Air Conditioning

What AC Wattage Should Your Home's System Be Using?

Summer is almost here, and with it comes high electric bills as you try to keep your house comfortable. How much electricity does your AC use to cool your home? How do you ensure it's using that power as efficiently as possible? Here's what you need to know about AC wattage.

AC Capacity

On average, a central AC system uses 1,000 watts per hour for every ton of cooling it produces. One ton of cooling covers about 600 square feet. Therefore, for a 2,000-square-foot house, you'd need between 3 and 3.5 tons of cooling, which would use 3,000 to 3,500 watts per hour.

A window unit uses less — between 500 and 1,400 watts per hour, depending on its size. However, they also cover much less square footage than a central AC. In order to cool your entire home, you might need up to three or four large units, which would add up to more energy usage in the long run.

Sizing and AC Wattage

A number of factors besides square footage affect what size AC your home needs — and what AC wattage it needs. For instance, if you have large, south-facing windows, they'll get a lot of sun exposure, producing more heat. If you have good insulation, though, it can help keep the heat at bay. Even the materials your home is made from can affect how much cooling you need.

When you buy a new AC, your HVAC contractor will take all of these factors into consideration to determine the cooling capacity your home requires. If your unit is too small, it won't cool your home adequately. It will run longer and use more energy trying to get your home to your desired temperature.

However, if your unit is too big, it also wastes energy. It cycles on and off rapidly, which wears out the system prematurely. It also causes disparate temperatures between rooms and even across the same room, making your home feel clammy and uncomfortable in the process.

For help getting the most out of your AC wattage, contact us at Air Assurance. We provide Broken Arrow with quality heating and cooling solutions.