filtration system

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What to Know About Water Filtration Systems

What to Know About Water Filtration Systems

If your home is plagued with poor water quality, a whole-home filtration system can offer a solution. There are three main technologies used today to improve water quality: a chemical process, UV light or a filtering medium. These methods are effective at addressing specific issues such as hard water, excessive sediment, bacteria and other biological contaminants, or chemical additives like chlorine.

Owning a Water Filtration System Offers Numerous Benefits

A big benefit of installing this kind of system is that it ensures better quality water in every area of your home. The unit is installed on the main water line where it enters the building, so the incoming supply gets sent through it before flowing along to your fixtures, faucets and appliances.

When you have a whole-home system in place, you'll reap other benefits too, including:

  • Safer water with no unpleasant smell or taste: When bacteria, viruses and other biological contaminants are killed, and added chemicals like chlorine removed, you'll have a clean, healthy water supply that smells and tastes good.

  • Extended life for your plumbing system and appliances: Eliminating minerals that cause scale buildup lengthens the service life of your water-using appliances and plumbing system and preserves good water pressure.

  • A hedge against municipal supply problems: You can rest easy knowing you have safe, clean water when a municipal supply contamination, broken main or other such problem occurs.

Choosing the Right System is Essential

Before you decide on a type of system, get your water tested to pinpoint the exact quality issues you need to address. Then, talk to an experienced professional plumber who can recommend the right solution to match your needs.

  • To clear out sediment, a reverse osmosis system is best.

  • For softening hard water, you need an ion exchange unit.

  • A UV light is used to kill bacteria, viruses and other biological contaminants.

  • To eliminate odors and improve taste, activated-carbon or oxidizing units are recommended.

  • For multiple issues, there are multi-stage systems that combine different technologies.

For expert advice about installing a water filtration system in your Broken Arrow home, contact us at Air Assurance today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “ronymichaud/Pixabay”

Air ducts, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Mold

Effectively Eliminate Dust From Your Home With These Five Tips

Effectively Eliminate Dust From Your Home With These Five Tips

Dust is a problem in every home. In Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, dust is tinged red, which can present an aesthetic problem as well as minor health risks associated with the presence of dust. Too much dust in the home leads to dust mites. The average home has at least 10,000 dust mites per bed. Dust mites can cause serious respiratory issues, especially for those with existing breathing problems. Lower the amount of dust mites in your home by eliminating dust at the source.There are five simple steps you can take to reduce the amount of dust in your home:

  • Capture dust rather than spreading it around the home. Use a damp rag when dusting to gather the dust on the rag rather than sweeping it back into the air.

  • Use the right vacuum for the job. Use an upright vacuum for carpets and a canister vacuum for hard floors. Vacuums are more effective at removing dust than brooms, and vacuuming should be done at least once a week. While vacuuming, turn on the fan setting on your air conditioning system. This will gather some of the airborne dust into the ductwork filtration system.

  • Upgrade the filtration system in your forced-air heating and cooling system. For allergy sufferers, an advanced pleated filter or air cleaning system will provide the maximum benefit. For households with fewer allergy sensitivities, a regular HEPA or disposable accordion-style filtration system will help control dust.

  • Dust remains in the air in low humidity levels. One way to control dust is to employ the use of humidifiers to keep humidity levels between 50 and 60 percent. You can install a whole-house humidity system or use individual units in bedrooms and the main living areas.

  • The use of air purification systems, such as electronic air cleaners, can help eliminate dust in your home. For maximum benefit, place one air purifier in each room of the house, or better yet, have a professional whole-home model installed.

For more information on how to control and eliminate dust and dust mites from your home, contact us at Air Assurance. We provide the residents of Broken Arrow Oklahoma with expert HVAC service including air filters, humidifiers and air cleaners.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!      Photo courtesy ofShutterstock.