preventive maintenance

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Air ducts

Indoor Air Quality in Your Tulsa Home - Ways You Can Improve It

How's the Indoor Air Quality in Your Tulsa Home? 3 Ways You Can Improve It

How's the Indoor Air Quality in Your Tulsa Home? 3 Ways You Can Improve It


At Air Assurance, we provide many indoor air quality solutions. Many homeowners have dealt with allergies, dust, or other problems in their home never realizing that the indoor air quality can be improved. If too little outdoor air enters a home, pollutants such as dust, mold, bacteria, fungi, and other contaminates can accumulate to levels that can pose health and comfort problems. Health concerns, such as allergies, asthma or the hazards of carbon monoxide can often be attributed to a poorly maintained, designed, or installed heating and air conditioning system. We provide duct cleaning service in Broken Arrow, Jenks, Owasso, Coweta, Tulsa and more!


Indoor Air Quality is important. Air duct cleaning helps maintain the hygiene of your household. Unclean ducts make the air unfit for breathing. Bad indoor air quality is one of the major causes of many respiratory problems like asthma and allergies. But did you know, you don't always need a duct cleaning? Often times we can help elimnate the source of the duct problem.

The system cleans your air ducts by brushing and removing debris and dirt directly out of your HVAC system and into our hepa filtration silencing box. We can then apply an anti-microbial protectant inside your duct work that kills most germs and microbes on contact for up to an entire year, greatly reducing or eliminating air-borne pathogens.

An HVAC air filter captures only about 7 percent of airborne debris in the average home. That means that roughly 93 percent of the dust in your air keeps circulating through the heat vents and HVAC system. To improve your air quality and protect your costly HVAC equipment from damage, it's wise to have the condition of your ducts checked every two years. When duct cleaning is needed, make sure you hire an experienced professional who adheres to standards established by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) and uses the correct cleaning procedures to safeguard your home and HVAC system.In between checkups, watch for these telltale signs that your ducts need cleaning.

About indoor air quality

Everyone deserves to breathe healthful air, especially at home. Doing so can be a challenge in today’s modern world, however, when homes are well insulated for energy efficiency. Airtight homes have a downside: They trap contaminated air inside. Many products that we use daily at home contribute to bad indoor air quality, too. Cleaning fluids, pesticides, hobby materials, home improvement dust and even wet carpets emit harmful particles, polluting your air supply. Combustion debris and gases from cooking/home heating float through our indoor air along with pet dander, dust and bacteria. Here in the Tulsa area, we have the added challenge of a humid climate, which encourages mold growth.  

Safeguarding indoor air quality: the three ways 

  • Source control: Your goal is to eliminate or minimize sources of poor indoor air quality. Limit the use of harmful chemicals in your home and ensure proper storage. When cooking or showering, use your exhaust fans (properly vented to the outdoors) to clear out cooking odors and humid, moist air. Schedule preventive maintenance to ensure your appliances and HVAC system work properly, limiting the possibility of gas leaks. For safety, install CO (carbon monoxide) monitors/detectors near sleeping areas and test regularly.

  • Ventilation: Proper, balanced airflow throughout the home depends on a properly designed, sized and maintained duct system. Have your ductwork sealed to prevent energy loss and maintain air quality. Duct cleaning is advisable in some cases. Since A/C systems can’t provide adequate ventilation, whole-house mechanical ventilation is recommended.

  • Air cleaning: No one air sanitizing method is perfect, but using a few specialized tools in combination can provide greatly improved IAQ. Whole-house air cleaning with UV lighting, when incorporated into your home’s air cleaning, heating and cooling system, helps prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Consider asking your home comfort contractor to apply broad-spectrum antimicrobial microbiocide to further inhibit harmful bacteria. For the best air quality, include a whole-home air cleaner with an advanced filtration system and highly effective air filter.

Concerned about indoor air quality? Contact the experts at Air Assurance. Visit our website to learn more or give us a call.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

Featured, Preventative Maintenance

DIY and Professional HVAC Maintenance Tasks

DIY and Professional HVAC Maintenance Tasks

An HVAC system is a big investment. One of the best ways to protect your investment is to perform periodic HVAC maintenance. While a good portion of HVAC maintenance should be done by professionals, there are certain tasks you can do yourself.

DIY HVAC Maintenance

For example, your outdoor unit requires clear air flow to function properly. By doing some simple maintenance, you can prevent air flow problems.

  • Trim back plants. It's best to keep a two-foot perimeter around your outdoor unit where plants aren't allowed to grow up past the base of the unit. Keep grass trimmed down and cut back any other opportunistic plant life that tries to spring up.

  • Remove debris. Grass clippings, old leaves, and other objects that block air flow should be swept or raked away whenever they build up.

  • Clean condenser fins. The fins that allow air to flow into your unit tend to catch dust. With the unit off, gently vacuum the fins clean to reduce the amount of dust that gets into your system.

Another DIY task you can do is to clean or replace your air filter. The air filter protects your system from the dust, pollen, and other particles in your air. By changing the filter every one to three months, you can help your system last longer and improve the quality of your home's indoor air.

Professional HVAC Maintenance

In addition to the maintenance tasks you can do yourself, there are certain jobs that should be done by professionals. A trained HVAC technician will not only make sure your system is working properly, but he can also frequently catch problems before they get out of hand.Professional maintenance will address the following areas:

  • Refrigerant levels. The technician will check for leaks and make sure you have the appropriate amount of refrigerant for your system.

  • Part lubrication. The technician will inspect the moving parts of your system and provide lubrication as needed.

  • Electrical connections. The technician will inspect and tighten electrical connections as needed.

Interested in learning more about HVAC maintenance? Contact Air Assurance, your Broken Arrow area HVAC experts.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “OpenClipartVectors/Pixabay”

Air Conditioning, Featured

Keep Your Air Conditioner From Freezing

Keep Your Air Conditioner From Freezing

As hot as it gets in Broken Arrow in the summertime, your air conditioner can still freeze. If it's never happened to you before, it's a good idea to know what to do, in case you can fix the problem yourself. Even if you have to call for help, you will know what to do to limit damage until a technician arrives. Knowing a bit about how a frozen air conditioner occurs can also help you prevent this happening so that you're not sweltering on a hot summer day.

Change Your Air Filter

It may just sound too simple to be true, but a dirty air filter can actually cause your air conditioner to freeze by blocking air flow. The dirt buildup on the air filter can prevent an adequate amount of air from passing over the evaporator coil, so that the condensation on the coil can freeze.If you can't remember to check and change your air filter regularly, set yourself reminders on your computer or schedule maintenance with your HVAC consultant regularly a couple of times during cooling season to make sure your A/C is running right.

Improper Refrigerant Charge

Another reason for scheduling regular maintenance is to check the refrigerant charge for proper levels. Low levels may mean you have a leak, and a low refrigerant charge can cause your A/C to freeze up.

What to Do When the A/C Freezes

If your A/C isn't cooling properly and you find ice on the evaporator coils, turn the system off. Check the filter and change it, but allow the ice to defrost before you turn it back on. (You can turn on just the fan to speed up the procedure.) As the ice melts, check the drain pan under the evaporator coil to make sure it doesn't over flow.If the system still won't cool, call a licensed HVAC company. Only licensed technicians should handle refrigerant.

To learn more about dealing with a frozen air conditioner, contact Air Assurance. We offer exceptional service and customer satisfaction in Broken Arrow and the surrounding area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).Credit/Copyright Attribution: “GSPhotography/Shutterstock”

Air Conditioning, Featured

How to Increase Air Conditioner Efficiency

How to Increase Air Conditioner Efficiency | Air Assurance

A high-efficiency air conditioner keeps your home cool while at the same time using less energy and costing you less money. Over time, however, issues can develop that decrease air conditioner efficiency and drive up your cooling costs. Here are a few steps you can take to boost A/C efficiency, reduce energy usage, and trim your monthly bills.

  • Have preventive maintenance performed — A preventive maintenance check-up gives your trusted HVAC professional to opportunity to inspect your cooling system from end to end. He will make adjustments and minor repairs that will increase efficiency and performance quality. Maintenance should be done at least once a year, usually in the springtime before cooling season sets in.

  • Change air filters — Dirty, clogged air filters can restrict the air flow your cooling system needs to work properly and at its best level of efficiency. Check filter condition at least once a month. Put new, fresh filters in when the old ones get dirty.

  • Cut down on heat gain Heat gain is the accumulation of heat inside your home from external sources. These include sunshine coming through windows, heat from appliances, and heat radiating downward from a hot attic. To avoid sunshine, close drapes and curtains. Avoid running ovens and clothes dryers at the hottest times of day. Make sure your attic is well ventilated and insulated to keep it cool.

  • Use a programmable thermostat Programmable thermostats help you get the best efficiency from your air conditioner. Use pre-programmed set points to control when the air conditioner turns off and on. Program the thermostat to reduce cooling when you're not at home, such as during the workday, then automatically increase cooling to make your living spaces comfortable when you get back.

  • Seal ductwork to stop air leaks — Make sure ductwork connections are fitted tightly together and that they are sealed with mastic or metal tape.

Air Assurance is Tulsa's leading choice for professional HVAC sales, installation, maintenance, and repair. Contact us today for more information on air conditioner efficiency and how to keep your cooling system working at its best throughout the summer and beyond.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Juergen-Faelchle/Shutterstock”

Featured, HVAC system, Planned Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance

Why Should You Invest in Preventive HVAC Maintenance?

Why Should You Invest in Preventive HVAC Maintenance?

With winter temperatures in Broken Arrow falling into the 20s and summer temperatures reaching into the 90s, having reliable heating and cooling for your home is essential. Since your HVAC system gets a significant amount of use throughout the year, it’s prone to wear and tear that can reduce its efficiency and even compromise its safety. Having preventive HVAC maintenance done helps ensure that your system stays in good condition, which provides the following benefits.

Lower Heating and Cooling Costs

The longer your HVAC system goes without maintenance, the harder it has to work to heat and cool your home, resulting in energy bills that are much higher than usual. With preventive HVAC maintenance, you can make sure your system is able to run efficiently all year, which leads to lower energy bills. This type of maintenance typically includes checking refrigerant levels, cleaning exchange coils, and performing other tasks that are part of ensuring optimal HVAC efficiency.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Your HVAC system can end up causing excessive moisture indoors, which can lead to mold growth and make your home feel uncomfortable. Mold spores can result in health issues such as respiratory problems for you and your family. Your system can also create poor indoor air quality if filters are covered with dust and other debris. This can trigger allergic reactions, asthma attacks, and other health problems. HVAC maintenance lowers these risks and makes your home healthier.

Reduced Risk of Costly Repairs

Preventive HVAC maintenance involves performing several tasks, including checking for potential problems and thoroughly inspecting all parts of the system for signs of wear and tear. Finding problems early helps you avoid having to pay for major repairs that are much more expensive later on, or even having to replace your system due to extensive deterioration. HVAC technicians can also help you avoid needing repairs done by taking steps to prevent potential problems from turning into actual ones.

To schedule preventive HVAC maintenance for your home, contact Air Assurance today. We offer HVAC services to customers in Broken Arrow and Tulsa.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “alexmillos/Shutterstock”

Preventative Maintenance, Service & Maintenance

Find Out Why Preventative HVAC Maintenance Is So Important

Find Out Why Preventative HVAC Maintenance Is So Important

The equipment and systems that heat and cool your home are just like any other mechanical devices. If they aren't properly maintained, they won't operate with optimum efficiency, they'll malfunction more often and they won't last as long. While cooling and heating systems need annual professional maintenance, they also need TLC from the homeowner in the form of preventative HVAC maintenance. Following are some steps you can take to help your HVAC systems keep your home comfortable while using energy efficiently.

Preventative HVAC Maintenance Steps

  • Check the air filter. The air filter for your furnace, heat pump or A/C plays an essential role in delivering cooled and heated air throughout your home. If the filter is clogged or dirty, the HVAC equipment will have to work harder to push air through the system. This will waste energy and stress system components. A dirty air filter also will result in dust coating sensitive parts, causing friction and wasting energy. Finally, when a filter gets clogged, eventually your blower will start pushing particulates around the filter and into your indoor air. Inspect the filter monthly and when it looks dirty, change or clean it (depending on the filter).

  • Keep vents and registers clear. Rugs, furniture, toys and other objects can block heating and cooling registers. This impedes airflow and reduces HVAC performance.

  • Similarly, keep yard debris such as leaves, sticks and grass cuttings away from the outside unit of a split-system A/C or heat pump. Anything that restricts airflow to the condenser coil will erode efficiency and performance.

With today's complex heating and cooling systems, most homeowners are better off letting a professional technician handle any but the simplest preventative HVAC maintenance. During an annual or semi-annual maintenance tune-up, a trained technician will run through a lengthy checklist of tasks and checks to make sure your heating or cooling systems will operate efficiently and safely till the next regularly scheduled visit.

To schedule a preventative HVAC maintenance visit, or to discuss an extended service protection plan, please contact us at Air Assurance. We provide quality HVAC services to the greater Tulsa metro area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “ducu59us/Shutterstock”

Air Conditioning

Common Air Conditioner Problems That You Should Be Aware Of

You may be aware that your air conditioner is not performing well, and, with the hot Oklahoma summer arriving soon, it is essential to get any problems sorted out. What are the most common air conditioner problems?

Common Air Conditioner Problems That You Should Be Aware Of

Before tackling any problems, it's good to know the basics of how an air conditioner works and what its components are, so make sure to do a little research.

Historical Problems

If you live in a home that was built many years ago, and if it has an air conditioner that is older than 10 years, you may find that it the HVAC system was poorly installed or that you have a refrigerant leak. You should call on the professionals to assess your system.

If your air conditioner does not work, check fuses and circuit breakers in your main electricity box, and replace or reset them if necessary. Wait about five minutes before you reset breakers to allow your air con to cool down.

Drainage Obstructions

Condensate drains may get blocked, so check them to make sure they're draining properly.

Sensor Issues

The sensor, found behind the control panel of a room air conditioner, may be out of position and cause the unit to cycle all the time. The sensor should be near the coil but not touching it.

Control Failure

The fan and compressor controls wear out, particularly if the air conditioner is continually cycling, which tends to happen if the system is oversized. Corrosion can also occur and needs to be attended to.

Insufficient Maintenance

Regular preventive maintenance is imperative if you want to avoid the most common air conditioner problems that arise, and there are a few things you can do yourself like cleaning filters and coils. Of course, you may find that what you really need is a new, energy-efficient air conditioner unit and, if so, speak to your air conditioner provider about which is the best one to buy.

To find out more about common air conditioner problems or any other HVAC-related issues, contact Air Assurance today. We've been serving residents in the Broken Arrow area since 1985.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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How Long Could My Gas Furnace Last?

How Long Could My Gas Furnace Last?

One of the things you should understand about your gas furnace is although they should last for anywhere from 15 to 25 years, there are many things that can contribute to a longer lasting gas furnace. First, the quality of the gas furnace has a lot to do with the number of years you can expect to get out of it. A few other factors regarding the longevity of your gas furnaces life include how often you use the furnace, how it is used and whether or not the furnace has been receiving proper maintenance as needed.

There are also some very simple steps you can take that help you to get the most out of your gas furnace. Some of the things you want to do on a regular basis are:

  • Change the air filters

  • Make sure the air vents and returns aren’t obstructed

  • Close your damper on the fireplace

  • Keep the heat pumps and air conditioner free from surrounding trash and vegetation

  • Check the duct system and make sure the ducts are properly sealed and the insulation is intact.

  • Call out a professional, such as Air Assurance, to provide an inspection and tune up of your equipment in the summer and winter.

By providing your own routine maintenance and calling out the professionals for tune ups, you can help your furnace last longer. Not properly caring for your furnace can cause extra wear and tear which wreaks havoc on the furnace and its parts, causing it not to last as long as it could have. Extra wear and tear on your furnace can also affect the amount of fuel it uses, the amount of soot that occurs in its burners, and negatively affect its various mechanisms.

If you are in the Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area, then you want to get in contact with Air Assurance, a company who has received numerous awards and has been in business since 1985. If you have any questions about your gas furnace, or need assistance, you should contact Air Assurance now.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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Did You Skip Your Furnace Inspection Last Fall? Schedule It Now

If you skipped your annual furnace inspection last fall, you can check two items off your to-do list by scheduling it now and having your technician perform an A/C check-up too. Regular HVAC maintenance can help you:

Did You Skip Your Furnace Inspection Last Fall? Schedule It Now
  • Avert dangers such as gas and deadly carbon monoxide (CO) leaks, and the risk of explosions and fires.

  • Find and fix small issues before they grow into expensive repairs.

  • Prevent undue wear on key system components, which can help you avoid an inconvenient and costly equipment failure.

  • Extend the service life of your vital HVAC equipment, and satisfy the requirements of your manufacturer's warranty.

  • Improve the energy efficiency of your entire heating and cooling system, which will save you money year round.

The tasks performed during a comprehensive HVAC system tune-up can vary, but typically, a reliable professional will:

  • Check that the thermostat is functioning correctly to ensure that you have a comfortable living environment, and that you're saving as much energy as possible.

  • Measure the voltage and current on your system's motors, and tighten all the electrical connections.

  • Lubricate all the moving parts to reduce friction and prevent excessive energy consumption.

  • Inspect and clean the system's condensate drain to prevent a backup and the risk of water damage in your home.

  • Test the system's built-in safety controls to ensure proper operation.

  • Check the equipment's startup cycle to ensure that it starts, runs, and shuts off as it should.

  • Clean the blower components, and make any necessary adjustments to increase your comfort and improve the overall system efficiency by as much as 15 percent.

  • Clean the condenser coils to ensure effective and efficient cooling.

  • Check the A/C refrigerant level to maximize efficiency, and prolong the equipment's service life.

  • Examine the heat exchanger(s) for signs of corrosion or cracks.

  • Test for correct gas pressure, and check all fuel connections.

  • Check for proper combustion, and clean the furnace burner(s) if necessary.

To learn more about the benefits of scheduling an air conditioning and furnace inspection, contact us at Air Assurance. We've proudly served the HVAC needs of Broken Arrow area homeowners for over 30 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Three Pollutants Homeowners Should Monitor For

Three Pollutants Homeowners Should Monitor For

The air quality in your Oklahoma home is important. Any number of pollutants could be hanging around waiting to cause trouble. Among the most concerning pollutants that homeowners should worry about are radon, carbon monoxide and mold.

Radon: This odorless, colorless gas naturally rises from soil and bedrock. It makes its way into the home through cracked floors, dirt floors and poorly sealed basements. High levels of this gas can increase a person's chance of developing lung cancer. Radon detectors can be found at most hardware stores and are the only way to test for the presence of radon in your home. You can prevent the buildup of radon in your home by properly sealing windows, doors and any cracks in the basement and foundation of your home.  Luckily for the Tulsa area, this is not a common pollutant we are faced with.

Carbon Monoxide: Also called CO, carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas. CO is generated by the fuel-burning process, such as gas stoves, furnaces and water heaters. Over-exposure to the gas can cause CO to build up in the blood stream, resulting in headaches, nausea, dizziness and even death. The only way to detect CO in your home is with a carbon monoxide detector. Avoid high levels of CO by properly ventilating your home. You should also only use approved heaters and furnaces to heat your home. If you believe there are high levels of CO in your home leave the house and call local professionals.

Mold: Mold is a biological pollutant that grows in damp conditions. These conditions can be caused by high humidity, leaking pipes or a high condensation rate. Mold can cause an array of heath problems, from simple eye irritation to life threatening allergic reactions. Signs of mold growth include a musty smell and discoloration of floors, walls or ceilings. You can remove small growths of mold through aggressive cleaning. The best way to control mold growth is through proper ventilation, not allowing wet conditions to prevail in the home and by the use of ultraviolet light irradiation technology in the HVAC system.

To find out more about common air pollutants and other HVAC information contact Air Assurance, serving the Broken Arrow area for more than 20 years.

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Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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HVAC system

Your Home's Comfort Systems Don't Work Independently of Each Other: How to Benefit From This Principle

Your Home's Comfort Systems Don't Work Independently of Each Other: How to Benefit From This Principle

Your Home's Comfort Systems Don't Work Independently of Each Other: How to Benefit From This Principle

Homeowners in the greater Tulsa area put a strong emphasis on improving their home’s energy efficiency. The best way to do this is by using a systematic approach.  The comfort systems in your home do not work independently of one another; rather, they should work with each other to increase your indoor air comfort. 

Use these tips to improve your overall comfort and energy efficiency, so that each of your "systems" works well together.

Air Leaks

Your home “breathes,” exchanging air between the indoors and outdoors. Seal leaks around your home using caulking or weather-stripping. This eases the burden on your HVAC system. Take care to check:

  • Around windows and doors

  • On the home’s exterior where two different types of building materials meet


Air conditioned air by your HVAC comfort system travels through ductwork. Leaking ductwork makes the HVAC system work harder and makes the home less energy efficient. Address this by:

  • Finding gaps or damaged ductwork

  • Using mechanical fasteners to secure ductwork

  • Use mastic to close any gaps


Your home’s attic can become extremely hot during summer months, resulting in a bigger load on your HVAC system. Using insulation of R-30 or greater will help regulate those temperatures thereby decreasing the work your HVAC system does to cool the upstairs.


Windows allow the exchange of air and also let in sunlight. While sunlight can be desirable for lighting, it is also accompanied by solar radiation which warms the air.  Use lightly colored curtains to allow in light while blocking some of the radiation to help regulate temperatures.


Your HVAC system both heats and cools the air that travels through your home. You can maintain these items by changing filters regularly. You should also use a qualified HVAC technician to perform preventive maintenance annually to increase the system’s useful life.

Lights and Appliances

When you replace lighting and appliances, take care to select more energy efficient models.

Want to know more about the interconnection of your comfort systems? Contact Air Assurance today; we’ve been serving the needs of the greater Tulsa area since 1985.

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Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Preventative Maintenance

A/C, Heat Pump Thieves Are on the Move: Learn How to Protect Your Condenser

A/C, Heat Pump Thieves Are on the Move: Learn How to Protect Your Condenser

A/C, Heat Pump Thieves Are on the Move: Learn How to Protect Your Condenser

If your heat pump or air conditioner sits on the ground, you could be at risk from A/C and heat pump thieves who target these units to access the copper condensing coils inside. The price of copper has been up over the last few years, and the copper thefts are on the rise. These thieves are fairly indiscriminate about where they get their copper, raiding homes, businesses, churches and schools. Copper is so attractive to steal because it's untraceable. While most insurance policies cover this kind of theft, making a claim may raise your rates and the deductible could be high. These tips will help you protect your outdoor condenser so you won't lose the use of this crucial appliance:

  • Put a cage around it. The cages made from steel will discourage any thief. It will take too long to cut through it to make it worthwhile for A/C, heat pump thieves to bother with. The cages lock and you'll have a key to open it for routine maintenance.

  • Wire it to an alarm. If your home has a security system, your provider can attach devices that will monitor the system and send a signal if someone tampers with it.

  • Alarm it independently. You can install a separate alarm for it that will go off when it senses a change in voltage or refrigerant level. It will sound a loud siren.

  • Use security lighting. Motion detectors or a yard light that shines on the condenser could cut your risk of losing your condenser, especially if you're routinely home at night.

Theft prevention is key to prevent a costly replacement. If yours uses R-22, you'll have to find a condenser that matches the air handler's evaporator coil and refilling it will cost a good deal since the price of R-22 has risen substantially. Otherwise, you'll need a completely new system.The pros at Air Assurance can help you avoid A/C, heat pump thieves by protecting your equipment. Please contact us to learn more. We've provided trusted HVAC services for the Broken Arrow area since 1985.Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes;mso-style-priority:99;mso-style-parent:"";mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;mso-para-margin:0in;mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";}

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Preventative Maintenance

Surge Protection: There's More To It Than a Power Strip

Surge Protection: There's More To It Than a Power Strip

Surge Protection: There's More To It Than a Power Strip

If you're like many other homeowners, your home is full of expensive and complicated appliances and devices, making surge protection more important than ever. Home entertainment systems, kitchen appliances and the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system inside your home employ sensitive electronic circuitry to varying degrees. Many homeowners rely on power strips that promise surge protection or plug-in surge protectors to protect their electronics. The protection they provide may be adequate for small spikes in the power supply, but probably can't protect against a lightning strike or a spike in the power caused power returning after an outage.The lightning strike doesn't even need to hit your home to cause catastrophic damage to the appliances inside. Lightning can hit a power pole as close as a mile, travel into your home and burn up your computers and appliances.Other problems associated with power surges could be caused by a high energy using appliance, like a laser printer or your HVAC equipment turning off. Suddenly that extra power will be directed to another appliance and damage its components. It may take months or longer for the appliance to fail or the effect could be immediate.The best protection against power surges caused by lightning, power outages, or electrical fluctuations are whole-house surge protectors. These devices are installed at your circuit breaker box and send excess voltage into a ground wire. Once the flow returns to normal, these surge protection devices allow the power to return as normal.If you aren't home to turn the circuit breakers off when the power goes out or a bad storm is nearby, a whole-house surge protector will give you the assurances you need that you probably won't come home to any problems with your appliances and electronics.It can take time and money to replace your appliances, especially those you rely on for comfort and convenience, like your HVAC system. To learn more about surge protection for your home, contact Air Assurance. We've provided trusted HVAC services for the Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years.Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONE/* Style Definitions */table.MsoNormalTable{mso-style-name:"Table Normal";mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0;mso-tstyle-colband-size:0;mso-style-noshow:yes;mso-style-priority:99;mso-style-parent:"";mso-padding-alt:0in 5.4pt 0in 5.4pt;mso-para-margin:0in;mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif";}

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Service & Maintenance, Water Heaters

Your Water Heater Needs Seasonal Maintenance: Here's How

Your Water Heater Needs Seasonal Maintenance: Here's How

Your Water Heater Needs Seasonal Maintenance: Here's How

When the seasons shift and it's time to start thinking about preventive maintenance for your HVAC system, expand your attention a little further to appliances such as your water heater. With regular maintenance, your water heater will run more efficiently, at a lower cost, and at a higher level of safety.Flush the tankDuring normal use, sediments and other material will accumulate in the bottom of your water heater's storage tank. Removing these sediments helps prevent damaging rust and corrosion within your water heater. A clean tank also improves system efficiency, which reduces the amount you pay every month for hot-water expenses.A complete tank flush should be performed as part of seasonal preventive maintenance. You can occasionally perform a smaller-scale flush by following these steps:

  1. Locate the drain valve near the bottom of the tank. It will likely look like a faucet or similar type of plumbing fixture.

  2. Put an empty bucket under the drain.

  3. The drain may have a handle or a large slot in a valve designed to be turned by a flat-blade screwdriver. Turn the handle or slotted valve to start a flow of water into the bucket.

  4. Drain a few gallons of water from the tank, then shut off the valve and empty the bucket.

Test temperature and pressure (T&P) valveYou should test T&P valve of your water heater regularly to make sure it works properly. The T&P valve is designed to release internal pressure if the water in the heater gets too hot or develops too much pressure. This prevents the water heater from bursting and causing damage or injury.To test the valve, lift up on the handle and release it. The valve should quickly snap back into place, accompanied by a gurgling sound of water moving into the drain. If the valve returns to position slowly or not at all, have your HVAC technician replace it immediately.HVAC customers in Tulsa and Broken Arrow can count on Air Assurance for reliable, expert HVAC sales, maintenance and repair. Contact us today for more information on maintaining your water heater or to schedule a professional maintenance inspection for your hot-water system.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Preventative Maintenance

Regular Preventive Maintenance Encourages Energy Savings


Most of the tasks involved with preventive maintenance should be left to the pros. However, there are a few steps homeowners can take to care for their cooling systems. With warmer weather just ahead, now’s the time to schedule preventive maintenance with your local HVAC expert, and learn what you should be doing to keep the system in good operating condition. Both tasks ultimately ensure optimal operating efficiency and energy savings.

Preventive maintenance tasks your HVAC technician will perform include:

  • Checking the system’s refrigerant charge, and adjusting it as necessary.

  • Inspecting the refrigerant lines, ensuring that they don’t leak.

  • Cleaning the components to remove dirt buildup.

  • Inspecting the condition of components such as the fan motor and blades, the coil, the drain line, compressor, condenser and evaporator.

  • Checking the control box, wiring, relays, circuit boards and more for wear and tear.

  • Checking the airflow over the air handler.

  • Measuring the temperature differentials on the supply and return side of the ductwork.

  • Checking the overall safety of the system as it operates.

Here's how homeowners can participate in preventive maintenance before and during the cooling season:

  • Before starting up the air conditioner for the first time, install a new air filter.

  • Over the season, check the air filter regularly, about once a month, and install a new one as necessary. A dirty filter will block airflow into the A/C, and decrease operating capacity.

  • Keep the outdoor unit free from obstructions like grass clippings, leaves and so forth that also impede airflow.

With regularity, preventive maintenance offers more benefits to homeowners than just energy savings. By providing your system with the care it needs, you’ll largely bypass costly repairs that are common when homeowners neglect to maintain their air conditioners. You’ll also extend the life of the A/C, as experts agree that a system that’s well cared for will last longer, often for as much as five years.

Contact the experts at Air Assurance Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing today to schedule preseason preventive maintenance for your air conditioner. We've served homeowners in greater Broken Arrow for nearly 30 years. Give us call today or visit our website for more information.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

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Air Conditioning, Service & Maintenance

Protect Your HVAC System With The Air Assurance Extended Service Plan

Without maintenance, you put your air conditioner and furnace at risk for a host of problems, but you can easily protect your HVAC system—without breaking the bank—by investing in regular maintenance. Air Assurance offers its unmatched Extended Service Plan to customers who want to guarantee regular maintenance for their systems, while taking advantage of added perks.

Why you need to protect your HVAC system

Your HVAC system is prone to buildup due to pollutants and dirt in the air. Further, your system has moving parts, which are susceptible to wear and tear. The two main goals of preventive maintenance are to keep the system clean so that it can operate efficiently, and to detect potential problems early on.When you provide your system with a tune-up every year, once in the fall for your furnace and once in the spring for your air conditioner, you’ll benefit because:

  • Your system will operate at peak efficiency.

  • A top-performing system will consume less energy, so you’ll save on monthly energy bills.

  • Your system will require fewer repairs.

  • It will last up to five years longer, according to most experts.

The benefits of an Extended Service Plan

With the evidence clearly outlining the need for and benefits of regular maintenance, you’ll want to also consider the value of a service agreement. Simply put, this is an agreement between you, the homeowner, and your valued contractor, which gives the contractor permission to service your furnace and A/C, and in return, you get several high-value perks. At Air Assurance, our Extended Service Plan offers:

  • All of the above benefits, including peak efficiency, energy savings, fewer repairs and a longer lasting system

  • Priority service

  • No overtime charges...ever

  • A limited Lifetime Repair Warranty should any repairs be necessary

  • A comprehensive inspection of your HVAC equipment

  • A record of your service history, should you need to validate a warranty

  • Parts and labor discount of 15 percent

  • Access to coupons and specials

  • Service reminders

Having annual maintenance performed on your furnace and A/C is the single, best way to protect your HVAC system. For more information, or to ask about our Extended Service Plan, in the Greater Broken Arrow area, contact Air Assurance Heating, Cooling & Air Quality today!

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!     

Energy Evaluations, Service & Maintenance

Six Energy Saving Steps You Can Take To Prepare Your Home For Winter

With winter coming soon, you want to minimize your heating requirements so that you can boost energy savings. Here are six steps you can take to ensure you stay warm while not overpaying. Remember to Change Your Air FiltersThis is an incredibly simple step and yet so many homeowners neglect it.  By forgetting to replace your air filters regularly, you allow debris to build up and form a dense screen that is hard for air to pass through. This requires more energy use from your air system, spiking energy costs. It also makes your filters less efficient and lowers the quality of your indoor air.Close Vents in Rooms Frequently UnoccupiedAvoid distributing conditioned air into rooms that don't need it. If there are rooms that are often empty, like guest rooms, close the vents to send that air to parts of your home that need it more. This will reduce the overall workload for your air system, helping extend its longevity.Unclog Your Condensate DrainPoking a stiff wire through will break up blockage and help your air get dehumidified better. This is particularly helpful if you have been experiencing sticky or moist air in your home.Seal Your Air DuctsThis is a huge problem in many homes and can be responsible for you losing up to 20 percent of  your air before it ever makes it to your supply ducts. Use duct mastic to close off any gaps or holes that you can find in the exposed ducts that you can access.Install A Programmable ThermostatThese save you from having to run your air system all day long, and are very useful for generating energy savings. They give you control over your air system even when you are away from home.Schedule Preventive MaintenanceThis is the most important thing you can do this fall to keep your energy costs low. An HVAC expert will inspect your equipment to make sure it's operating optimally and efficiently.For more tips that will help you create energy savings this winter, contact Air Assurancetoday. We have served the Tulsa and Broken Arrow regions for over 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!      

Heat Pumps, Planned Maintenance, Service & Maintenance

Your Heat Pump Will Last Longer With Routine Preventive Maintenance

heat pump routine maintenance tulsa broken arrow oklahoma

With Oklahoma’s fall and winter months approaching, preventive maintenance and inspection of your home’s heat pump system will help avoid expensive repairs in the cold season ahead. You'll also enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your system is working at optimum efficiency, thereby saving you money. Here are a few do-it-yourself steps you can perform to ensure long-term efficiency:

  • Begin the inspection and cleaning of your heat pump by switching off power to both your inside and outdoor systems. The inspection and cleaning of your heat pump are the only times power should be shut off.

  • Set your thermostat to a comfortable temperature; regulating the temperature helps your heat pump perform the most efficiently.

  • Clean or replace your air filters once every one to three months.

  • Drain the condensate pan and clean the trap once every one to three months.

  • If your system’s indoor coils are accessible, check them every month and clean when necessary.

  • To achieve peak airflow from your air registers, make sure they are not blocked by furniture or other objects.

  • Check and clean the area in and around your heat pump’s outdoor system, keeping the area clear of leaves, grass clippings and other debris.

If you notice unusual sounds emanating from your heat pump, it isn’t performing to your expectation or you are not confident in performing the above steps, call your heat pump contractor for further inspection.  In fact, professional heat pump maintenance should be performed annually. This annual service should include:

  • Lubrication of motors

  • Belt check for tension and proper operation

  • Thermostat testing

  • Inspection of ducts for leakage and airflow

  • Change of filters

  • Cleansing of blower and coils

  • Inspection of the refrigerant charge

  • Tightening of electrical terminal connections and the application of non-conductive coatings, if necessary

If you need heat pump maintenance in the Broken Arrow and Tulsa metro area, our NATE-certified technicians are always ready to help. For an expert consultation, contact Air Assurancetoday.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!      Photo courtesy ofShutterstock.

Energy Evaluations, Planned Maintenance, Service & Maintenance

Keep On Top Of Your Preventive Maintenance, And Your Heating And Cooling System Won't Let You Down

There’s no better way to compromise the efficiency of your heating and cooling system than to neglect routine professional maintenance. Without preventive maintenance, you run the risk of small adjustments and repairs turning into costly emergency repairs and replacements.Even if you manage to avoid a system shutdown, an inefficient system means increased energy costs over the long term. That’s why we recommend scheduling preventive maintenance annually for both your heating and cooling systems.Different aspects of your system will be addressed during cooling- and heating-specific preventive maintenance calls. For example, during a cooling-specific maintenance check, our technicians address:

  • Condenser Coils – Dirty coils can compromise efficiency and system lifespan. Our technicians will remove any dirt and debris.

  • Refrigerant – If your system has a leak or was improperly charged upon installation, our technicians will ensure that refrigerant levels are charged to manufacturer specifications.

  • Air blower – Adjustments will be made to ensure maximum airflow throughout your home.

During heating-specific service, our technicians address:

  • Combustion chamber – Carbon buildup will be removed and your chamber will be evaluated for potential damage or corrosion.

  • Flue pipe – Adjustments will be made to ensure the efficiency of your barometric damper and your flue pipe will be inspected for damage.

  • Burner – Burners will be examined to ensure efficient operation.

Many aspects of your system are addressed during both preventive maintenance calls, including:

  • Air filters – Dirty and clogged filters can affect airflow and air quality. These will be replaced.

  • Condensate drains – Blockages will be removed to prevent water leakage that can affect humidity and damage the structure of your home.

  • Electrical components – These will be tightened and evaluated for safe operation.

  • Motor lubrication – Without lubrication, unnecessary friction can occur in the motor, compromising system efficiency and increasing energy costs.

  • System controls – Controls are evaluated to ensure safe operation and efficient system cycling.

  • Thermostat – Settings will be tested for accuracy.

These are just a few of the important issues our NATE-certified technicians address during an in-depth preventive maintenance check. If you've been neglecting your system, don't wait until it shuts down completely. Contact Air Assurance for an expert consultation. Call us today!Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Planned Maintenance, Service & Maintenance

Simple Preventive Maintenance Can Keep Your Cooling System From Conking Out When You Need It The Most

The heat is on its way to our area, and you know what that means ... extra stress on both your budget and your cooling system. To save yourself from the heat and hassle of a cooling system meltdown -- which not only saps the body, but also the wallet -- here are a couple of very simple preventive maintenance tips you need to implement before the hot summer months are upon us.Check and Change FiltersPerhaps the easiest possible preventive maintenance you can do to help save wear and tear on your system and cut down on those high summer bills is to make sure your air filters are changed and are the proper size.  Dirty filters restrict airflow into the system and make your cooling system work that much harder to keep your home at the temperature you want.  Keeping dust and dirt out of your cooling system is key to having an efficient system that lasts longer, so when you change the filters, double check that they are the proper size. Also, the most expensive filters, doesn't always mean high efficiency.  Sure, they might filter more dust, but by doing so, they can restrict air flow.Seal Your HomeAnother bit of preventive maintenance you can do is to check and make sure that your home is properly sealed. Stopping cool air from escaping, and warm air from entering, your home is vital to preserving the life of your cooling system and keeping those summertime bills as low as possible.  Check the obvious areas, such as the ones around doors and windows, but don't forget to check the not so obvious areas, such as the attic or basement. Once a leak is detected, it is a simple matter to seal up the leak using caulk or foam sealant that can be found at any local hardware store.If you aren't sure how to use these items to seal your home, or how to check for leaks, contact a professional contractor for assistance. Summer and winter are the busy seasons, so don't hesitate to contact one as soon as possible.Contact Air Assurance for more preventive maintenance tips and other expert advice.  We are always happy to answer any questions you might have.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.