Tips for Spring Cleaning Your HVAC System
Spring is a time of new growth and new beginnings, and a time to prepare yourself for the year ahead. When it comes to your home comfort, spring can also be a time to get your house in order – and part of that process should be HVAC spring cleaning. Here are a few tasks you won't want to neglect when you're getting ready for the coming year:
Schedule your annual maintenance. The time is coming when you'll need to put your heater to rest, and get your air conditioner ready to run at full efficiency. Scheduling spring HVAC maintenance can make sure all your appliances are in working order, and will stay that way.
Change your furnace air filters. Ideally, you should change your air filters once a month. If you've been neglecting that, then make sure to get them done now! You'll also want to keep an eye on them through the spring, as pollen and other allergens can clog them easily.
Clean floor registers and return air vents. Your air filter catches a lot of the dust that travels through your home, but it can't get all of it. Dust, dander, and other debris can gather in registers and vents, so use a vacuum with a hose attachment to clear them up.
Change the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. These appliances help keep you and your family safe – and changing the batteries early lets you avoid the beeping "low battery" warning.
Clean your air conditioner coils. An air conditioner works by taking heat energy out of your indoor air, and releasing it outside. Its job is much more difficult if an insulating film of dust collects on the coils. Check your owner's manual for instructions on cleaning them.
HVAC spring cleaning can have a big effect on your comfort throughout the spring and summer months. To learn more about taking care of the HVAC system in your Broken Arrow home, contact us today at Air Assurance!
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Africa Studio/Shutterstock”