hvac repair

HVAC System

AC Estimates Tulsa, OK | Repair vs. Replace

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AC Estimates Tulsa, OK | Repair vs. Replace

A time will come when you'll have to choose between repairing and replacing your HVAC unit. Considering the importance and considerable cost of an HVAC system, you'll want to ensure you make the best decision for your house and for your family. So when should you repair or replace? Let's explore the crucial factors you should consider when it comes to repair or replace.


HVAC systems generally last 10 to 15 years. If your furnace has lasted more than 15 years or your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, you should consider replacing them. An aging HVAC system will exhibit certain warning signs. The system may make unusual noises when starting up, your home may be damp or stuffy, or you may have to adjust the thermostat constantly to stay comfortable.

Need for Repairs

If you haven't incurred significant maintenance or repair costs since installing your HVAC unit, it may be better to repair it. However, consider replacing it if it keeps needing repairs. An excellent formula you can use is multiplying the system's age by the repair costs. If the result is more than $5,000, it's better to replace the unit.

How Long You'll Stay in Your House

If you're not planning to stay in your current house for long, the better option may be to repair your unit. A new unit's installation costs will most likely be higher than what you'd get back from the resulting increase in your home's sale price. However, it's best to replace your unit if it's very old, as that could hurt your home's sale price.

Your Current Unit's Efficiency

The older your current system is, the more inefficient it's likely to be when compared to modern units. Today's units have high efficiency ratings in addition to advanced features, such as variable-speed technology, that drastically increase your energy savings. Upgrading your older system allows you to take advantage of home-comfort advancements that deliver improved efficiency and maximize energy savings.

Still don't know whether to repair or replace? An HVAC technician can help you figure out an HVAC unit's lifetime cost analysis and return on investment to help you make a more informed decision. For all your HVAC repair or replace needs in the Broken Arrow area, contact the certified technicians at Air Assurance.

HVAC System

What Are the Most Commonly Needed HVAC Repairs?

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It can be frustrating when your HVAC system breaks down, especially in the middle of a cold snap. It's even more frustrating if you can't figure out what the problem is. Some HVAC issues are worse than others, but it's important that you don't panic even if things seem disastrous. Here are some of the most common problems that require HVAC repairs and what you can do about them.

  • The unit won't turn on. The most basic HVAC problem is that the unit simply won't turn on. There are a number of possible causes for this. First, check the batteries in the thermostat. Then make sure the unit hasn't tripped the circuit breaker. Finally, try raising or lowering your thermostat a few degrees to see if it kicks in. If not, call your HVAC technician to arrange HVAC repairs.

  • The unit won't turn off. Your blower is running continuously and won't stop, wasting energy in the process. First check the thermostat to see if the fan is in the "On" position. If so, switch it to "Auto." Then try temporarily matching the thermostat setting to the ambient temperature to trick the unit into cycling off.

  • Airflow issues. There's hardly any air coming from your vents. It takes forever for your home to come to temperature. The most likely cause is a clogged air filter, preventing air from getting through. Remember to change it every three to six months to keep air flowing properly, maintain your IAQ, and avoid the need for HVAC repairs.

  • Hot and cold spots. There are several potential causes for hot and cold spots around your house. It could be poor placement of your thermostat. There might be vent blockages keeping air from reaching certain areas. You may also have leaks in your ductwork keeping conditioned air from reaching your home. Finally, your HVAC system might be the wrong size for your home, resulting in short-cycling and disparate temperatures. Call your HVAC technician to diagnose the problem and help you determine what to do about it.

If you need HVAC repairs for your home, contact us at Air Assurance. We provide Broken Arrow with quality heating and cooling solutions.

Service & Maintenance

What Warranty Terms Should You Look for When Buying HVAC Equipment?

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HVAC warranty terms vary, so you shouldn't take them for granted when making HVAC purchase decisions. You'll only get the peace of mind that a warranty should provide if the applicable terms and coverage details are a good value for you. Here's a quick primer on the warranty terms you should look for when replacing your heating and cooling equipment.

Equipment Warranty

Generally, HVAC warranties can be classified into equipment and labor warranties. Equipment warranties are provided by the manufacturers and cover failures or malfunctions related to faulty parts.

HVAC equipment manufacturers offer standard and base equipment warranties. You'll get a standard warranty if you register your new equipment within the required time (typically within 60 to 90 days of installation). The base warranty comes into effect if you fail to register your system. It's much shorter than the standard coverage.

When buying an HVAC system, make sure you'll get at least a 10-year warranty once you register the system with the manufacturer.

Labor Warranty

A labor warranty is provided by the HVAC contractor that installs your new equipment. It's greatly important because HVAC performance depends heavily on whether the equipment was installed correctly. Generally, contractors offer labor warranties and extend them if you sign up for their service agreement.

Labor-warranty terms vary widely from one contractor to another. Competent companies that offer high-quality installations offer better labor warranties than those that aren't confident in their services. An honest company with certified technicians shouldn't have a problem providing you a labor warranty that lasts up to 10 years, especially if you enroll in a maintenance agreement.

While labor HVAC warranty terms are usually the greatest source of headaches, equipment warranties can also be nerve-racking, as they can be voided if a system isn't installed according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Therefore, work with a local contractor who has a proven track record of HVAC installations and offers an excellent labor warranty. If you need HVAC installation, repair, or maintenance from the top-rated company in the Broken Arrow area, contact Air Assurance. We offer Planned Maintenance that comes with a lifetime warranty on most repairs and extended labor warranties.