winter safety

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Winter Season Home Safety Precautions

Winter Season Home Safety Precautions

Winter is coming to Oklahoma, and that means practicing winter home safety. Some types of heating systems represent greater hazards than others, so be sure to be up on how to operate yours safely.

Furnace Checkup

At the start of the heating season, perform a few basic tasks, such as checking the furnace filter. A clean filter will help the furnace run more efficiently, promoting good airflow. Also make sure that there are no obstructions around the vents so that heated air can flow without hindrance and warm the room properly.It's always recommended to schedule a furnace checkup by a professional as you start the heating season. Your technician should perform several critical tasks, including these:

  • Check thermostat and controls, adjusting if needed.

  • Clean and adjust burners and pilot assembly.

  • Clean and adjust burners for most efficient operation.

  • Check for gas leaks.

  • Adjust tension in belts if needed.

  • Lubricate moving parts, particularly in the blower.

  • Inspect draft pipe and draft diverter.

  • Test manifold pressure.

  • Inspect the heat exchanger for cracks that might emit carbon monoxide, an odorless, tasteless, invisible byproduct of the combustion process.

Electrical Heating

With all types of electrical heating systems, make sure electrical connections are tight and frayed wires replaced. With heat pumps, make sure refrigerant levels are properly charged and that there are no obstructions on the outdoor compressor.


Check fireplace flues and chimneys, ensuring they are clean and clear of obstructions. Keep flammable objects well away from the fireplace. Place a screen cover in front of the flame so that no sparks fly out and start a fire in the living space.

Space Heaters

Keep space heaters a safe distance from furniture, bedding or any other objects that might catch fire. Make sure electrical connections are tight and that cords are not frayed.

Carbon Monoxide Monitors

Install carbon monoxide monitors in your home if you have any combustion-powered appliances. Install them on every floor at least 5 feet from the ground.To learn more about winter home safety, contact Air Assurance of Broken Arrow and Tulsa at 918-894-5760.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about winter home safety and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273. Credit/Copyright Attribution: “openclipart-vectors/Pixabay”