save energy dollars

Energy Savings

Want To Save Energy Dollars? From DIY Projects To HVAC Upgrades, We've Got Some Tips For You

Want To Save Energy Dollars? From DIY Projects To HVAC Upgrades, We've Got Some Tips For You

Because your home is comprised of a series of systems that work together, when one system fails, it can affect the energy efficiency of the others. If you want to save energy dollars, there’s a host of projects you can do to upgrade your home’s overall energy efficiency potential.Consider which of these projects will help you to save energy dollars:

  • Use a programmable thermostat – A programmable device helps save energy dollars because you can use it to preset energy-saving temperatures in your home that match how you use it. And you won’t waste energy cooling your home when you’re not present.

  • Become energy conscious – Turn off appliances and electronics when you’re not using them. These devices draw energy even when they're not in use. So unplug your toaster, and shut off the lights when you leave a room.

  • Find creative ways to reduce energy consumption – Choosing to air dry your dishes instead of running them through the system’s energy-consuming drying cycle helps to save energy. Air drying your clothes will accomplish the same goal. Additionally, only run your dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer when their loads are full.

  • Find the right settings – Most water heaters, for instance, are preset to an unnecessarily high temperature. You can save energy dollars by dialing it back to 120 degrees.

  • Use less hot water – Take shorter showers, and consider using low-flow showerheads and faucets.

  • Seal your home – Reducing air leaks will keep more conditioned air inside and allow less outside air to infiltrate your home. You can use caulk to seal around windows and electrical wiring outlets, and apply weatherstripping around doors

  • Upgrade your equipment – Possibly one the most effective actions that will save energy dollars, swapping out your old, inefficient water heater, furnace or air conditioner for a high-efficiency model can result in significantly higher energy savings.

If you’re not sure where to start, but you want to save energy dollars, contact the experts at Air Assurance Heating, Cooling & Air Quality today for advice. We've been serving homeowners in the greater Broken Arrow area for more than 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!