Energy Savings

Saving on Energy Bills This Summer

Saving on Energy Bills This Summer

Summer will be heating up all too soon in Broken Arrow, and that means turning on the air conditioner and watching your utility bills go up. Fortunately, modern air conditioners are more efficient than ever before. You can save by replacing your old electricity sapper with a new, high-SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) model.But along with replacing old equipment, here are some additional ideas for summer savings:

Efficient Ideas for Summer Savings

1. Install ceiling fans. If you don't already have ceiling fans, install them. Make sure blades are reversible. In the summer, run the fan blades counterclockwise to help lift warm air to the ceiling and disperse the cold air from the A/C around the room. In the winter, run the blades the opposite direction to push heat downwards. Ceiling fans won't make the temperature cooler, but the home's occupants will feel cooler as the air moves over the skin and perspiration evaporates.

2. Keep your air filter changed. Don't push the use of that air filter beyond what the manufacturer recommends. You won't be saving money, but you are probably causing your air conditioner to run inefficiently with a dirty filter that is slowing down air flow.

3. Install a programmable thermostat. To be sure, the programmable thermostat will not make your home more efficient unless you adhere to the schedule you program, but if you abide by an energy-saving schedule, you will save. Turn the thermostat down at least five degrees when the home's occupants are sleeping or away from home.

4. Keep the sunlight out. Draw shades, drapes and blinds to keep passive solar energy out of the home.

5. Keep a lid on humidity. High humidity can make you feel warmer in the summer. Reduce humidity by doing the following:

  • Take shorter showers

  • Put all indoor plants in one room

  • Install bathroom and range hood exhaust ventilation

  • Fix leaks as soon as you find them

To learn more about summer savings through efficiency, contact Air Assurance. We serve Broken Arrow and the surrounding area.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about saving money and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “gc1366/Pixabay”