spring cleaning


How to Clean AC Ducts in Your Home


The AC ducts are the circulation system of your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. So, it's important for them to work efficiently for maximum AC cooling. Efficient duct operation also means keeping the ducts clean. Keep reading to explore more reasons why and methods of how to clean AC ducts in your Broken Arrow home.

Why Clean AC Ducts?

AC ducts are going to get dirty just like any other surface in your home. Learning how to clean AC ducts will enable more efficient airflow, better energy efficiency, and better indoor air quality. That's because dirty ducts with layers of dirt and crud built up inside hinder airflow and can reintroduce contaminants to the living spaces.

How to Clean AC Ducts, Step 1

The first step for how to clean AC ducts is gathering all the tools and safety gear you'll need. You'll need a screwdriver, cleaning rags, a flashlight, and a shop vac. For safety wear, you'll need goggles, a respirator, gloves, long pants and a long-sleeve shirt.

How to Clean AC Ducts, Step 2

The next step for how to clean AC ducts is turning off the power at the thermostat to the HVAC system. You don't want it powering on while you're cleaning.

Next, remove the covers to the air-supply registers and return grilles. However, it is not suggested that you climb any ladders or chairs to reach vents and grilles. Only clean vents and grilles you can reach from the floor.

Once the covers are removed, use a shop vac to clean inside AC ducts and the back of vents and grilles. You may need a flashlight to see into dark air ducts. Be careful not to get cut by any sharp edges of metal ductwork.

How to Clean AC Ducts, Step 3

The last step is to reattach the vents and grilles. Turn the AC on. Some loosened debris will probably come out of the vents, so you may need to dust and vacuum.

If you have questions about how to clean AC ducts, contact Air Assurance today.

HVAC System

What Are the Most Important HVAC Tips for Spring?


Spring weather is on the way, which makes this a good time to prepare your HVAC system for the hotter months. These HVAC tips for spring can help you ensure that your HVAC system is fully ready to keep your Broken Arrow home cool and comfortable as outdoor temperatures start to heat up.

Replace Your Air Filter

The air filter in your HVAC system needs to be replaced on a regular basis for a number of reasons. This filter is an important part of helping your HVAC system operate efficiently so that it won’t experience as much wear and tear. This keeps your cooling bills down while also helping your HVAC system last longer. If you have trouble remembering to replace your air filter, consider setting up reminders. You should replace it every few months or sooner depending on how clogged or dirty it gets.

Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear of Debris

Another of the important HVAC tips for spring is that your system’s outdoor unit needs to be free of debris (such as twigs and weeds) on all sides in order to have adequate airflow. This helps your HVAC system work better while also reducing the risk of damage. Head outdoors to clear away anything that’s blocking your outdoor unit, and make sure there is at least 2 feet of space on each side. This includes removing weeds and debris, as well as trimming branches on any shrubs, trees, or bushes that are close by.

Set Up HVAC Maintenance

Also on the list of HVAC tips for spring? If you want to make sure your HVAC system is in the best shape possible for warmer weather, schedule HVAC maintenance. This means an HVAC technician will visit your home and check your HVAC system for any issues it might be having. Your HVAC technician can tighten loose components and handle other tasks that are needed to prepare your HVAC system for spring.

If you’re looking for additional HVAC tips for spring, contact Air Assurance today. We can perform routine HVAC maintenance at your Broken Arrow home to get your system ready for spring.

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Spring Cleaning Tips to Improve IAQ

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Not only will spring-cleaning make your house look beautiful again, it will also improve its indoor air quality, which can benefit the health of those in your household. To get you started, we've compiled a few of our favorite tips that will make improving IAQ in spring quick and easy.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Spring-cleaning should always begin by ensuring that your HVAC equipment is running properly. If you haven't had it checked out in the past year, it's time to call a professional and get it done. This will help maintain its efficiency — and even prolong its operational life span.

Change the Filter Every One to Three Months

Your HVAC equipment's air filter is essential to maintaining healthy air quality, but unfortunately, it gets clogged up pretty quickly. On average, the filter must be changed every one to three months to work properly. Check each month and then either clean or replace it, depending on what type you have installed.

Don’t Forget Fan Blades

Whenever you dust around the house, it's very important that you don't forget about the fan blades. In fact, we're guessing that when you do clean the blades, you might be surprised at the amount of dust that has collected up there. If you don't clean this area on a regular basis, then the accumulated dust will be spread out each time you turn on the fan.

Get Your Ducts Professionally Cleaned

Your air ducts might be acting as a haven for harmful particles without you even knowing it. Left unchecked, this can greatly hurt your indoor air quality every time your HVAC equipment is in operation. To keep this from happening, hire a professional to clean the ducts at least once every five years.

If you follow these simple housecleaning tips, then improving IAQ during the spring will be a cinch. If you need more advice or have any other home-comfort concerns that you would like to discuss, the HVAC experts at Air Assurance can assist you. We've been servicing the needs of Broken Arrow and the surrounding communities for more than 30 years.

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

The Best Dusting Techniques and Products to Improve Your IAQ

The Best Dusting Techniques and Products to Improve Your IAQ

The Best Dusting Techniques and Products to Improve Your IAQ

Dust is one of the most annoying problems we face inside our homes. No matter how thoroughly you clean your house, dust tends to reappear with surreal frequency. Fortunately, you can keep your home dust-free for longer by using some brilliant dusting techniques. 

Change Air Filters Regularly

Dirty air filters are a huge source of indoor dust. They collect dust particles and prevent them from being blown back into your home's air. However, failing to replace the filters frequently allows the particles to cycle through and circulate throughout your home. You can significantly reduce the buildup of dust by changing your filters every month during the high-use summer and winter seasons.

Use Microfiber

You can dust your home like a pro by using microfiber towels. Unlike other commonly used tools like feather dusters that spread dust from surface to surface, microfiber dusters successfully capture dust. Use soft fluffy microfiber cloths to clean delicate surfaces that easily scratch and flatweave cloths to clean hard surfaces like glass.

Dust from Top to Bottom

This is one of the best dusting techniques that most people usually overlook. When dusting the highest items, some dust falls onto anything that's below. Therefore, you want to start dusting from the highest to the lowest points of the room. That way, everything will be clean once you're done with dusting.

Install an Air Purifier

If you're serious about minimizing dust in your home, then an air purifier is a must-have. It uses advanced technology to capture more dust and pollutants from your household air than air filters. The less the dust in your air, the less it will collect on your items, giving you the huge benefit of dusting less often.These dusting techniques reduce indoor dust. As a result, they make your house much easier to clean and the air you breathe healthier. If you have any questions related to air quality, contact us at Air Assurance. We offer air purifiers, air cleaners, and several other indoor air quality solutions that help homeowners in the Broken Arrow area breathe easier indoors.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

HVAC system

Spring Cleaning and Your HVAC System

Spring Cleaning and Your HVAC System

When you make out a spring cleaning list, you likely include cleaning out the closets, giving the refrigerator a good once over while throwing away any out-of-date food in the freezer, cleaning windows and performing a host of other chores that you might get to only once a year. One task you should add to that list is looking after your HVAC system.Many homeowners think that all you need to do come spring is turn off the furnace and turn on the air conditioner. But giving your A/C a little attention before you turn it on for the cooling season could be quite beneficial. Not only will it run more efficiently so that you save money on utilities, but you'll also help ensure that it stays in good working order throughout the season.

HVAC Cleanup -- Inside and Outside

Your A/C likely is a split system model with two parts: an outdoor condenser, and the indoor air handler and evaporator coils. Let's start with the condenser. After winter's done, check around the condenser for leaves, dirt and other debris that may have collected on your unit's coils and fins. If you're able to easily access them, you can clean them with a sprayer hose; if they're really dirty, use coil cleaner and a soft brush. Be careful not to bend the fins as you clean.Trim any limbs away from the unit so you have at least a 2-foot clearing. Have a look at the hoses that conduct the refrigerant. If anything looks worn, let your HVAC tech know when you schedule your annual spring maintenance visitIndoors, change the air filter. Always buy the right size; never tforce the wrong size filter into the unit.You can also have a look at the evaporator coils, inspecting them for dirt or mold. If you know where the condensate pan is, inspect it for holes, and for sludge that might stop up the condensate drain.Adding your HVAC system to your spring cleaning list will help ensure the parts last longer. Contact Air Assurance of Broken Arrow for more information.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC cleaning and other HVAC topics, call us at 918-217-8273.

Air Conditioning, Featured, HVAC system

Tips for Spring Cleaning Your HVAC System

Tips for Spring Cleaning Your HVAC System

Spring is a time of new growth and new beginnings, and a time to prepare yourself for the year ahead. When it comes to your home comfort, spring can also be a time to get your house in order – and part of that process should be HVAC spring cleaning. Here are a few tasks you won't want to neglect when you're getting ready for the coming year:

  • Schedule your annual maintenance. The time is coming when you'll need to put your heater to rest, and get your air conditioner ready to run at full efficiency. Scheduling spring HVAC maintenance can make sure all your appliances are in working order, and will stay that way.

  • Change your furnace air filters. Ideally, you should change your air filters once a month. If you've been neglecting that, then make sure to get them done now! You'll also want to keep an eye on them through the spring, as pollen and other allergens can clog them easily.

  • Clean floor registers and return air vents. Your air filter catches a lot of the dust that travels through your home, but it can't get all of it. Dust, dander, and other debris can gather in registers and vents, so use a vacuum with a hose attachment to clear them up.

  • Change the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. These appliances help keep you and your family safe – and changing the batteries early lets you avoid the beeping "low battery" warning.

  • Clean your air conditioner coils. An air conditioner works by taking heat energy out of your indoor air, and releasing it outside. Its job is much more difficult if an insulating film of dust collects on the coils. Check your owner's manual for instructions on cleaning them.

HVAC spring cleaning can have a big effect on your comfort throughout the spring and summer months. To learn more about taking care of the HVAC system in your Broken Arrow home, contact us today at Air Assurance!

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “Africa Studio/Shutterstock”