Static Electricity

Static Electricity

Air Too Dry This Winter? Get a Handle on Static Electricity in Your Home

Air Too Dry This Winter? Get a Handle on Static Electricity in Your Home

The winter climate in Oklahoma can make air dry and uncomfortable. On top of that, dry air frequently leads to static electricity, which is one of wintertime’s biggest nuisances. Here are some of the best ways to zap static electricity.

What Causes Static Electricity?

Static electricity is caused by an imbalance of negative and positive charges on an object. The object can be inanimate or animate. The charges naturally want to balance themselves. When a second object has physical contact with the unbalanced object, current carrying the charge travels from one to the other in an effort to balance the charges. If one of the “objects” is you, you will feel an electrical shock that can be quite mild, or it can cause a second of pain. Either way, the shock you experience from static electricity comes as an unpleasant surprise. Lack of air moisture increases static electricity. That’s why it frequently occurs in the wintertime.

How Can You Reduce or Eliminate Static Electricity?

At home

You can reduce the odds of getting shocked by static electricity in your home by running a humidifier in the wintertime. Humidifiers work by adding moisture to the air. An upright humidifier for a family room is ideal, while small, tabletop models for bedrooms work best. Just make sure you change the filters on a routine basis to keep mold and allergens at bay. Used correctly, humidifiers can also help keep your family healthy in winter

In your car

When you slide out of your car, you generate static electricity. The next thing you touch will shock you. But if you hold on to the steering wheel as you exit, you will protect yourself from getting shocked. This is especially helpful if you are fueling up your car at the gas station, because static electricity can actually be dangerous around gasoline.

On your clothes

Prevent skirts from clinging to your stockings by using fabric softener sheets in the dryer or using a commercial static spray.

For more information about improving your indoor air quality and possibly installing a whole house humidifier, contact us today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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Static Electricity

Don't Let Static Electricity Get You Frizzled This Winter


Inevitably, when winter rolls around, the likelihood of experiencing static electricity increases. As cooler temperatures arrive, the air holds less moisture, and even heated indoor environments become very dry. So what’s the solution to combating static electricity? Finding effective ways to restore moisture to the environment will reduce the likelihood of getting zapped, while giving homeowners several added benefits.

In cool, dry air, static charges build up on surfaces and objects throughout the home. When a human comes into contact with an object, a shock of static electricity results, which can not only be painful for humans to experience, but it can damage electronics too. Even small charges of static electricity can damage a personal computer if you open it up to install RAM or add a plug-in. Further, the conditions that cause static electricity can damage wood components in your home, as well as create health conditions such as sinus or respiratory problems.

Learn the various ways you can restore moisture to your home, and avoid getting zapped:

  • Install a whole-house humidifier. This is generally the most comprehensive solution, as the system installs alongside your HVAC equipment. As your furnace generates heat, the humidifier releases water vapor into the air. Then, the ductwork delivers heated, moist air into all of the home’s living areas.

  • Add moisture to the air by simmering water. Simmering water on a stovetop will release small amounts of water vapor into the air. Combined with some of the solutions below, it may give you some relief from static electricity.

  • Strategically place bowls of water around the home, which will emit some moisture back into the air.

  • Use plants. Plants hold moisture, as long as they are regularly watered, and then release that moisture into the air.

  • Avoid charges that damage your computer by unplugging it before performing any work, or ensuring that it's properly grounded.

At Air Assurance Heating, Air Conditioning & Geothermal, we’ve served homeowners in greater Broken Arrow for 27 years with quality HVAC solutions. Give us a call today for professional assistance resolving static electricity problems.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock