Air filters

How Well Do Air Purifiers Help Your Home's Air Quality?

Your HVAC system removes some of the contaminants from your home's air, but that's not what it's designed for. If you suffer from allergies or asthma and you want to maximize your indoor air quality, you'll need something more powerful. Will an air purifier do the trick? If so, what kind do you need? Here's what you need to know about air purifiers and IAQ.

What Air Purifiers Do

An air filter's effectiveness is measured by its MERV rating. The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value measures a filter's ability to remove contaminants from the air — how many and what size. A residential HVAC system can usually handle a filter rated up to MERV 12. This will eliminate basic dust and pollen, as well as milled flour, auto emissions, and a few other things.

However, if you want a filter that can remove viruses, bacteria, or smoke, you'll need a higher rating. The most effective option is a High Efficiency Particulate Air filter. HEPA filters are rated between MERV 13 and 20, which is too thick to go into a regular HVAC system without causing damage. With an air purifier, though, a HEPA filter can remove up to 99.97% of contaminants down to 0.3 microns.

Keep in mind, though, that 99.97% is measured in ideal, laboratory conditions. The filter's effectiveness in your home will likely be a bit less. Additionally, the air purifier only remains effective if you change the filter regularly. Still, as far as air purifiers go, HEPA is the best.

VOCs and IAQ

Good air purifiers eliminate most airborne contaminants, but VOCs are a different matter. Volatile Organic Compounds are harmful gases released by common household items such as paints and cleaning supplies. As gases, they flow through even HEPA filters and circulate through your home.

To eliminate VOCs, you'll need a system that uses a gas-phase filter, such as activated carbon, working in tandem with your HEPA filter. Carbon or charcoal absorb harmful gases to keep your air breathable.

For help improving your indoor air quality, contact us at Air Assurance. Broken Arrow's home comfort is our top priority.