
Service & Maintenance

W+hy Does My House Have a Musty Smell?

Why Does My House Have a Musty Smell?

If you experience a musty smell when returning home, odds mold or mildew is growing somewhere inside your home. Mold has a fluffy appearance and can be white, black, or colorful. Food often becomes moldy as it rots. A few types of cheese, like blue and Roquefort, have veins of mold growing inside them. Mildew is a powdery substance that grows on living plants and fabrics like carpeting, drapes and upholstery.Mold and mildew are mother nature’s natural decomposers. Both require moisture and organic matter as food to thrive. When you smell it in your home, it indicates that there is a colony of mold or mildew growing somewhere. The odor may be an early warning sign for water leaks inside walls or a basement that’s wicking water from the soil. Other sources might be plumbing fixtures like sink drains, washing machine, or the garbage disposal.

Finding the Source

Your nose is the best way to track down the source of the musty smell. If it’s in the walls, look for mildew or mold growing on the drywall or nearby. Leaking pipes, ice dams, or roof leaks can send water into the walls or ceilings. Spongy drywall also indicates mold.Plumbers use cameras to find the source of leaks inside walls or ceilings and you might be able to find a roof leak by entering the attic on a sunny day and looking for daylight. Wet insulation also indicates a roof leak. Look for compressed areas or darker areas.

Getting Rid of the Problem

Vinegar is one of the least toxic ways to get rid of mold and mildew. Pour it down the sink drains or add some to the washing machine. Washing or deep cleaning fabrics might remove the mildew odor. Having the HVAC thoroughly cleaned, including the ducts, can remove much of the smell as well. Putting UV (ultraviolet) lights in the HVAC system will also stop mold and mildew infestations.

For more information about getting rid of the musty smell, contact Air Assurance, providing HVAC services for Broken Arrow homeowners.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Featured, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Mold

Keep Your Home Free of Bacteria and Mold

Keep Your Home Free of Bacteria and Mold

Mold and bacteria growth in your home is more than just an annoyance — it's a health risk. Both of these issues can make your family sick, and that's why you need to take the time to understand the cause of these problems and the best prevention measures to take.

What Causes Mold and Bacteria Growth?

Growth of mold in your home is not a sign of a dirty home. Spores for a number of molds are naturally in the air, no matter how clean a home is, and if they find a dark, warm and damp area, they will take root and start to grow. If you have an area in your home that is constantly damp, such as the area around a water leaked, the air conditioning system or in your bathroom where moisture in the air is almost always present, molds will start to grow.Bacteria is also naturally present in your home. It comes in on your shoes, food and even skin. This, unlike molds, can be combated by cleaning. However, if you are not cleaning the air as well as the surfaces in your home, you may still have a bacteria concern.

What Measures Can Prevent These Problems?

If you find that your family members are having respiratory concerns in your home, or if you notice signs of mold, such as visible mold spots or a musty smell in the home, then it's time to take measures to stop these problems. First, make sure your home is cleaned well to prevent bacteria growth. Next, take measures to stop unnecessary moisture. Exhaust fans in bathrooms, professional water damage repair when you have a leak and prompt attention when you have standing water are all important measures you can take. Finally, consider installing an air purifier to remove bacteria and mold from the air.

If you have further questions about mold and bacteria and your Broken Arrow home, the team at Air Assurance is here to help. Give our home comfort specialists a call today to discuss your concerns.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “ClkerFreeVectorImages/Pixabay”

Featured, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Oklahoma Allergy Season Tips

Oklahoma Allergy Season Tips

From ragweed to cotton, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma has its share of allergies. When allergy season hits, the itching eyes, stuffy nose, and tickly throat can be almost unbearable. Here are some allergy tips to help you reduce your suffering.

1. Upgrade Your Air Filter

The air filter in your HVAC system traps allergens to keep them from circulating in your home. Filter effectiveness is measured in Minimum Efficiency Recording Value, or MERVs, which range from 1 to 20. If you upgrade your existing filter to a high efficiency one with a MERV rating between 14 and 16, you will have fewer allergens in your home.

2. Remove Debris Around the Outdoor Unit

Plants and other debris around your outdoor unit can impact your indoor allergen levels, because the outdoor unit pulls air through that debris and into your home. Keep the area around your outdoor unit clean and clear.

3. Dust the Registers and Vents

Registers and vents that are dusty blow dust and pollen through your home. Dust these first, then dust the remainder of your home, to remove the dust and other indoor allergens that could be making your allergies worse.

4. Check for Mold

If you have never had your HVAC system checked for mold, schedule an inspection. Mold exasperates allergies and can cause other respiratory concerns. If you do have mold, have it professionally removed to ensure your family can breathe safely.

5. Consider Duct Cleaning

If you are using an efficient filter, have cleaned outside your system and have checked for mold, but you are still struggling with allergies, consider duct cleaning. Removing allergens from the ducts will prevent them from being spread around your home.

One of the best allergy tips, however, is to have your HVAC system professionally inspected and serviced at the start of the allergy season. In Broken Arrow, Air Assurance provides comprehensive HVAC service, including inspections. Contact them today to schedule your HVAC system inspection this allergy season.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Serhiy Kobyakov/Shutterstock”

Mold, Ventilation

Eliminate Black Mold From Your A/C Vents with These Cleaning Tips

Eliminate Black Mold From Your A/C Vents with These Cleaning Tips

Finding black mold on your A/C vents isn’t a reflection of your housekeeping habits. Often damp with condensation and supplied with continuous airflow circulating airborne microorganisms, air conditioner components offer the perfect environment for black mold growth, as well as common mildew. Since dormant spores that spawn mold are in continuous circulation through your ductwork, occasional outbreaks on your A/C vents aren’t unusual. Here’s how to get rid of them:Before getting to work, put on protective clothes, gloves and a high-efficiency face mask. You don’t need to be breathing black mold spores in if you can avoid it.

  • Unscrew the vent grille of your A/C unit and place it in a large basin or tub. Then, add a few sprinkles of laundry detergent and enough water to completely submerge the vent grille.

  • Vacuum the inside of the exposed duct to remove any dust within reach.

  • After 15 minutes, remove the vent grille from the basin, rinse with clean water and allow it to air dry.

  • Spray the interior of your duct with water to prevent spreading the dry mold dust around. Then, wipe down the duct surfaces with soapy water.

  • Because simple mold removal is not sufficient to stop mold growth, you'll need to disinfect the vent surfaces to prevent recurrence. Make a simple cleaning solution, and use a mop or other long-handled cleaning instrument to swap the duct with the mixture. Also, don't forget to apply disinfectant to the blades of the vent grille.

  • Let all components thoroughly dry before reassembling, and then re-attach the intake vent cover.

  • Lastly, discard all rags and other cleaning supplies that may be contaminated with mold spores in a sealed plastic bag.

For more information on preventing mold growth on A/C vents and any other HVAC components, contact Air Assurance in Broken Arrow.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Joe Belanger/Shutterstock”

Water Alarm

Keep Mold and Mildew at Bay by Installing a Water Alarm

Keep Mold and Mildew at Bay by Installing a Water Alarm

A water alarm can be placed anywhere in your home to prevent water damage. This alarm can detect the presence of moisture and alert you to a leak before it becomes a problem.Installing a water alarm can protect your home’s value, indoor air quality and your family’s health. Plus, installation only takes a few minutes, but the benefits will last for many years to come. So, what are the other benefits of installing a water alarm in your home?

Prevent costly repairs: While some water damage is obvious -- there’s no mistaking a flooded laundry room or basement -- others are not as apparent. For instance, you may not notice water soaking into the floor of an unused part of your home until substantial damage has been caused. A water alarm can detect this problem and alert you immediately.

Protect tenants and property in a multi-family unit: If you live in or rent out a multi-family unit with multiple floors, a water alarm is a must. Leaks flow downhill, so if neighbors upstairs have a problem, downstairs neighbors will too. Installing water alarms in each unit will give you peace of mind and protect your investment, even when some units are vacant.

Prevent dangerous mold and mildew: The mold that grows after a flood or leak is more than just unsightly, it's a health hazard too. A water alarm can help prevent mildew and mold from forming, so you can avoid this common nuisance.

Protect your pipes: If you live in a region with cold climate, you know the damage that can be caused by burst pipes. A water alarm can detect the first signs of trouble, and some are even equipped to activate your heater and warm your pipes to a safe temperature.

Are you worried about water damage and mold, or do you want to learn more about water alarms? Contact Air Assurance in Tulsa and Broken Arrow for the latest in home water damage protection.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “RioPatuca/Shutterstock”

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Mold

How to Keep Mold and Dampness at Bay This Winter

How to Keep Mold and Dampness at Bay This Winter

As a homeowner, you've probably encountered some mold and dampness in your living space. Mold can be a concern year-round, but the fact that your home is closed up all winter long is a reason to increase vigilance when you detect damp conditions.

What Is Mold?

Mold is a natural substance, a kind of fungus that grows indoors and out, but flourishes in warm, humid environments. It reproduces by means of spores.Some common types that occur indoors include Penicillium, Alternaria, Cladosporium and Aspergillus. Mold can be white, black, green or yellow and can look like a stain or discolored area. Although most molds don't develop into problems, excessively damp conditions can cause them to get out of hand.

Where Mold May Be Found

Look for mold infestation in leaky roofs, flooded areas, backed-up sewers, damp crawlspaces and basements, around leaky pipes in cabinets, in showers and wherever there's pooling water. If you use a humidifier or even steam cook food too much, you may increase mold growth in your home.

Harmful Effects

Some of the problems mold can cause are asthma attacks, irritated noses, throats or eyes, wheezing, coughs and worsening allergies, Seniors and young children, as well as those with respiratory ailments and compromised immune systems are particularly at risk. Mold can also cause infestations in a sensitive person's lungs.

How to Control Mold

Inside a home, get rid of whatever mold is growing on -- carpet, bedding, upholstery or materials, such as wood, fabric and paper. If mold is just on a non-porous surface, clean it with mold cleaner or detergent, as well as hot water and a brush.

Also, fix any leaks and ventilate the shower and kitchen areas. If you discover mold infestations in a sewer or if it's contaminating water, a professional should be called on.

For more information, contact Air Assurance in Broken Arrow.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

Credit/Copyright Attribution: "lculig/Shutterstock”

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Odor Eliminators in Your Ducts: Will They Work?

Odor Eliminators in Your Ducts: Will They Work?

Having clean ducts is crucial to maintaining a high level of indoor air quality. Not only can dirty ductwork emit certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can be bad for your health and allergies, they can produce unpleasant odors throughout your home. You can eliminate stinky culprits from your ducts using special odor eliminators.What Is an Odor Eliminator?As the name suggests, an odor eliminator gets rid of any odors that it comes in contact with. In general, there are two types of odor eliminators. One type simply masks the smell by releasing a stronger smell into the air. This is the most simplistic approach to odor control because it doesn’t solve the more serious problem of having potentially dangerous compounds in your ducts.The second type of eliminator is much more sophisticated and is designed to neutralize the compounds causing the odor. These are tailored to each specific cause or application. The smell of molecules is a result of their specific composition. Odor neutralizers work by breaking down the molecules of the target compounds into smaller forms (with different compositions) that don't omit a smell.Odor Neutralizers for DuctsOver time there can be an accumulation of mold, mildew and VOCs in your HVAC ducts. Events like flooding are fairly common, and can cause rapid mold and mildew growth, which will emit a significant odor if left untreated.As mentioned above, you need the right product for the job, and your HVAC ducts are no different. There are special eliminators you need to get just for your ducts and HVAC system.These products are designed to go into various parts in and around your HVAC system (ducts, coils, basement, etc.) and neutralize common indoor air pollution compounds.Many of these products not only break down the offending compounds, acting as odor neutralizers, but they also contain chemicals with a strong smell that will mask any remnants of the target compounds.For more information about maintaining the HVAC system in your Tulsa or Broken Arrow area home, contact the experts at Air Assurance.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

BBJ Microbiocide

Avoid Sick Home Syndrome: The Benefits Of BBJ Microbiocide

Avoid Sick Home Syndrome: The Benefits Of BBJ Microbiocide

Avoid Sick Home Syndrome: The Benefits Of BBJ Microbiocide

"Sick home syndrome" refers to illnesses, symptoms or ailments that stem from poor air quality in your home. This potentially dangerous problem can cause or intensify pre-existing conditions such as respiratory ailments, headaches, skin irritations, cancer and emphysema. Many people suffer from sick home syndrome without knowledge of what’s going on. Once identified there are some easy solutions, including BBJ Microbiocide.Why use BBJ Microbiocide?Pollutants and toxins can enter your Broken Arrow-area home in a variety of ways. Poor air quality might stem from pet hair and dander, asbestos, lead paint, particles such as dust and pollen, fibers, gases and even substances tracked in on your shoes. Eventually, these items end up residing in your ductwork.BBJ Microbiocide is used to disinfect your HVAC ducts and eliminate the threat of mold, mildew and germs, greatly improving indoor air quality. It also inhibits microorganism growth for up to six months. Other benefits of having a professional use BBJ Microbiocide include odor reduction and improved HVAC system efficiency.If you are concerned that your family may be suffering from sick home syndrome, BBJ Microbiocide may provide a solution. Contact Air Assurance today for more information about this treatment. We've been serving area residents since 1985.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock


Mold In The Drain Pan Of Your A/C: Your 3-Step Preventive Strategy

Mold In The Drain Pan Of Your A/C: Your 3-Step Preventive Strategy

As your air conditioner works to keep the inside of your home cool, it also removes moisture from your indoor air. The water collects in the unit's drain pan and is drained away, but the constant presence of moisture creates an increased chance for mold to develop. Not only can this mold cause problems with water overflows, but it can also contribute to allergies and respiratory problems.You can tackle the problem of mold in the drain pan using the following three steps.

  1. Keep your home's inside environment clean: A clean home reduces the amount of dust, microorganisms, pollen and other contaminants that circulate through your air conditioning system. By limiting the presence of these substances, they are less likely to get into your cooling system's ductwork and make their way into the air conditioner's drain pan. Since these contaminants contribute to mold growth, reducing their presence reduces the likelihood of mold in the drain pan of your A/C.

  2. Maintain clean filters in the air conditioner:Filters are important for capturing dust and airborne contaminants in the air flowing through your air conditioning system. They keep your indoor air clean and prevent microorganisms and particulates from accumulating in the air conditioner's drain pan. Filters also help keep mold spores from other parts of the house from establishing themselves within your air conditioning system. Check filters every month and change them if they are dirty. Filters should be changed every three months as part of regular maintenance.

  3. Watch for drainage problems: Regularly check the drainage system and drain pan to make sure water is being effectively removed from the system. If there is standing water in the drain pan, there is probably a clog somewhere within the drain pipes. Keep the drain pan clear of excess water and call for repair of drainage problems when you notice them.

Air Assurance has more than 30 years of professional experience in the HVAC industry, which means customers in Tulsa and the Broken Arrow areas can count us for reliable, expert service. Contact us today for more information on controlling mold in the drain pan of your air conditioner.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock