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Drain Safety: Make Sure These Things Never Go Down a Drain

Drain Safety: Make Sure These Things Never Go Down a Drain

The drains in your home are an essential part of providing quality home comfort for you and your loved ones. If you want your plumbing problems to remain at a minimum, then drain safety is an absolute must. A big part of that is ensuring that none of these things ever go down one of them:

Paper Towels and Similar Products

Many people seem to think that paper towels are no different from tissue paper and other flushable products. This is absolutely not true. If you want to clog up your toilet, flushing paper towels, cotton balls, baby wipes, and similar items is definitely the way to do it.

Feminine Products

This is similar to the list above, but it is so common for these things to be flushed, it deserves its own point. Please do not flush feminine products down the toilet. These should be placed in the trash every single time.

Kitty Litter

Despite popular belief, kitty litter does not belong in the drain. What happens is that a bit of this sand-like product often stays behind and settles in the drain. It won't take long before it's fully clogged, which means you'll be making a call to your local plumber before you know it.

Drain Cleaners

It's almost second nature these days to reach for a drain cleaner at the store for a quick DIY job. The problem is that these cleaners are corrosive and cause damage to your pipes. A HVAC professional can clear your pipes without hurting them.

Grease and Oil

Sorry, bacon lovers! Pouring grease down the drain is a great way to plug it up. Instead, collect the grease in a container, and once it's full, throw it away in the garbage.


You know how pasta expands in size when you cook it in water? The same thing happens when you shove it down your drain, which can cause a clog quite quickly.

For more expert advice on drain safety or other home comfort issues, please contact the experts at Air Assurance. We've been serving the needs of Broken Arrow since 1985.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about drain safety and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Brett_Hondow/Pixabay”

Featured, Plumbing

Clogged Drain? Find Out What to Do Before the Plumber Arrives

Clogged Drain? Find Out What to Do Before the Plumber Arrives

Sooner or later, all homeowners will encounter a clogged drain. Depending on the cause of the clog and where it's located, you may experience anything from an annoying slow drain to a serious overflow and even flooding. Some clogs you'll be able to fix yourself; others will require professional attention. Here are some tips for either case.

Minor Drain Clog

Most minor drain clogs are caused by congealed food, soap and hair. More than likely you can fix a minor drain clog with some do-it-yourself remedies. Here are some of the most effective:

  • Pour a half cup of baking soda in the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar. Cap it off and let it foam for 10 minutes. Follow up by pouring boiling water down the drain.

  • Sometimes, simply pouring a pan of boiling water down the drain will loosen the clog. You may have to pour several pans to effectively loosen and move the clog.

  • Use a drain snake or hanger to reach into the pipe. Try to loosen or snag the clog.

  • Remove the P-trap underneath the sink. Clean it out and replace the trap, making sure that water flows freely through it.

Major Clogged Drain

You'll know when you have a major drain clog. The water won't drain from the sink, tub or appliance (dishwasher or washing machine) or else it may overflow, resulting in flooding. If the clog is in the sewer line, and is a result of grease, tree roots or collapsed pipes, you will need a plumber. If water is overflowing somewhere in your home, find the valve to the sink or appliance and turn it off. It's a good idea to also turn off the water at the main valve, probably located in the yard, near the street. Do not turn the faucets on until the plumber arrives.

For more information on clearing a clogged drain, contact Air Assurance. We provide quality service to residents of the Broken Arrow area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “cigdem/Shutterstock”