Humidity Control With Dehumidification Systems Gives Oklahomans Comfort
While the summer is winding down, humidity levels remain high. As your air conditioner struggles to keep up with the heat and humidity, you may notice your energy costs rising and your household comfort suffering. What’s worse, as excess moisture begins to accumulate in your household, you may experience the growth of mold or even water damage to the structure of your home.Instead of putting your family’s respiratory health at risk, consider the benefits of dehumidification. Whether you choose a portable unit or a whole-house dehumidification system, you can alleviate the burden that excess moisture puts on your home, family and HVAC system.Keeping humidity levels between 35 and 50 percent is easy with a whole-house system. While room dehumidifiers can be successful within their indicated capacity, whole-house systems often provide as much as four times the efficiency. Plus, you have control over the humidity of your entire household, making it easier to keep consistent levels of comfort throughout the home. Other benefits of whole-house systems include:
No wasted space – Integrated into your HVAC system, a whole-house dehumidifier doesn’t impose on your floor space.
Quiet operation – Where room dehumidifiers are hard to miss due to the noise they produce, whole-house units offer quiet, distraction-free operation.
Whatever option you choose, be sure to consult with a professional regarding the proper sizing of your dehumidification unit. As with any HVAC component, dehumidifiers must be matched to the unique needs of your home. Larger rooms need larger capacity dehumidifiers. You can also look at the units EF, or energy factor, to determine the level of efficiency it will provide for the level of energy it will consume. More efficient systems carry a higher EF rating.It’s also important to look at temperature specifications when comparing dehumidification units. Some units are better suited to operation during lower temperatures, while others may be apt to freeze when the temperature drops below 65 degrees. Look for models that feature anti-frost sensors to prevent potential freeze-ups.If you’re having humidity issues in your home, don’t suffer quietly. Contact the experts at Air Assurancetoday.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!