myths about saving energy

Energy Savings, Featured

Don't Fall for These Energy-Saving Myths

Don't Fall for These Energy-Saving Myths

The HVAC world is full of old wives’ tales, especially when it comes to saving energy. By understanding the truth behind these energy-saving myths, you can make informed decisions on how to reduce your home’s energy consumption without sacrificing comfort.

Myth #1: Ceiling Fans Can Cool Down a Hot Room

The gentle breeze a ceiling fan produces makes you feel cooler due to the wind chill effect. However, it won’t do anything to lower actual room temperatures. Unlike air conditioners, ceiling fans are incapable of removing heat from the air – an essential step for lowering room temperatures.

Myth #2: Closed Vents Reduce Energy Use

Keeping your vents closed won’t help you save energy. A closed vent can upset your HVAC system’s air flow balance, making it work harder than usual to provide the same heating performance at the cost of higher energy consumption.

Myth #3: Raising Your Thermostat Heats Your Home Faster

Contrary to popular belief, raising your thermostat to its maximum setting won’t heat your home any faster. However, it will burn unnecessary energy and make your home uncomfortably hot.

Myth #4: Turning Off Your Electronics is Enough to Save Power

Many of today’s appliances use small amounts of power for “standby” purposes as long as they’re plugged in. As a result, you’re better off unplugging your electronics if you want to save.

Myth #5: Using Your Fireplace Saves Energy

Whenever you’re using your fireplace, you’ll have to leave the damper open to vent toxic gases outdoors. Although the room you’re in remains toasty, overall temperatures throughout your home can drop as a result.

Myth #6: Replacing Your Windows Cuts Your Energy Costs

Here’s an energy-saving myth that’s partially right. While replacing your drafty windows with energy-efficient windows can cut energy costs, the expense involved in replacing them means you won’t break even until years later.

Contact us at Air Assurance to learn about these and other energy-saving myths. We proudly provide heating and cooling services to Broken Arrow homeowners.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Ribah/Shutterstock”