static electricity

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Whole Home Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers in Tulsa

Whole Home Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers in Tulsa

From dry, itchy skin, to chapped lips, and static electricity, low humidity in the home affects your quality of life. It can affect breathing, irritate the nose and throat, cause nosebleeds, and is especially hard on asthma and allergy sufferers. It can also suck the moisture out of hardwood floors, pianos, guitars, furniture, and other expensive wood-based items, costing you a small fortune.These things can happen if the relative humidity in your home falls below 30 percent.

Benefits Of Whole-House Humidifiers

In the winter, that level can easily dive as low as 15 percent, drier than the air in most desserts. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma should not feel like the Sahara desert. To regulate moisture in your home you need a good humidifier.While most portable units don’t regulate actual humidity levels, and can only humidify one or two rooms, whole-house humidifiers have an immediate connection to your heating system, providing comfort and consistency throughout the home. Portable units run the risk of adding too much moisture to the air, which can lead to mold, mildew, dust mites, and insects. If portable units are not cleaned often, they can become sources of mold and bacteria. Some benefits of whole-house units are that they only need to be cleaned once or twice a year, and don’t use a reservoir, eliminating the dangers of stagnant water in the home. Once ideal humidity levels are set, whole-house humidifiers regulate moisture levels, humidify air as needed, and distribute it to every room in the home.Maintaining humidity levels reduces the chance of respiratory infection by reducing viruses, bacteria, and dust. By eliminating dust you also reduce the time, effort, and cost of cleaning your home. In addition, as dry air feels colder, maintaining proper moisture levels will help you to feel warm naturally, allowing for lower thermostat levels, and lower utility costs.In terms of health, cost, and energy efficiency, whole-house humidifiers are the most beneficial way to regulate humidity in your home. With several models available, the best humidifier for you will depend largely on your existing heating and cooling system, as well as the size of your home.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.  To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.


How to Control Static Electricity in Your Home

How to Control Static Electricity in Your Home

This time of year, static electricity in your home can cause painful shocks when you touch a light switch, a metal doorknob or another person, and make it difficult to separate laundry that's fresh from the dryer or even comb your hair. Even worse, these random electrical discharges can also permanently damage electronics and appliances, like your computer, TV, cell phone or microwave.

Why Static Electricity Occurs

Static electrical charges are created by the transfer of electrons when two materials come in contact. One ends up with a positive charge, and the other with a negative charge. Opposite charges attract, and when materials or objects with excess charges come close together, the extra electrons leap across the gap, and the charge is released with a jolt or shock.

Dry Vs. Humid Air and Its Effect on Static Electricity

Static electrical shocks tend to occur in the winter because the air is dry. Cold air doesn't retain moisture very well, and your heating system dries out your indoor air even more. When the air in your home is moist or humid enough though, water molecules collect on the surface of everything. Since water is a superb conductor, excess electrical charges can easily move between different materials without a jolt or shock.

Tips for Controlling Static Electricity

There are various ways to control static discharges to prevent discomfort and damage in your home:

  • Wear clothing and socks made of natural fibers like cotton, and leather-soled shoes, because they pick up less static charge than synthetic materials.

  • Spray diluted fabric softener or an anti-static product on your clothing, furniture and carpets to make the materials less conductive.

  • Add some potted plants, and/or place containers of water in various spots around your home so water can evaporate into the air.

  • Talk to your HVAC pro about installing a whole-house humidifier on your HVAC system so you can add a precise amount of humidity to the air circulating through your home in the wintertime.

To learn more about controlling static electricity in your Broken Arrow home with a whole-house humidifier, contact us at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about home comfort and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.Credit/Copyright Attribution: “ErikaWittlieb/Pixabay”


Need a Whole House Humidifier? 5 Tips on How to Find the Right One

Dry air is a common problem during the winter months and can lead to nasal discomfort, throat irritation and frequent nosebleeds. It can also cause arcs of static electricity and can dry out or crack wood furniture and flooring. A comfortable range of humidity for most homes is around 30 percent during winter and up to 50 percent during summer. The right whole house humidifier can ensure the humidity levels in your home remain at comfortable levels to prevent these issues.

Need a Whole House Humidifier? 5 Tips on How to Find the Right One

A whole house humidifier is permanently installed on your furnace. The size of humidifier you need in your home depends on the living area and the level of humidity you want to achieve, but these five tips can help you find the right humidifier for your home.

  1. Determine the square footage of your home to select a unit large enough to provide the proper amount of humidity. Homes that are drafty will require a higher-output humidifier than homes that are tightly sealed.

  2. Choose whole house humidifiers over stand-alone units for minimum maintenance. Whole house humidifiers utilize your home’s water supply and furnace blower, thus requiring less maintenance than stand-alone models, which must be monitored and refilled regularly.

  3. Compare the evaporative capacity of each model you’re considering. A whole house humidifier with a high output adds moisture more rapidly than humidifiers that have lower outputs.

  4. Look for whole house humidifiers with automatic controls. These allow you to set the humidity level once and turn off and on when necessary to maintain a consistent relative humidity level. Units with manual controls must be consistently monitored.

  5. Investigate to determine how much maintenance and cleaning is required for each model you’re considering. Some whole house humidifiers have filters that need to be replaced periodically. Others have permanent filters that require cleaning just once or twice a year. Look for humidifiers that have panel indicator lights so you can see when maintenance is needed.

For more information about whole house humidifiers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow areas, and how to select the type that best suits your needs, contact Air Assurance today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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Static Electricity

Air Too Dry This Winter? Get a Handle on Static Electricity in Your Home

Air Too Dry This Winter? Get a Handle on Static Electricity in Your Home

The winter climate in Oklahoma can make air dry and uncomfortable. On top of that, dry air frequently leads to static electricity, which is one of wintertime’s biggest nuisances. Here are some of the best ways to zap static electricity.

What Causes Static Electricity?

Static electricity is caused by an imbalance of negative and positive charges on an object. The object can be inanimate or animate. The charges naturally want to balance themselves. When a second object has physical contact with the unbalanced object, current carrying the charge travels from one to the other in an effort to balance the charges. If one of the “objects” is you, you will feel an electrical shock that can be quite mild, or it can cause a second of pain. Either way, the shock you experience from static electricity comes as an unpleasant surprise. Lack of air moisture increases static electricity. That’s why it frequently occurs in the wintertime.

How Can You Reduce or Eliminate Static Electricity?

At home

You can reduce the odds of getting shocked by static electricity in your home by running a humidifier in the wintertime. Humidifiers work by adding moisture to the air. An upright humidifier for a family room is ideal, while small, tabletop models for bedrooms work best. Just make sure you change the filters on a routine basis to keep mold and allergens at bay. Used correctly, humidifiers can also help keep your family healthy in winter

In your car

When you slide out of your car, you generate static electricity. The next thing you touch will shock you. But if you hold on to the steering wheel as you exit, you will protect yourself from getting shocked. This is especially helpful if you are fueling up your car at the gas station, because static electricity can actually be dangerous around gasoline.

On your clothes

Prevent skirts from clinging to your stockings by using fabric softener sheets in the dryer or using a commercial static spray.

For more information about improving your indoor air quality and possibly installing a whole house humidifier, contact us today.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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Static Electricity

Don't Let Static Electricity Get You Frizzled This Winter


Inevitably, when winter rolls around, the likelihood of experiencing static electricity increases. As cooler temperatures arrive, the air holds less moisture, and even heated indoor environments become very dry. So what’s the solution to combating static electricity? Finding effective ways to restore moisture to the environment will reduce the likelihood of getting zapped, while giving homeowners several added benefits.

In cool, dry air, static charges build up on surfaces and objects throughout the home. When a human comes into contact with an object, a shock of static electricity results, which can not only be painful for humans to experience, but it can damage electronics too. Even small charges of static electricity can damage a personal computer if you open it up to install RAM or add a plug-in. Further, the conditions that cause static electricity can damage wood components in your home, as well as create health conditions such as sinus or respiratory problems.

Learn the various ways you can restore moisture to your home, and avoid getting zapped:

  • Install a whole-house humidifier. This is generally the most comprehensive solution, as the system installs alongside your HVAC equipment. As your furnace generates heat, the humidifier releases water vapor into the air. Then, the ductwork delivers heated, moist air into all of the home’s living areas.

  • Add moisture to the air by simmering water. Simmering water on a stovetop will release small amounts of water vapor into the air. Combined with some of the solutions below, it may give you some relief from static electricity.

  • Strategically place bowls of water around the home, which will emit some moisture back into the air.

  • Use plants. Plants hold moisture, as long as they are regularly watered, and then release that moisture into the air.

  • Avoid charges that damage your computer by unplugging it before performing any work, or ensuring that it's properly grounded.

At Air Assurance Heating, Air Conditioning & Geothermal, we’ve served homeowners in greater Broken Arrow for 27 years with quality HVAC solutions. Give us a call today for professional assistance resolving static electricity problems.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Humidifiers, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Humidifier Care and Cleaning Tips

Hands down, the benefits of using a humidifier surpass any downside of owning one. Adding moisture to the air through humidification decreases the discomfort you may experience due to dry sinuses or skin. Humidification also decreases the likelihood of static electricity, cracked wood furniture or floors and a host of other problems associated with dry air.There are, however, some hazards to avoid when using a humidifier, whether it’s a portable unit or a whole-house system. Too much moisture is a breeding ground for organisms like mold and dust mites. Therefore, it’s important to maintain a safe, comfortable humidity level (no higher than 50 percent) and to properly care for and clean a humidifier to avoid such conditions.For portable and whole-house units:

  • Use water with a low mineral content to avoid buildup in the tank and prevent the release of minerals into the air.

  • Owner’s manuals include manufacturer’s directions for cleaning and what products to use. In any case, you can use a mix of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide and water. After cleaning, rinse the tank thoroughly with water.

  • Use a hygrometer, commonly found at a hardware supply store, to gauge humidity and maintain levels below 50 percent.

  • Keep areas around the unit dry. Any dampness that occurs, such as a wet carpet or floor, invites organisms to form.

  • Use only approved parts when replacing or cleaning the unit, according to manufacturer suggestions.

  • If you won’t be using the humidifier for awhile, clean it before storing it away or turning it off.

For portable units only:

  • Clean frequently, at least every three days. Drain water from the tank and use a scrubbing brush to clean around the inside. Be sure to scrape away mineral deposits and build up. Dry the tank.

  • Every day, use new water in the tank.

For whole-house systems only:For systems with a holding tank, regular water changes are recommended. Water that collects inside the tank provides conditions for organisms to develop.Questions? Thinking about upgrading to a whole-house humidifier. At Air Assurance, we want you to get the most comfort from your home heating and cooling investment. Call us if we can help.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.