Many Tulsa HVAC companies advertise deals for a free furnace when you purchase and install a new air conditioning unit, but they are usually too good to be true. Understand all the details so you don't end up spending more money.
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Furnace Not heating Up?
AC Estimates Tulsa, OK | Repair vs. Replace
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AC Estimates Tulsa, OK | Repair vs. Replace
A time will come when you'll have to choose between repairing and replacing your HVAC unit. Considering the importance and considerable cost of an HVAC system, you'll want to ensure you make the best decision for your house and for your family. So when should you repair or replace? Let's explore the crucial factors you should consider when it comes to repair or replace.
HVAC systems generally last 10 to 15 years. If your furnace has lasted more than 15 years or your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, you should consider replacing them. An aging HVAC system will exhibit certain warning signs. The system may make unusual noises when starting up, your home may be damp or stuffy, or you may have to adjust the thermostat constantly to stay comfortable.
Need for Repairs
If you haven't incurred significant maintenance or repair costs since installing your HVAC unit, it may be better to repair it. However, consider replacing it if it keeps needing repairs. An excellent formula you can use is multiplying the system's age by the repair costs. If the result is more than $5,000, it's better to replace the unit.
How Long You'll Stay in Your House
If you're not planning to stay in your current house for long, the better option may be to repair your unit. A new unit's installation costs will most likely be higher than what you'd get back from the resulting increase in your home's sale price. However, it's best to replace your unit if it's very old, as that could hurt your home's sale price.
Your Current Unit's Efficiency
The older your current system is, the more inefficient it's likely to be when compared to modern units. Today's units have high efficiency ratings in addition to advanced features, such as variable-speed technology, that drastically increase your energy savings. Upgrading your older system allows you to take advantage of home-comfort advancements that deliver improved efficiency and maximize energy savings.
Still don't know whether to repair or replace? An HVAC technician can help you figure out an HVAC unit's lifetime cost analysis and return on investment to help you make a more informed decision. For all your HVAC repair or replace needs in the Broken Arrow area, contact the certified technicians at Air Assurance.