dust mites

HVAC system

Ways to Protect Your Home from Dust Mites

Ways to Protect Your Home from Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny creatures that feed on dust inside your home. If dusty areas make you sniffly, this is an allergic reaction to these mites. You can keep them at bay by keeping your home as clean as possible and taking other steps. Find out more about dust mite protection for your home in Broken Arrow.

Maintain the Right Humidity Level

Dust mites thrive when your home is more humid than it should be. Ideally, the humidity level in your bedroom, where dust mites are commonly found, should be kept at 50 percent or lower. Dust mites do best in environments where the humidity level is 70 percent or higher. Using a portable dehumidifier in your bedroom or having a whole-home dehumidifier installed makes it easier for you to control the humidity level and reduce these pests.

Change Your HVAC Filter

Changing your HVAC filter on a regular basis, such as every month or every other month, helps cut down on the amount of dust you have in your home. This helps keep dust mite populations down in your home. Consider switching to an HVAC filter that offers higher efficiency, which helps ensure that it’s able to trap as many dust particles as possible.

Dust and Vacuum Regularly

One of the most effective dust protection methods is to reduce the amount of dust in your home overall. You can do this by dusting and vacuuming your home on a regular basis. You should dust and vacuum a few times a week or more often if you have pets in your home, since their dander can create more dust.

Invest in an Air Purifier

Air purifiers won’t get rid of dust mites, but they do help remove dust from the air inside your home. This helps cut down on the amount of dust you have, which can help reduce the dust mite population you have.

If you need help with maintaining the right humidity level or need dust mite protection advice, please contact Air Assurance. Our HVAC team can provide you with the service you need to discourage dust mites.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

How is Dust Buildup Dangerous for Your Health?

How is Dust Buildup Dangerous for Your Health?

Every home has a little dust floating around, but when dust starts to build up it can negatively affect your health. Most people feel the effects of dust to some extent and may experience symptoms like sneezing, coughing and fatigue. This is because dust contains a variety of pollutants, including soil, sawdust, carpet fibers, pollen, skin cells, pet fur, chemical emissions, mold particles and bacteria.

The dangers of dust buildup include:

  • Attracting dust mites. Dust mites have been associated with the occurrence of nasal polyps, which are tiny, uncomfortable, swollen lumps in the nasal cavity that can affect your immune system over time.

  • Prolonging and circulating illness. If someone in your house is sick, bacteria can linger in the air and be recirculated through your home, passing the illness on to others.

  • Uncomfortable symptoms that may turn serious. Headaches and other effects of dust are uncomfortable to the average person. Dust buildup is more dangerous for vulnerable people, including the elderly and individuals with lung ailments, such as asthma, emphysema or weakened immune systems. Eczema symptoms, for example, are aggravated by dust and may progress into chronic dermatitis (skin inflammation). Children are more affected by dust partly because they play on the floor and touch dusty items more often.

Fortunately, you can minimize dust buildup in your house by:

  • Eliminating or reducing the amount of fabric furniture, drapes and carpets in your home. These items attract dust and shed particles, creating more dust.

  • Keeping your home clutter-free.

  • Eating in the kitchen or dining room and keeping food debris contained.

  • Cleaning and dusting surfaces and vacuuming floors, carpets and cushioned furniture regularly.

  • Replacing HVAC air filters monthly.

  • Using an indoor air purifier or installing a whole house air purification and humidity control system.

Are you concerned about the amount of dust accumulating in your home? You can count on Air Assurance to help keep your Broken Arrow home healthy and comfortable.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Alfonso-de-Tomas/Shutterstock”

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Reduce Allergies in Your Home By Reducing Dust

Dust, dust mites and other allergens annoy all of us. For someone with asthma or other sensitivities, dust can trigger coughing, wheezing, stuffy nose, skin rash and more severe allergic reactions. You can reduce allergies in your Broken Arrow home by reducing the amount of dust that enters and collects inside your home.

Reduce Allergies in Your Home By Reducing Dust

Air Filters

By keeping windows closed and using your HVAC system, you reduce allergies by reducing the amount of contaminants that enter your home. Before air enters your living area it passes through the air filter. This filter traps pollen, pet hair and other pollutants. These particles collect on the filter surface and eventually will restrict air flow. With too much buildup, dust begins to break loose and enter your air. It is important to change air filters on a regular basis for them to perform effectively.

The more expensive, high efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) do not necessarily last longer. They trap smaller particles and may need to be replaced more often. Not all HVAC systems are designed for these dense filters. Too much air restriction could result in system damage as well as air leaks and defeat the original intent of the filter. Consult with an HVAC technician before switching to HEPA filters. If reducing allergies is a major concern for you, you may benefit from a whole-house air purifier.


  • Run a damp mop over hard surfaces each day.

  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter. Paper bag vacuum filters allow dust to re-enter the air.

  • To further reduce allergies: Wet-vacuum and use a steamer when possible. Wet-vacuum cleaning washes the carpets and the heat from steam cleaning kills dust mites.

  • Choose tight-weave pillow and mattress covers. They are easier to clean and dust is less likely to penetrate.

Contact Air Assurance for more information about protecting the air inside your home. We began serving the residential and commercial HVAC system needs of the Tulsa metropolitan area in 1985. Our experts will evaluate yours system and consult with you so that you can make informed decisions about maintaining your air quality and HVAC system.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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Air ducts, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Mold

Effectively Eliminate Dust From Your Home With These Five Tips

Effectively Eliminate Dust From Your Home With These Five Tips

Dust is a problem in every home. In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, dust is tinged red, which can present an aesthetic problem as well as minor health risks associated with the presence of dust. Too much dust in the home leads to dust mites. The average home has at least 10,000 dust mites per bed. Dust mites can cause serious respiratory issues, especially for those with existing breathing problems. Lower the amount of dust mites in your home by eliminating dust at the source.There are five simple steps you can take to reduce the amount of dust in your home:

  • Capture dust rather than spreading it around the home. Use a damp rag when dusting to gather the dust on the rag rather than sweeping it back into the air.

  • Use the right vacuum for the job. Use an upright vacuum for carpets and a canister vacuum for hard floors. Vacuums are more effective at removing dust than brooms, and vacuuming should be done at least once a week. While vacuuming, turn on the fan setting on your air conditioning system. This will gather some of the airborne dust into the ductwork filtration system.

  • Upgrade the filtration system in your forced-air heating and cooling system. For allergy sufferers, an advanced pleated filter or air cleaning system will provide the maximum benefit. For households with fewer allergy sensitivities, a regular HEPA or disposable accordion-style filtration system will help control dust.

  • Dust remains in the air in low humidity levels. One way to control dust is to employ the use of humidifiers to keep humidity levels between 50 and 60 percent. You can install a whole-house humidity system or use individual units in bedrooms and the main living areas.

  • The use of air purification systems, such as electronic air cleaners, can help eliminate dust in your home. For maximum benefit, place one air purifier in each room of the house, or better yet, have a professional whole-home model installed.

For more information on how to control and eliminate dust and dust mites from your home, contact us at Air Assurance. We provide the residents of Broken Arrow Oklahoma with expert HVAC service including air filters, humidifiers and air cleaners.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!      Photo courtesy ofShutterstock.