How to Perform Quality Home Maintenance this Fall
With winter just around the corner, there's no time like the present to complete some important fall home maintenance tasks in addition to essential fall HVAC maintenance. Get your home ready for winter by doing the following:
Inspect the outer perimeter of your home for holes and gaps in the walls and foundation. Air leaks typically can be found around window and door frames, at spots where utility wires, vents and pipes penetrate walls, and at the intersection of foundation, sill plates and walls. Use caulk to seal smaller gaps and cracks and use expanding spray foam for larger leaks.
Inspect the interior of your home for air leaks. Take a lit incense stick and walk along the inside of the home's outer envelope. If the smoke wavers, you've found an air leak. Use weatherstripping, caulk or spray foam to seal leaks, depending on their size and location.
Check attic insulation to make sure there's enough to block heat movement between the outside and the attic, and between the attic and the living spaces below. The insulation should rise to the top of the floor joists. Also, seal the attic hatch or door to prevent air movement.
Install storm windows and doors, and remove screens, if your home is the type that allows you to do so.
Check your roof for loose or missing shingles and replace them. Winter can be very hard on your roof, especially if it already has weak spots. Ideally, get a professional roofing contractor to perform a comprehensive inspection.
Clear leaves out of the gutters. This should be done periodically during the fall if you have overhanging trees, and then a final time before winter arrives. If the gutters can drain rainwater and melted snow efficiently, you'll have less chance of ice dams developing and foundation, wall or roof damage from clogged gutters.
Inspect carbon monoxide and smoke detectors for proper operation and fresh batteries. This could be a life-saving fall home maintenance step.
For more fall home maintenance tips for your Broken Arrow area home, please contact us at Air Assurance.
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