R22 Refrigerant Costs in 2020 - Tulsa, OK
R22 Refrigerant Costs in 2020 - Tulsa, Ok
We have arrived at this date! As of January 1, 2020, the production and import of R22 refrigerant will be illegal in the United States. You can continue to use of your air conditioner (AC) or heat pump system using R22 refrigerant. However, it does mean that if your AC or heat pump system needs a refrigerant repair, you may have to decide between a hefty refrigerant repair bill and a system replacement. R22 refrigerant is now only available in the United States from remaining stockpiles and as a reclaimed and recycled form, which will drive up the costs of R22 refrigerant repairs.
R22 Refrigerant Leaks – Don’t Ignore them
If your air conditioning system needs R22, chances are you have a leak. Rather than continuing to pay these increased costs to replenish the leaking R22 system or leaking component, It’s recommended you repair the leak and test the system or simply move to replacing the system with a more efficient and up to date system.
Concerns about R22 Substitutes
As the R22 refrigerant phase out deadline looms, demand will increase and supply for R22 will reach an all time-low. As a result, the EPA has already reported cases of counterfeit and contaminated refrigerants being sold that have caused explosions and fires.
By law, technicians who may handle refrigerant when servicing air conditioners and refrigeration equipment must be EPA 608 certified. This means they have completed an educational program and passed a certification exam. Since the certification never expires, you need to make sure your service provider keeps up with changes in the regulations. You should also make sure your HVAC-R service provider uses EPA-approved refrigeration handling equipment when working with your equipment.
When to Explore Replacement Options
The best time to explore replacement options, is while your system is operating. Don’t wait until you have a major breakdown to begin this process. You may miss a chance to maximize savings, rebates, and you can get immediate savings with a more efficient system. The professionals at Air Assurance can help find the right equipment for your comfort and budget. Call Air Assurance any time to schedule a comfort consultant when you are ready