How Long Could My Gas Furnace Last?
One of the things you should understand about your gas furnace is although they should last for anywhere from 15 to 25 years, there are many things that can contribute to a longer lasting gas furnace. First, the quality of the gas furnace has a lot to do with the number of years you can expect to get out of it. A few other factors regarding the longevity of your gas furnaces life include how often you use the furnace, how it is used and whether or not the furnace has been receiving proper maintenance as needed.
There are also some very simple steps you can take that help you to get the most out of your gas furnace. Some of the things you want to do on a regular basis are:
Change the air filters
Make sure the air vents and returns aren’t obstructed
Close your damper on the fireplace
Keep the heat pumps and air conditioner free from surrounding trash and vegetation
Check the duct system and make sure the ducts are properly sealed and the insulation is intact.
Call out a professional, such as Air Assurance, to provide an inspection and tune up of your equipment in the summer and winter.
By providing your own routine maintenance and calling out the professionals for tune ups, you can help your furnace last longer. Not properly caring for your furnace can cause extra wear and tear which wreaks havoc on the furnace and its parts, causing it not to last as long as it could have. Extra wear and tear on your furnace can also affect the amount of fuel it uses, the amount of soot that occurs in its burners, and negatively affect its various mechanisms.
If you are in the Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area, then you want to get in contact with Air Assurance, a company who has received numerous awards and has been in business since 1985. If you have any questions about your gas furnace, or need assistance, you should contact Air Assurance now.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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