prevent water damage

Water Alarm

Keep Mold and Mildew at Bay by Installing a Water Alarm

Keep Mold and Mildew at Bay by Installing a Water Alarm

A water alarm can be placed anywhere in your home to prevent water damage. This alarm can detect the presence of moisture and alert you to a leak before it becomes a problem.Installing a water alarm can protect your home’s value, indoor air quality and your family’s health. Plus, installation only takes a few minutes, but the benefits will last for many years to come. So, what are the other benefits of installing a water alarm in your home?

Prevent costly repairs: While some water damage is obvious -- there’s no mistaking a flooded laundry room or basement -- others are not as apparent. For instance, you may not notice water soaking into the floor of an unused part of your home until substantial damage has been caused. A water alarm can detect this problem and alert you immediately.

Protect tenants and property in a multi-family unit: If you live in or rent out a multi-family unit with multiple floors, a water alarm is a must. Leaks flow downhill, so if neighbors upstairs have a problem, downstairs neighbors will too. Installing water alarms in each unit will give you peace of mind and protect your investment, even when some units are vacant.

Prevent dangerous mold and mildew: The mold that grows after a flood or leak is more than just unsightly, it's a health hazard too. A water alarm can help prevent mildew and mold from forming, so you can avoid this common nuisance.

Protect your pipes: If you live in a region with cold climate, you know the damage that can be caused by burst pipes. A water alarm can detect the first signs of trouble, and some are even equipped to activate your heater and warm your pipes to a safe temperature.

Are you worried about water damage and mold, or do you want to learn more about water alarms? Contact Air Assurance in Tulsa and Broken Arrow for the latest in home water damage protection.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “RioPatuca/Shutterstock”


Before Your Home is Under Water Learn to Prevent Water Damage

Water damage is the biggest culprit behind a weakened foundation in your Broken Arrow home. Oklahoma homes that have extensive water damage can find that the very core of their home has become compromised. You know about core strength for your body? When water damage penetrates the core strength of your home, you are left with serious structural damage. Damp wood is attractive to wood-eating carpenter ants and termites, and creates an environment highly suitable for mold and mildew growth.

Before Your Home is Under Water Learn to Prevent Water Damage

To prevent water damage from occurring in your home, consider the following key steps:

  1. Ensure good drainage. Water that doesn't properly drain will settle in undesirable locations, causing cracks, weakening your foundation, and creating liquid pathways into your home. Ensure water properly drains by:

    • Regularly cleaning gutters.

    • Be sure downspouts direct water at least 5-10 feet away from your home.

    • Your yard should be sloped a minimum of 6 inches over a 10-foot span from your home. This natural sloping prevents water from seeping next to your foundation.

  2. Regularly test your sump pump. This is especially important in late spring and early summer, when afternoon heat build-up creates the conditions prime for heavy thunderstorms. It's important to have a correctly working sump pump when those storms bring about heavy rainfall in order to prevent water damage to your home. To test your sump pump:

    • Fill your sump pump pit slowly with water. The "float" should begin to rise and automatically turn on the pump. The water left should begin to fall.

    • Unplug your main pump and check the backup unit.

  3. Check for water leaks and repair as needed. Persistent and unresolved leaks lead to foundation rot, mold and mildew, and wood-loving pests like termites and carpenter ants. The quicker you fix a leak, the lower your risk for long-term damage. Check for leaks by:

    • Inspecting for for dark spots underneath plumbing, ceiling stains, drips and rocking toilets.

    • Annually inspecting your roof for any damaged shingles and/or deteriorating caulking.

To learn more about how to prevent water damage, contact Broken Arrow and surrounding Oklahoma Broken Arrow  HVAC experts at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).

Credit/Copyright Attribution: “alexmillos/Shutterstock”