What Local Laws Can Help You Save Money on Your AC Bill?
With hot temperatures throughout the summer in the Broken Arrow area, having air conditioning in your home is essential. One drawback to having central air is that it can cost a lot in terms of your energy bills. Local money-saving laws and a few other tips can help you lower the cost of cooling your home this summer.
R-22 or HCFC-22 Laws
If you have an older air conditioning system that still uses R-22 or HCFC-22 — also known as freon — keep in mind that these use a lot of energy. Throughout the United States, this type of refrigerant is being phased out gradually. With these phaseout laws in place, this is a good time to consider switching to a new AC system. In addition to using less energy to cool your home, you’ll also have an easier time having repairs made if needed. Although the phaseout laws don’t require you to buy a newer AC system that doesn’t use R-22 or HCFC-22, you can save considerable money on your energy bills.
Local Money-Saving Laws
In the Broken Arrow area, Power Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO) offers ways to save money and energy. PSO has several instant rebates available for homeowners who have certain upgrades done, such as purchasing an eligible energy-efficient HVAC system. Homeowners can save up to $800 with this type of upgrade — or even more money when two or more qualifying upgrades are done. Air Assurance is among the service providers that can help you qualify for these HVAC upgrades.
Tips for Reducing Energy Usage
You can also save money on energy bills this summer by scheduling routine HVAC maintenance, which keeps your AC working efficiently. Using a programmable thermostat, changing your air filters, and turning your thermostat up a few (or more) degrees are other ways to lower the cost of cooling your home during the summer months.
If you’re looking for more ways to save money on cooling your Broken Arrow home, contact Air Assurance today.