Surge Protection Can Save The Life Of Your HVAC System During Fall Turbulence
Any time the seasons change, you can expect to see strong weather. If you live in or around Tulsa, the change from summer's oppressive heat to fall's cooler days and crisp nights means the likelihood of wind and rain. Although these may be welcome changes to you, the unsettled weather can wreak havoc on your electronics, as well as your heating and cooling systems. One good way to prevent damage to these systems is to make sure that your home has adequate surge protection.Surge protection is designed to prevent changes to the flow of electricity into or within your home. Any spike or drop in the amount of energy traveling through the wires in your home can damage TVs, computers, household appliances and, yes, the electrical components of your heating and cooling systems.There are two basic types of surge protectors you may use in your home to protect your electronics:
Service entrance protection, which controls the flow of electricity into your home.
Point of use protection, which controls the flow of electricity from the outlet to the item drawing power from it.
For best results, a combination of these two types of surge protection should be used. Nothing can prevent all fluctuations in power, especially when Oklahoma's powerful fall storms come calling, but properly installed surge protectors can prevent a great deal of the damage caused by power fluctuations to your heating and cooling system and other electronics in your home.If you would like more information about surge protection and its benefits, please contact us at Air Assurance. We have been keeping the people of Tulsa and the surrounding area comfortable for more than 25 years and proudly maintain an all-NATE-certified service team. We can further explain the benefits of surge protection and help you with any other heating or cooling questions or problems you may have.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock