Select the Best Whole-Home Humidifier for Your Broken Arrow Home
Dry indoor air is common during the heating months. However, it can cause discomforts, health ailments and provide ideal conditions for many viruses, including influenza. A practical solution to alleviate dry indoor air and its side effects is a whole-home humidifier. Keep reading to learn how to select the best model for your home.
Evaporative or Steam Humidifier
Evaporative and steam are two popular types of in-duct humidifiers. They are plumbed to your home’s water supply and drainage and contain no pans to refill and maintain. You can also control humidity levels automatically with a wall-mounted device called a humidistat.
Evaporative humidifiers (also called flow-through) contain a changeable media pad or a washable mesh screen to provide ducted airflow with moisture. Water flows evenly down the pad or screen through holes in a water trough. Airflow from the furnace blower is diverted into the humidifier and through the pad or screen. The airflow then evaporates some of the water, and carries the water vapor through the air ducts to your living space. Excess water flows into a collection pan and is drained away.
Very little electricity is used with evaporative humidifiers. In fact, you may actually save energy by using a humidifier. Humid air feels warmer than dry air, which means you can turn back your thermostat a few degrees and receive lower heating bills.Like evaporative humidifiers, steam humidifiers attach to your ductwork, using airflow to distribute water vapor to your entire home. In steam whole-home humidifier, electrodes produce steam, rather than using evaporation. Steam humidifiers deliver more precise distribution of water vapor and are considered better than evaporative models for larger homes.
Humidifier Sizing
To size a humidifier, an HVAC technician will measure the square footage of your home and consider HVAC add-on equipment, such as a zoning system and variable-speed blower. Sizing is important for efficient operation. Why waste money paying for a humidifier that's too large?
For more information about whole-home humidifiers, contact Air Assurance in Broken Arrow.
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