What to Know About Attic Safety
You already know how hot an attic can get in the average Broken Arrow summer, but that's not the only thing you should know about attic safety. Dim lighting, low rafters, and exposed wiring are a few of the other hazards you'll need to look out for if you or a technician will be working in the attic.
Plan Ahead
Well before work begins, check the attic's structural integrity. Make sure the floor is strong enough to walk on safely. If the floor is weak or damaged, consider using plywood or planks to provide a safe walking surface. A little cleanup also improves attic safety. Remove clutter such as stored scrap lumber and drywall. To reduce risk of injury, hammer down exposed nails, tie up loose wires and cables, and mark low-hanging beams with strips of brightly colored plastic or fabric.Bring an electrician's drop light into the attic to ensure there's plenty of light to work by. Have all your tools and supplies together ready to take up to the attic to minimize the number of times you have to risk a fall by climbing up and down the attic access ladder.
Choose the Right Clothing and Equipment
Wear clothes that will protect your skin from dirt, insulation fibers, and rough surfaces. Your clothes should be loose enough to let you move freely, but not so loose they'll get caught on anything. For optimal protection, wear a disposable coverall, hair cover, shoe covers, and gloves. These protect your skin and, because they can be thrown away after use, they prevent you from tracking insulation, mold spores, and pest droppings into the rest of your house.Use an OSHA-approved dust mask or particulate respirator to keep airborne pollutants out of your lungs. You may also need fall protection equipment, such as a body harness properly anchored to a roof beam. Bring along a flashlight in case your drop light fails. In warm temperatures, take plenty of water.
For more help improving your attic safety, contact us at Air Assurance in the Broken Arrow area.
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