humid environment

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Whole Home Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers in Tulsa

Whole Home Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers in Tulsa

From dry, itchy skin, to chapped lips, and static electricity, low humidity in the home affects your quality of life. It can affect breathing, irritate the nose and throat, cause nosebleeds, and is especially hard on asthma and allergy sufferers. It can also suck the moisture out of hardwood floors, pianos, guitars, furniture, and other expensive wood-based items, costing you a small fortune.These things can happen if the relative humidity in your home falls below 30 percent.

Benefits Of Whole-House Humidifiers

In the winter, that level can easily dive as low as 15 percent, drier than the air in most desserts. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma should not feel like the Sahara desert. To regulate moisture in your home you need a good humidifier.While most portable units don’t regulate actual humidity levels, and can only humidify one or two rooms, whole-house humidifiers have an immediate connection to your heating system, providing comfort and consistency throughout the home. Portable units run the risk of adding too much moisture to the air, which can lead to mold, mildew, dust mites, and insects. If portable units are not cleaned often, they can become sources of mold and bacteria. Some benefits of whole-house units are that they only need to be cleaned once or twice a year, and don’t use a reservoir, eliminating the dangers of stagnant water in the home. Once ideal humidity levels are set, whole-house humidifiers regulate moisture levels, humidify air as needed, and distribute it to every room in the home.Maintaining humidity levels reduces the chance of respiratory infection by reducing viruses, bacteria, and dust. By eliminating dust you also reduce the time, effort, and cost of cleaning your home. In addition, as dry air feels colder, maintaining proper moisture levels will help you to feel warm naturally, allowing for lower thermostat levels, and lower utility costs.In terms of health, cost, and energy efficiency, whole-house humidifiers are the most beneficial way to regulate humidity in your home. With several models available, the best humidifier for you will depend largely on your existing heating and cooling system, as well as the size of your home.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.  To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Air ducts, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Ventilation

What Is Microbiocide (BBJ) And How Can It Help Indoor Air Quality?

Operating costs for heating and air conditioning systems continue to rise year after year. So, we make sure our homes are sealed and insulated, weatherstripped and caulked, in order to reduce the infiltration of outside air and the loss of our precious, indoor conditioned air. That saves us money; but, it also creates another problem.Indoor air quality in homes is the new problem. The air we use gets circulated and filtered and we think all is well. Filtration is a tremendous help; the problem is that mold, mildew and bacteria can live in our homes with us. As they breed, their presence can cause allergies to flair and can contribute to other, more serious, respiratory conditions. Poor indoor air quality has become the price we pay for keeping our homes tight, more comfortable and for reducing our energy costs.When pollutants and contaminants leave our home to be filtered they travel through the duct system. Not all bacteria and mold spores go to the filter. Many cling to the ducts and other components in our heating and air conditioning system. As they breed, their numbers increase and they become unwelcome guests in our homes. They can live on anything that provides a comfortable, humid environment. The biggest example of where mold growth can occur is in our air conditioning evaportator coils.  This is most likely the darkest, wettest, area in the home, which provides an ultimate safe harbor for these culprits to live, eat, and reproduce.  A product that can fight mold and mildew in our home air ducts and coils is MicroBiocide.Microbiocide is a harmless chemical thats been approved by the EPA, to help reduce mold and other contaminants in our home comfort system. A treatment with this approved organic chemical can substantially improve the indoor air quality of any home.Reducing microbial irritants in the ducts can reduce duct odors, inhibit the spread and growth of mold colonies and greatly reduce allergens in the indoor air.  Not only that, but by reducing these things that attach themselves to the coils, airflow and temperature transfer is less inhibited, therefore allowing your system to cool or heat more efficiently.Get more information on reducing mold and mildew and increasing the healthy level of indoor air quality by going here. For other information regarding the maintenance of quality indoor air for your family, log onto Air Assurance. We want everyone to enjoy both home comfort at the lowest possible cost and clean, healthy indoor air.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.