refrigerator coil

Preventative Maintenance

Essential Spring Maintenance Tips for Your Broken Arrow Home

Essential Spring Maintenance Tips for Your Broken Arrow Hom

With spring almost here, it's time to perform some standard maintenance procedures around your home again. Preventative maintenance isn't something you want to skip, as taking a few proactive steps can result in energy savings and a more comfortable and attractive home. Here are a few spring maintenance tips to get you started:

Spring MaintenanceCheck your roof and gutters.

During the winter months, it's not uncommon for your roof and rain gutters to take a beating. Visually inspect your roof for lost or damaged shingles, and eyeball your gutters for damage. While you can make some repairs yourself, you're probably better off contacting a professional. Whatever you do, you'll want to prevent water from leaking into your walls and foundation.

Change your HVAC filter.

With the heating season soon coming to a close, now's a good time to inspect your forced-air system's air filter. A clogged filter can restrict system airflow and allow dirt and dust to get into sensitive machinery and coils, leading to an overworked A/C or heat pump, higher energy bills and eventual equipment breakdowns. Inspect your filter monthly and change it when it looks dirty.

Vacuum refrigerator coils.

This is an easy job that will improve refrigerator performance. Don't forget to clean debris away from your A/C's outside compressor/condenser. Accumulated leaves, sticks and other debris can restrict essential airflow.

Schedule a spring maintenance tune-up for your air conditioning system.

Your A/C has been sitting dormant since last fall and should be cleaned, lubricated and adjusted for the new season. A professional technician can complete these tasks by checking your refrigerant level, adjusting airflow, checking all wiring connections and cleaning both inside and outside coils, among other things.

We've barely scratched the surface with these spring maintenance tips. For more information, or to schedule a spring tune-up for your Broken Arrow or Tulsa home's HVAC system, please contact Air Assurance today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Mert-Toker/Shutterstock”