Prepare Your OK Home for Cooler Weather With These Fall Home Maintenance Tips
With the days rapidly growing cooler and shorter in Broken Arrow, now is the perfect time to get some work done around the house while it is still warm enough to let the fresh air in. The following fall home maintenance tips can help you get a good start on this year's preparations before the bitter cold of winter sets in:
Fall Home Maintenance Tips
Have the heating system checked: The fall is the perfect time to have your heating system inspected and maintained by a certified HVAC technician, which will help keep the system running efficiently throughout the winter and allow the technician to find and prevent serious problems before they happen. Regular maintenance helps extend the life of your HVAC system and reduce your heating bills.
Replace the air filter: Check the heating system's air filter in the fall and winter once a month, and replace it when necessary. This will help keep your system running efficiently and prevent excess wear and tear.
Seal air leaks: Use weather stripping around doors and windows to prevent drafts, and use caulk or sprayed-foam insulation to fill gaps around pipes, electric wires, exhaust vents and other openings in the exterior walls. Make sure that your ceilings, walls, floors and attic have the proper amount of insulation, and that it is properly installed and in good condition.
Get rid of dust: Use a vacuum to eliminate as much dust as possible while you can still keep the windows open. Pay special attention to the heating registers, cold air returns, filter housings, fans, stove hoods and exhaust vents. If you have any tasks that generate heavy chemical fumes, such as painting, oven cleaning or carpet cleaning, do them now before it is too cold to open the windows.
Replace batteries: Replace the batteries in your thermostat, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, and verify that they are working correctly.
For other convenient fall home maintenance tips, talk to our home heating experts at Air Assurance Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing today. We serve Broken Arrow, the Tulsa metropolitan area and the surrounding communities.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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