How Often Should You Open Your Windows for Natural Ventilation?
Maintaining good airflow throughout your home is important. Your HVAC system circulates and filters your air, but it also uses a lot of energy. Opening your windows, on the other hand, provides great natural ventilation that can reduce your energy bills while keeping your air clean.
Benefits of Natural Ventilation
The air in your home is filled with contaminants. Fresh, outdoor air is much cleaner. By opening windows to let that fresh air in, you can improve your indoor air quality. Opening two windows on opposite sides of a room provides a cross breeze, letting the bad air out and the good air in. This can also help your system's air filter last longer by filling your house with clean air.
Additionally, letting cool air in on a summer day reduces the burden on your AC. Fresh air provides natural cooling so your HVAC doesn't have to run as long. This not only saves energy but it may help extend the life of your system.
Drawbacks of Natural Ventilation
As great as fresh air is, you can't just leave your windows open all the time. The air may be cleaner, but there are still pollutants to worry about. Pollen and dust can get in, as well as exhaust from passing cars and other sources.
Moreover, while cool air may help you save energy, once the weather gets hotter, it has the opposite effect. If the air outside is warmer than your thermostat setting, you're raising your indoor temperature, making your AC work harder to cool your home.
So how often should you open your windows? It's recommended that you do so once a day, for at least five minutes. Fifteen to 20 minutes is preferable. However, when you open them is also important. Keep them open at night or in the early morning, when the weather is cooler. Then, before things start to heat up, close the windows and draw the blinds to keep that cool, fresh air inside as long as possible.
For more help with natural ventilation, contact us at Air Assurance. Broken Arrow's home comfort is our top priority.