spring forward

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Is Your HVAC System Ready to Spring Forward?

Is Your HVAC System Ready to Spring Forward?

With Daylight Saving Time coming up, now is an ideal time to spring forward when it comes to your Broken Arrow home’s HVAC system. Put the following tasks on your list of things to do to prepare for spring.

  • Check smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors — Make sure these devices are working, and put a new set of batteries in them. Dust them off to ensure that they are able to work properly.

  • Change HVAC filters — The filters in your HVAC system can collect a lot of dust and other debris during winter. Replace them with new ones in order to protect the indoor air quality in your home by cutting down on the amount of dust and other pollutants.

  • Test your air conditioner — If you have a central air conditioning unit, test it out before hotter weather arrives. This helps ensure that your system will work efficiently to cool your home this coming summer.

  • Schedule an HVAC inspection — Have a technician come to your Broken Arrow home to inspect your heating and cooling equipment and perform preventive HVAC maintenance. Your technician can make sure that your furnace is ready for the off season and your air conditioner is ready for the summer months.

  • Remove debris around outdoor units — Clear away piles of leaves and any vegetation that could obstruct your outdoor unit, such as weeds and shrubs. This type of debris can prevent your HVAC system’s compressor from working properly, leading to costly repairs.

  • Seal ductwork cracks — Check the ductwork in your home for cracks or holes that could make it harder for your HVAC system to cool your home efficiently. Seal up these holes or cracks for proper ventilation in your home.

If you're ready to spring forward with HVAC maintenance, please contact Air Assurance today. We provide HVAC repair and maintenance services to homeowners in Broken Arrow.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Valentyn Volkov/Shutterstock”