken Arrow and the greater Tulsa area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

Image courtesy of Shutterstock