energy bills


Are Snow Melt Systems Right for Your Home?

Are Snow Melt Systems Right for Your Home?

When snow falls in Broken Arrow, it means you have to get out your shovel to clear off your driveway and other outdoor areas. While shoveling snow is good exercise, it’s also exhausting and even dangerous for some individuals. With snow melt systems, you don’t have to worry about clearing your driveway to make it safer for your loved ones and your car.

How Snow Melt Systems Work

These systems provide a convenient way to keep driveways, patios, and other outdoor areas free of snow and ice by serving as an outdoor heating system. Some systems use electricity to accomplish this, while others use a combination of hot water and antifreeze circulating through a series of tubes and pipes. Snow melt systems sometimes have manual controls that homeowners can turn on and off when needed. Other systems have sensors installed to detect the presence of snow on the surface. When there is enough snow, these systems turn on automatically.

Benefits of a Snow Melt System

A snow melt system offers convenience for you as a homeowner. With one of these systems installed, you won’t need to spend time shoveling snow from your driveway. This is highly beneficial if you have health conditions that make it difficult or dangerous for you to shovel snow. These systems also help keep your driveway safer to drive or walk on by clearing away snow and ice. This helps lower the risk of personal injuries from falling and damage to your car if you slide.

HVAC and Energy Bills

Your snow melt system doesn’t use the same source of heat as your HVAC system, but it can be integrated with it. Keep in mind that running a snow melt system leads to increased energy usage. You can make up for this by lowering your home’s heating bills through routine HVAC maintenance for improved energy efficiency and replacing air filters regularly.If you need more information on snow melt systems, please contact Air Assurance. Keep in mind that our company can also provide your Broken Arrow home with HVAC maintenance and other services this winter.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Energy Savings

How Weather Affects Your Energy Bill

How Weather Affects Your Energy Bill

Americans spend about half their annual energy budget on keeping their homes comfortable, according to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). The weather has a big impact on each month’s energy bill. When it’s mild, bills stay low. During extremes, daily energy use climbs.

Temperature and Humidity

The two aspects of summer weather that increases cooling costs include the air temperature and the humidity level. Of the two, it’s faster and easier for your A/C to remove the heat from dry air than it is to cool off hot, humid air. Keeping the humidity out of your home in the summer does help lower its cooling costs and keeps you more comfortable. Besides being energy-intensive to remove, humidity also increases discomfort indoors when it exceeds 50 percent.

The HVAC industry deals with the extra burden that humidity puts on cooling systems by consulting a software resource that identifies cooling systems better suited for humid climates. When replacing your current system, ask the HVAC contractor to verify that the new one can handle the area’s summertime humidity.

What You Can Do

If you find that your energy consumption is higher than you’d like it to be, making improvements that help your home resist heat transfer and air infiltration will help lower your energy bill and increase your comfort. Consider:

  • Adding insulation to the attic. The DOE recommends at least 10 inches in the attic for the best thermal control.

  • Using the kitchen and bathroom fans. Be careful not to run the fans too long. Although they’re small, they’re capable of pulling a lot of conditioned air out of your home.

  • Sealing the air leaks in your home’s exterior to prevent air infiltration that could raise the indoor humidity. Use caulk, expanding foam and weatherstripping around windows and doors, as well as entry points for pipes and wires.

  • Using specialty products like chimney pillows to stop air leaks from fireplace chimneys, or self-sealing dryer vents.

If your monthly energy bill seems too high, contact Air Assurance for an HVAC inspection. We provide HVAC services for Broken Arrow homeowners for more than 30 years.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.


How Planting Trees Can Lead to HVAC Savings

How Planting Trees Can Lead to HVAC Savings

We all know that shade trees make a difference when it comes to keeping cool in the summertime. But did you know that planting trees can also boost HVAC savings on your energy bill? Read on for how the trees you plant today can earn their keep by saving on your HVAC energy bill in the future.

Keeping Cool With Trees

Shade trees keep the temperature down in your home in two ways. They block solar radiation from entering the home, sure, but they also cool the air around them through a process called transpiration. The trees pull water through the roots, which changes from a liquid to vapor as it is released through the leaves. As the vapor enters the air, a cooling effect takes place. A dense planting of shade trees can cool the air around them by as much as 6 degrees.

Where to Plant Trees

Think carefully about where you want to plant trees. Shorter shade trees work well on the eastern and western sides of the home, since that's where the sun will shine closest to the horizon. Taller trees on the south face of the home offer midday cover and can keep the walls and roof cool.Don't plant trees too close to the home -- 10 to 20 feet away from exterior walls is recommended. Planting trees too close can cause foundation problems. You may also have to do extensive trimming to keep limbs from damaging the roof during storms.

Choosing Trees

If you aren't particularly tree savvy, talk to a nursery professional before you choose trees based on looks alone. Avoid trees that are too fast growing, as these species may be subject to disease or breakage before they grow big enough to shade your home. Ask about maximum height, growth habit and the tree's ability to flourish in the microclimate that your home will provide. Don't choose trees that shed fibers or seeds that might clog your outdoor condenser unit.

We've got more tips on HVAC savings at Air Assurance of Broken Arrow.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Energy Savings

These Household Appliances Affect Your Energy Bills

These Household Appliances Affect Your Energy Bills

Many of the causes behind higher monthly energy bills are obvious suspects. Others, however, may be "under the radar" and not often considered. Here are three household appliances that could be consuming more than their fair share of energy and pushing costs higher:

The Refrigerator

It has a big footprint in your kitchen but often doesn’t loom large as a potential cause of higher energy bills. It was 1997 before refrigerators were included in the Department of Energy’s Energy Star standards. Since then, technology to enhance efficiency has been gradually incorporated in new models. Refrigerators manufactured before that year, or early in the time span since, may be operating well below today’s norm when it comes to electrical consumption. If your refrigerator falls in that category, consider upgrading and start saving now.

The Washing Machine

Most washers last 10 years or so. However, if yours is that old or older it may be much less efficient than units manufactured recently. A new efficient clothes washer today will use about 100,000 gallons less water over the upcoming decade than a new washer sold in 2007. Since most of that water is heated by gas or electricity, the new units will cost their owners an estimated $150 less in energy costs per year. Today’s efficient washers also extract water more efficiently, which reduces time in the dryer and also cuts energy expenses.

The HVAC Blower

If your air conditioner and furnace are up-to-date but the blower motor that circulates air is old-school, you may not be getting the full benefit of more efficient HVAC equipment. When the furnace or A/C is running, an outmoded, single-speed PSC (permanent split capacitor) blower fan can account for fully 10 percent of household electrical usage. New, variable-speed ECM (Electronically Commutated Motor) blowers are programmed to circulate air across a wide range of output and maintain more consistent indoor temperature. In addition, these highly efficient units use up to 75 percent less power than the old, original-equipment motors.

For more about lesser-known causes of high energy bills, in Broken Arrow ask the pros at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about appliances and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “deeptuts/Pixabay”

Energy Savings

Saving on Energy Bills This Summer

Saving on Energy Bills This Summer

Summer will be heating up all too soon in Broken Arrow, and that means turning on the air conditioner and watching your utility bills go up. Fortunately, modern air conditioners are more efficient than ever before. You can save by replacing your old electricity sapper with a new, high-SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) model.But along with replacing old equipment, here are some additional ideas for summer savings:

Efficient Ideas for Summer Savings

1. Install ceiling fans. If you don't already have ceiling fans, install them. Make sure blades are reversible. In the summer, run the fan blades counterclockwise to help lift warm air to the ceiling and disperse the cold air from the A/C around the room. In the winter, run the blades the opposite direction to push heat downwards. Ceiling fans won't make the temperature cooler, but the home's occupants will feel cooler as the air moves over the skin and perspiration evaporates.

2. Keep your air filter changed. Don't push the use of that air filter beyond what the manufacturer recommends. You won't be saving money, but you are probably causing your air conditioner to run inefficiently with a dirty filter that is slowing down air flow.

3. Install a programmable thermostat. To be sure, the programmable thermostat will not make your home more efficient unless you adhere to the schedule you program, but if you abide by an energy-saving schedule, you will save. Turn the thermostat down at least five degrees when the home's occupants are sleeping or away from home.

4. Keep the sunlight out. Draw shades, drapes and blinds to keep passive solar energy out of the home.

5. Keep a lid on humidity. High humidity can make you feel warmer in the summer. Reduce humidity by doing the following:

  • Take shorter showers

  • Put all indoor plants in one room

  • Install bathroom and range hood exhaust ventilation

  • Fix leaks as soon as you find them

To learn more about summer savings through efficiency, contact Air Assurance. We serve Broken Arrow and the surrounding area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about saving money and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “gc1366/Pixabay”


Tight Ductwork: Why it's Important

Tight Ductwork: Why it's Important

To keep your HVAC system working at its most efficient level, you must have tight ducts. Leaks in your ducts allow energy loss as heated or cooled air leaves the system before it's delivered where it's needed. Uneven or overly high energy bills are a clear sign of leaking ducts. Here's why it's important to keep your ducts tight, and what you can do if you suspect you have an issue.

Tight Ducts Keep Your Home More Efficient and Comfortable

Tight ductwork is crucial for two reasons. First, it keeps your home more comfortable. Leaky ducts can allow heated or cooled energy to escape before it reaches areas of your home, and this can hurt the overall comfort of your home.Second, ducts that leak allow energy to leave the system, and with it the money you've worked hard for. Leaky ducts make your energy bills higher than they should be.

Signs of Ductwork Leaks

So beyond the discomfort or high energy bills, are there any signs that indicate you have a problem with your ducts? These can be signs of ductwork issues that need to be addressed:

  • Rattling noises from the ducts

  • Uneven heating and cooling throughout the home

  • Loud "swoosh" of air flow

While these may or may not indicate a leak, if you're noticing them, you need to talk to a qualified HVAC professional to ensure you don't have a serious problem brewing.

How to Fix a Leak

Fixing a ductwork leak requires the right knowledge and understandings about how these systems work. Duct tape, unfortunately, is all-too-common of a solution, but one that does little real good. Instead, you need to seal leaks with mastic sealant or a quality metal tape designed for the purpose. However, finding the leaks is not always easy, so it's always best to consult with a qualified HVAC professional.

Of you suspect that you might have a leaky duct problem in your Broken Arrow home, contact the Air Assurance team for an evaluation and workable solution. With tighter ducts, you will enjoy a more comfortable and more efficient home.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about tight ductwork and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “byrev/Pixabay”

Energy Savings

Lower Energy Bills: A Gift to Yourself This Season

Lower Energy Bills: A Gift to Yourself This Season

During the holiday season, and wintertime in general, residential heating bills and other energy expenses can go through the roof (sometimes literally). That's why it's crucial to be aware of the energy-saving strategies available to homeowners.Follow these suggestions to enjoy lower energy bills in your Broken Arrow-area home:

  • Seal air leaks in your home's outer walls. A substantial amount of warm air can be lost through holes and cracks in the walls, forcing your heating system to work overtime to compensate. Similarly, missing or inadequate insulation can make a warmed-up home lose its heat quickly.

  • Consider arranging an energy audit to ascertain where air and heat energy are escaping your home. Once you have that information, you can seal air leaks with caulking or weatherstripping, and upgrade insulation where necessary.

  • Adjust ceiling fans so their blades are rotating clockwise (the opposite of summertime rotation). This pushes air upward instead of downward, and redistributes warm air that floats around near the ceiling. Forced down into the part of the room where people hang out, it raises the temperature, relieving some of the workload on the furnace.

  • Make sure to program energy-saving setbacks into your programmable thermostat. Get one if you don't yet have one of these essential devices. You can program your heating system to a much lower temperature during the day when nobody's home, and a night when everybody's sleeping. This can be a real energy-saver.

  • Remember to open drapes, curtains and other window coverings during sunny winter days. Even when it's cold outside, sun shining through windows will heat up a room by several degrees. Make sure you close the curtains before the sun goes down, though, since they'll add a layer of protection against the cold.

  • Schedule seasonal maintenance on your heating system if you haven't already. This improves efficiency, ensures safety, and enables the technician to find small problems before they become big problems.

For more advice on how to enjoy lower energy bills this holiday season and winter, please contact us at Air Assurance. We provide superior HVAC services in the Broken Arrow area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about lowering bills and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Pexels/Pixabay”

Energy Savings

5 Simple Ways to Cut Your Energy Bills This Winter

5 Simple Ways to Cut Your Energy Bills This Winter

With cold weather approaching, now's the time to complete some home projects to cut your energy bills this winter. These easy-to-complete projects are inexpensive in the short run and can each be completed within 30 minutes.


A properly fitted door or window is lined with flexible weatherstripping to keep drafts out and heat in. Over time, these strips break down from use, so locating these weak spots should be your first priority. When you locate a length of weatherstripping that needs replacing, simply pull it away from the sill and tack up a fresh piece.

Outlet Protection

Electrical outlets on a home's exterior are often the most overlooked source of heat loss in the home. You can cut your energy bills this winter by removing outlet plates and inserting inexpensive outlet gaskets designed to add insulation in areas often lacking in protection.

Plug Exterior Holes

Exterior water faucets and meter lines poking through your home's exterior are often left exposed to the cold, as well as pests using your entryway to get in. With an expanding foam product, you can fill these gaps and reduce not only heat loss, but the encroachment of pests.

Plastic Film

It's estimated that up to 25 percent of a home's heating loss occurs through windows, so by adding another layer of easy-to-install plastic film, you can retain heat and lower your bills. Kits are readily available at your local hardware store.

Programmable Thermostat

Even an inexpensive programmable thermostat can help reduce your home heating costs by 10 percent, allowing you to establish heat levels during the day and night. You have the ability to lower the heat when you're away and raise it to comfort level when you're home.For more expert techniques to cut your energy bills this winter, please contact Air Assurance. We're been serving the Greater Tulsa community since 1985 and are here to help.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Merydolla/Shutterstock”

Air Conditioning

Think It's Time to Replace the A/C? Know for Sure With These Tips

If you’re not pleased with your air conditioner’s performance, you may be just about ready to throw in the towel. Is it really time to replace the A/C, or could a repair get it back up and running? Know for sure with these tips.

Think It's Time to Replace the A/C? Know for Sure With These Tips
  • Consider the age: If your air conditioner is more than a decade old, it could be nearing the end of its lifespan. Even if the equipment hasn’t given you trouble lately, it’s wise to start browsing replacement options so it’s a planned investment, not a rushed emergency installation.

  • Assess efficiency: With age comes decreased efficiency. Take a look at your energy bills from past summers. Notice how your electricity usage has gone up? That’s because a well-worn, 10-year-old A/C rated at 10 SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, performs closer to an 8 SEER unit. The lowest efficiency models available today are 13 SEER, and the highest efficiency ratings climb into the mid-20s.

  • Evaluate repair frequency: There are only so many times you can fix an inefficient, aging air conditioner before you’ve had enough. Each individual repair is less expensive than a replacement, but if you’re having your equipment serviced more than once a year, that money could be going toward an efficient new replacement.

  • Understand refrigerant requirements: An air conditioner with a refrigerant leak could signal it’s time to replace the A/C. Older air conditioners run on R-22 refrigerant which is an ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbon. A gradual phase out has replaced R-22 with R-410A refrigerant, or Puron. Because R-22 refrigerant is now incredibly hard to come by, recharging an older system could cost far more than it used to. This could be the excuse you need to upgrade to a Puron-compatible system.

  • Analyze home comfort and system performance: Is your home overly humid? Are some rooms difficult to keep cool while others get too cold? Does the A/C operate noisily? A system replacement could resolve these comfort and performance issues.

If these tips make it clear it’s time to replace the A/C, please contact Air Assurance in Broken Arrow to begin the replacement process today.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Energy Savings

Energy-Saving Tips That Help Keep Summer Bills Low

Energy-Saving Tips That Help Keep Summer Bills Low

Summertime brings allergies, high temperatures, A/C running on full-blast and, unfortunately, higher energy bills. As you're trying to keep yourself cool, we don't want your summer energy bills burning a hole in your pocket. With a few simple energy-saving tips, you can keep your home cool while saving money.Here are a few inexpensive and easy solutions to stay cool this summer:

  • Make sure your HVAC equipment and air filters are well-maintained. Replace or clean your air filters as needed. Don't forget to have your air conditioner unit serviced before the hot weather hits every year to make sure it runs more efficiently.

  • Don't let cool air escape. If your A/C is running all day, but your home doesn't feel much cooler, there could be air leaks in your home. You should add weatherstripping to your doors and windows, and caulk any cracks in the walls to keep cool air from escaping.

  • Properly insulate your attic. If your home has an attic, you should install modern insulation to help lower cooling costs in the summer. On warm days, temperatures in the attic can rise upwards of 140 degrees. Proper insulation and ventilation can help lower your attic temperatures.

  • Unplug electronics and appliances when not in use. Something as simple as turning off your electronics when they're not in use can help lower your energy bills. Keep in mind that electronics such as computers also give off heat, so it's a double-whammy in the summer.

  • Buy Energy Star products. From air conditioners to refrigerators, the federal Energy Star program ensures that products meet strict energy-efficiency guidelines that help protect the environment and save you money.

These energy-saving tips are just a start to help keep your home cool and your summer energy bills low. For more expert advice on energy-saving tips and other HVAC topics, contact Air Assurance Heating, Cooling & Air Quality today!  We proudly service residents of Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock


Why Adequate Ventilation Makes A Difference During Summer

Why Adequate Ventilation Makes A Difference During Summer

When the summer heat hits Oklahoma, it is vital that your home is properly sealed. If not, cooled air will flow out and hot air will infiltrate your home, greatly increasing the demand on your air conditioner and costing you a ton on energy bills. But you still need fresh, clean air to keep your home healthy. That's where your ventilation system comes into play.Proper and adequate ventilation:

  • Removes pollutants - Over time, pollutants and toxins will make their way into your home and they need to be removed. Quality ventilation equipment exchanges your interior air for outside air at the recommended rate of roughly 15 cubic feet per person per minute.

  • Balances moisture - Humidity levels in your home are critical to your comfort. If there is too much moisture, you will feel uncomfortable and set your thermostat higher during the summer. That means your A/C has to run longer and you have to pay for more energy.

There are three strategies for ventilating your home:

  • Natural ventilation - Older homes had natural ventilation because they were not airtight, so air flowed in and out fairly easily. That was good for bringing in fresh air, but bad for controlling cooling costs. You can naturally ventilate your home by opening windows or doors, but this is not a reliable way to balance humidity and remove pollutants.

  • Whole-house ventilation - These systems are becoming more popular. They use vents and fans throughout your home to work in conjunction with your thermostat and A/C unit to maintain the needed air exchange rates consistently.

  • Spot ventilation - Fans and vents are placed in areas where moisture, heat and pollutants are concentrated. Bathroom fans, exhaust fans and oven vents are examples of spot ventilation that remove air before it reaches other parts of the house.

To speak with an HVAC expert about ventilating your home, contact Air Assurance. With over 25 years of service to Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas, we can help you find the best equipment and strategies.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today

Zoning Systems

Control Your Home's Cool Air With A Zoning System

Control Your Home's Cool Air With A Zoning System

When you turn the air conditioning on, do you feel comfortable in every room? If you don’t have a zoning system, chances are each room is a different temperature. Rooms on the sunny side of the house are warm, rooms on the shady side are cool and rooms on the second floor are downright hot.This doesn’t mean your HVAC system is broken. Actually, it’s probably doing the best it can under the circumstances. Like most houses, yours probably has only one thermostat. When your system is operating with a single thermostat, it can’t detect the temperature in rooms without one. Meanwhile, family members are suffering in rooms that are either too hot or too cold.With a zoning system, your home is divided into zones where rooms with similar cooling needs are grouped onto the same thermostat. By using as many zones and thermostats as needed, along with motorized dampers, your HVAC system now has the ability to balance temperature and airflow to keep the entire house comfortable when the Oklahoma sun beats down.A zoning system puts you in control of your home’s cool air. Each thermostat can be set at a different temperature to make sure that everybody is comfortable. If certain areas of the home are unoccupied, those thermostats can be set to minimize the amount of A/C used there.With a zoning system, your HVAC system works more efficiently and runs less. This combination will give you more comfort for your money, lower your energy bills and decrease the need for maintenance and service calls for your equipment.For more information, contact the professionals at Air Assurance. We've been providing comprehensive heating and air conditioning, refrigeration and air quality services to customers throughout the Broken Arrow/Tulsa area since 1985.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today

Air Conditioning, Furnaces, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Buttoning Up Your Home For Winter? Have You Considered Heat-Recovery Ventilation?

Do you have a tightly sealed home? This is great for saving energy on heating costs in the winter, but how does the stale, moist indoor air escape from your home? After all, actions like washing, cooking and even breathing generate warmth and moisture. If you don’t have a ventilation system in place, chances are the warm, moist air will build up in cold areas like the attic where mold and rot can then set in. Because of this, it’s clear that sealing up your home for winter energy savings isn’t enough if you want to benefit from fresh air in your home as well.Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to your problem in the form of heat-recovery ventilation. Vents that lead to the exterior of the home are installed in prime moisture-generating locations like the kitchen and bathroom. On the way out of your home, the air passes through a metal box with multiple air channels. At the same time, fresh, cold air from outside is sucked into the building. The streams of air don’t mix, but they pass each other and a heat exchange occurs that pre-treats the inbound air with some of the warmth from the outbound air. This process allows you to ventilate fresh air into your home without paying the energy bills to heat it from scratch.Any home with a ducted heating system can have a heat-recovery ventilation system installed. With a heat-recovery ventilator, you can recover as much as 80 percent of the heat energy in outgoing air for use in heating inbound air. You also benefit from the removal of offensive odors and damaging moisture, and enjoy the comfort and health that comes with fresh air in the home. While these systems are particularly effective in northern climates, research shows that warm climates depending primarily on air conditioning can also benefit. This makes heat-recovery ventilating systems beneficial year-round.If you are interested in what heat-recovery ventilation systems have to offer, contact Air Assurance Heating, Cooling & Air Qualityin Broken Arrow for more information.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!      

Air Conditioning, Air filters, Ceiling, Duct Sealing, Ductwork, Energy Star, Fans, High Efficiency, Insulation, Sealing Air Leaks, Thermostats

Innovative Tips That Make Home Comfort And Savings A Priority

Home comfort and energy savings should be a priority in every Tulsa area household. To help you get optimal performance from your cooling system this summer, we’ve compiled this list of innovative energy-saving tips.

  • Raising temperature settings at the thermostat is a surefire way to reduce monthly cooling bills. To maximize savings without sacrificing home comfort, try keeping your thermostat at 78 degrees when you’re in the home and raising thermostat settings as high as 85 degrees while you’re away. But don't do this when it's over 95 degrees outside. That can actually cause energy bills to rise while the unit tries to catch up.

  • One way to take advantage of higher temperature settings without sacrificing home comfort is to utilize household ceiling fans. While ceiling fans don’t actually cool your home, running them while you're in the room can create a wind chill effect that will help you remain comfortable, even when thermostat settings are increased by as little as four degrees. Just remember to turn ceiling fans off when you’re not in the room.

  • Clogged air filters are notorious for restricting airflow and putting unnecessary strain on your air conditioner. Inspect filters monthly, cleaning and replacing as necessary.

  • Another cost-effective means of improving household energy efficiency is to address air leaks using caulking, seal and weather stripping. Common leakage points include areas around doors and windows, and gaps around lights, wiring, ductwork and plumbing.

  • Inadequate attic insulation can be a major drain on monthly energy costs. For an additional 10 percent savings, try boosting attic insulation to a minimum R-value of 30. If you can see your attic rafters, you are wasting lots of money on energy.

  • It also pays to properly seal ductwork. If your ducts leak, you could be losing as much as 20 percent of the air you pay to condition. While accessible ductwork can be addressed using metal tape or duct mastic, a professional can ensure that your entire duct system is sealed properly.

  • If your air conditioner is over ten years old, upgrading to a high-efficiency Energy Star-qualified model could save you as much as 10 percent.

  • In fact, Energy Star-qualified products are an ideal means of long-term energy savings. Look for products ranging from water heaters to light bulbs.

For a more customized assessment of your household energy efficiency, consult our NATE-certified technicians. Contact Air Assurance today!Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here.Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Air Conditioning, Energy Star, Furnaces

Think You Need To Replace Your Furnace? Now's The Right Time To Go Shopping

Summer is upon us, and thinking about the best way to keep your home warm is probably one of the last things on your mind.  However, just like getting your holiday shopping done early, summer is the perfect time to look into purchasing a new furnace.  Be prepared when winter returns, and don't be caught in a chilly home.Most furnaces have a lifespan of between 15 and 20 years. However, older models with lower efficiency may be worth replacing before they have reached the end of their operational lifespan.  Ultimately, investing in a new, high-efficiency furnace can save you as much as 40 percent on your energy bills.Many older furnaces can have efficiencies as low as 55percent.  Modern furnaces, on the other hand, reach efficiencies of over 98 percent.  What this means for you is that if you decide to upgrade your current furnace to a new model, less energy will be expended in heating your home.Retrofitting your current furnace is another way of improving the efficiency of your heating system and reducing your energy bill.  This option is ideal for furnaces which haven't reached the end of their lifespan, but are not yet old enough to justify the purchase and installation of an entirely new unit.Air Assurance is committed to helping you make the right choice when making a decision about your furnace purchase. If you're considering purchasing a new furnace, don't hesitate to schedule a visit from one of our technicians, who can give you a free estimate on the price of the unit and installation.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Air Conditioning, Central, Energy Evaluations, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Planned Maintenance, Room, Service & Maintenance

Have Your Air-Conditioning System Checked Out Now To Keep It Humming All Summer Long

Things are beginning to heat up here in Broken Arrow, reminding us that summer will be here before we know it. Before the spring weather gives way to those hot, sweaty dog days, make it a priority to have your air conditioning system checked out. It’ll be comforting to know that you are doing your best to prevent a breakdown on one of those stifling days when you need cool air the most.It’s also a great way to keep a handle on your summer electricity bills, since air conditioners that are running efficiently consume less energy. With regular maintenance, a good A/C system can last a long time, so make sure that you’re getting the most mileage possible out of yours.One simple thing that you can do yourself to reduce your energy costs is to keep your air conditioning unit clean (wash from the inside out). Make sure that the air filter and vents on the inside and outside are dirt- and dust-free; remove any debris and make sure the vents are clear of anything that could obstruct them.A service technician will be able to dig deeper by:

  • Checking the refrigerant, air flow and thermostat
  • Making sure that the ducts are all properly sealed
  • Tightening connections as necessary
  • Checking the motors for wear and tear and lubricating them

He or she should also be able to diagnose and resolve other issues your air conditioning system may be experiencing, such as over-frequent cycling on and off, ice buildup, odors or any problems with the breakers. To make sure you’re getting the best advice possible, find someone who is a certified NATE technician (North American Technician Excellence).Don’t take any chances with your comfort or energy bills this summer. Have the expert NATE-certified technicians at Air Assurance service your air conditioning system now, and enjoy smooth sailing all summer long. To ask questions or to get expert advice on this or other HVAC issues, please visit our website.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Programmable, Tax Credits, Thermostats

Heating Or Cooling A New Space? Zoning Systems Can Help

With today’s rising energy costs, everything a homeowner can do to reduce those costs, especially reoccurring costs like environmental control of their home, is worth the extra effort. However, finding the balance between controlling costs and maintaining your family’s comfort can be a challenge.In most families, different parts of the home are used during different parts of the day. During the day the living room and kitchen are the most occupied rooms; while at night those areas are abandoned and everyone is in the bedrooms. Unfortunately, in most homes, heating and cooling is piped throughout the whole house 24 hours a day.  Another common example in our area is homes that have 2 levels, but only one central heating and air conditioning system.  This tends to leave the upstairs hot, and the downstairs cold.Obviously, this is an inefficient way to maintain your family’s comfort. A zoning system, which only heats and cools the areas of the house while they are occupied can help. Early zoning systems were cost prohibitive, requiring a separate HVAC system for each zone of the house. While this type of system would pay off over time, for most people it was not financially feasible.Because most homes today are built with forced air heating and cooling, modern zoning systems take advantage of the centralized HVAC to produce heated and cooled air for the whole house. Motorized ducts are installed in the ductwork, each one connected to a programmable thermostat in its corresponding zone. The ducts are only opened when two conditions are met: firstly, that it is during time periods programmed into the thermostat; and secondly, when the temperature of the room warrants heating or cooling.This type of system is both easy to install and economical. Costs of installing your zoning system will easily be recouped in reduced energy bills. Not only that, but you can apply for an energy tax credit on your 2011 tax returns, which will return a portion of your installation costs to you.When additions are made to an existing home, upgrading your HVAC system to include zoned heating and cooling is a decision you won’t regret. Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Programmable, Service & Maintenance, Thermostats

Download The Air Assurance Free Home Comfort Solutions Guide

We hope you’ve been following our blog each week, and getting your HVAC questions answered right here.  Whether it’s how to change a filter, improve your indoor air quality or size your replacement HVAC equipment, we want to make sure that you get the facts you need to make informed decisions about your home comfort.Another handy resource for homeowners is our Home Comfort Solutions Guide. This free download is available right here on our blog page, so be sure to check it out.  Inside, you’ll find a wealth of information about how to get the most from your heating and cooling equipment.Here’s a sneak peek at some of the topics covered in our Guide:

  • Your house as a system- Your HVAC equipment works in conjunction with many other factors in your home to ensure your comfort. Each piece of the puzzle is critical.

  • HVAC controls- Programmable thermostats and zoned systems are two ways to gain control over your home comfort and your energy bills.

  • Replacement options- Is it time for a replacement? Which system is right for you?

  • Hiring an HVAC contractor- What to look for, questions to ask and signs that you’ve found the best contractor for you.

  • Equipment installation- The best HVAC equipment available won’t function properly if it’s installed incorrectly. Find out how to tell if your contractor is doing the job right.

  • Maintaining your equipment- Regular professional maintenance can prevent equipment failure and early system breakdown. Learn about how your contractor keeps your system running smoothly.

Our Home Comfort Solutions Guide also provides some important resources for homeowners, where you can get more information about maximizing the energy efficiency of your HVAC system to save money on your energy bills.So take advantage of this free download today!  And be sure to ask us how we can help you get more from your heating and cooling system, with products and services designed to give you ideal home comfort, clean, healthy indoor air and greater energy savings.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.  To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Fans, Filtration, Thermostats

6 Energy Saving Tips That Will Help Lower Energy Costs

Today, everyone is looking for energy saving tips; the state of the economy has left many people without work and money is tight.  Part of your effort to save money should include making sure that your HVAC system is operating efficiently.If your system is in good working order, there are other steps you can take to make sure that your home is comfortable while still saving a bundle on monthly energy costs.No other system or appliance in your home consumes as much energy as your HVAC system.  At Air Assurance, we want to help homeowners in the Tulsa Metropolitan area put more money in their bank account and spend less on utility costs.  A good place to start is with these 6 energy saving tips:1.  Use your ceiling fans, or have some installed.  During warmer months the circulated air helps cool you; during the colder months, warm air is pushed down and circulated keeping you warmer.2.  Consider the windows.  In warmer months, close curtains or blinds to help block out the hot sun.  In winter months, open up the drapes on the south side of your home to warm the room.  Also, make sure areas around the windows are sealed or caulked to ensure cold/hot air remains outside, not inside.3.  Exhaust fans pull air out of your home.  Turn your exhaust fans off within a few minutes after cooking or showering.4.  Check the thermostat.  Lower it a degree or two in winter, raise it by the same amount in the summer.  Your energy bills will lower dramatically, and you will remain comfortable.5.  Check your air filters and replace on a consistent basis.  Dirty filters create air flow restrictions and make your unit work harder.  This can also make your system pull air from leaky ductwork which can allow cold/hot air into the home, as well as other unwanted pollutants.6.  Have an HVAC certified contractor check out your system on a regular basis. Just like an automobile, a finely tuned piece of machinery works better and more efficiently!Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about energy saving tips and other HVAC topics, click here. Air Assurance services the Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.  To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.