Helpful New Homeowner Plumbing Tips
When moving into a new home, most people don’t give a lot of thought to what’s going on inside the drains or the pipes hidden inside walls or the crawl space — until something goes wrong, that is. Plumbing issues can make an otherwise trouble-free home a headache. Here are a few plumbing tips to help you be prepared for any unpleasant surprises in the future.
Know the location of the main water shutoff valve and how to operate it. Every adult in the house should be able to turn off the water supply to the house in the event of a serious indoor plumbing emergency. Test the main valve annually to make sure it turns freely. Also test shutoff valves to individual toilets in the house in case a toilet overflows. Consult a plumber if any valves won’t turn or function properly.
Clear clogged drains with hot water and a common plunger. Avoid using caustic drain openers that contain corrosive chemicals that may deteriorate plumbing pipes and seals. Powered drain snakes from rental outlets may be improperly sized for your plumbing and may damage delicate pipes. If simple plunging fails to open a clogged drain, contact a qualified plumber.
If the house came with a washer connected to rubber hot and cold water supply hoses, these hoses typically have a short service life and may fail unexpectedly. Ruptured washer supply hoses are a frequent source of major indoor water damage. Put rubber washer supply hoses on your list to be replaced with braided stainless steel lines that have an unlimited service life.
There’s no such thing as a minor leak in a water supply line. Small pinhole leaks may be external evidence of serious corrosion inside the pipe. A pipe rupture and expensive water damage may happen at any time. Get advice from a qualified plumber about any pipe leaks.
For more plumbing tips, or professional service to resolve any plumbing issues that may come up, contact Air Assurance.
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