whole house humidifiers

IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

Whole Home Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers in Tulsa

Whole Home Humidifiers & Dehumidifiers in Tulsa

From dry, itchy skin, to chapped lips, and static electricity, low humidity in the home affects your quality of life. It can affect breathing, irritate the nose and throat, cause nosebleeds, and is especially hard on asthma and allergy sufferers. It can also suck the moisture out of hardwood floors, pianos, guitars, furniture, and other expensive wood-based items, costing you a small fortune.These things can happen if the relative humidity in your home falls below 30 percent.

Benefits Of Whole-House Humidifiers

In the winter, that level can easily dive as low as 15 percent, drier than the air in most desserts. Broken Arrow, Oklahoma should not feel like the Sahara desert. To regulate moisture in your home you need a good humidifier.While most portable units don’t regulate actual humidity levels, and can only humidify one or two rooms, whole-house humidifiers have an immediate connection to your heating system, providing comfort and consistency throughout the home. Portable units run the risk of adding too much moisture to the air, which can lead to mold, mildew, dust mites, and insects. If portable units are not cleaned often, they can become sources of mold and bacteria. Some benefits of whole-house units are that they only need to be cleaned once or twice a year, and don’t use a reservoir, eliminating the dangers of stagnant water in the home. Once ideal humidity levels are set, whole-house humidifiers regulate moisture levels, humidify air as needed, and distribute it to every room in the home.Maintaining humidity levels reduces the chance of respiratory infection by reducing viruses, bacteria, and dust. By eliminating dust you also reduce the time, effort, and cost of cleaning your home. In addition, as dry air feels colder, maintaining proper moisture levels will help you to feel warm naturally, allowing for lower thermostat levels, and lower utility costs.In terms of health, cost, and energy efficiency, whole-house humidifiers are the most beneficial way to regulate humidity in your home. With several models available, the best humidifier for you will depend largely on your existing heating and cooling system, as well as the size of your home.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.  To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.


A Humidifer for Greater Wintertime Comfort: Four Basic Types

A Humidifer for Greater Wintertime Comfort: Four Basic Types

During wintertime, most people obviously aim to create a warm and pleasant home environment. However, comfort isn't only achieved by maintaining a constant temperature but also a comfortable range of humidity (around 30 percent during winter and up to 50 percent during summer). The best way to control the humidity level is by having a good humidifier.

There are several health benefits to having a comfortable humidity level, such as avoiding dry throat and skin or even keeping the flu at bay. Dry winter air can dehydrate your nasal passages, leaving you more prone to infections and viruses, and other unpleasant contaminants. A comfortable range of humidity also will reduce static energy build-up and prevent furniture from drying out or shrinking.

The main types of humidifiers available are:

  • Tabletop humidifiers - These appliances can easily adjust the humidity of any room in your home because they are portable. However, a tabletop humidifier will only be able to work in a single room at a time. With lightweight designs, these humidifiers can be easily transported.

  • Tower humidifiers - With slightly taller designs than regular appliances, these humidifiers can be easily placed on your floor. They also will require less frequent refilling due to their larger water tanks. Opt for this model for a medium-sized room.

  • Console humidifiers - These units can humidify multiple rooms at a time, but they are heavier and less portable. Usually, they don't require frequent refilling because the tanks are considerably larger.

  • Whole-house humidifiers - These are installed in the HVAC system and distribute moisture though the system's ductwork. The humidified air reaches every room in the house.

Adding a humidifier to your home can make your family feel more cozy and comfortable. Most humidifiers are easy to set up and require minimum care and cleaning. Tabletop, tower and console humidifiers only need to be filled with water and placed in the room, while whole-house models should be set up by a professional. For more information about humidifiers and how to select the type that best suits your needs, contact Air Assurance today. We've been serving greater Tulsa, Oklahoma metropolitan area since 1985.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). 

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Whole-House Humidifiers Help Keep The Flu At Bay


Does dry indoor air have your senses flaring? Dry nose and skin, and a sore scratchy throat are symptoms of indoor air that is too dry, all of which provide the perfect breeding ground for the flu virus. A whole-house humidifier can relieve your symptoms, and help keep the flu at bay.Flu virus and dry airIt’s important to maintain a healthy immune defense to fight against infections, particularly during the cold and flu season. However, research has shown that a diminished immune system is only one component to the reasons why viruses, like the flu, are more prevalent and infectious during the winter season.Flu viruses produce a defensive coating in cold outdoor temperatures that make them more stable, allowing more time to find an unsuspecting host to infect. This compounds the problem for household occupants of warding off health ailments when dry winter air contributes to a weakened immune system brought on by fatigue, dehydration and dry nose and throat.The third component to the reason why flu viruses spread so easily during dry winter months is the dry air itself. Coughs and sneezes release the flu virus into household air. The dry air quickly evaporates the moisture within the coughs and sneezes, essentially removing the barrier between household occupants and flu viruses. If you have dry nasal passages and sore throat, the likelihood of infection is tremendously increased if you inhale an airborne flu virus.Maintain a moisture barrierWhole-house humidification provides a protective moisture barrier to prevent health ailments, discomforts and household damage caused by dry air. A whole-house humidifier connects to the ductwork of your forced-air system. As airflow passes through the humidifier, water vapor is collected which humidifies the dry air, providing optimal indoor humidity for your entire home.Optimally humidified air carries many benefits in addition to fending off the flu. Optimal humidity protects hardwood floors, wooden cabinetry, molding and all wooden and porous objects, possessions and home structure.For more details about a whole-house humidifier, contact Air Assurance today. We provide outstanding service and installation throughout the Greater Tulsa Metropolitan Area.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Air Conditioning, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality

To Alleviate Dry Winter Air, Consider The Convenience Of Whole House Humidifiers

To Alleviate Dry Winter Air, Consider The Convenience Of Whole House Humidifiers

Cold, dry air can cause or exacerbate respiratory issues, intensify allergies and dehydrate skin, causing painful cracks in your lips, on your nose and around your mouth. It can also be a threat to wooden furniture or wood floors, as moisture is drawn from these porous materials, making them brittle and prone to damage. To offset the dryness of the winter air, many Broken Arrow-area homeowners are choosing the convenience of whole-house humidifiers to create a more comfortable home environment.One major benefit of whole-house humidifiers is that because they are installed directly into your central heating system, you can set them both at once and they will operate simultaneously. Humidified air is distributed evenly to each room in your home through the same ductwork your furnace uses. Unlike many single-room humidifiers, which do not self-regulate, a whole-house humidifier can measure moisture levels in the air and adjust accordingly. This is important, as it reduces the likelihood of mold or mildew growth caused by abnormally high humidity levels.Maintenance is also simpler for whole-house humidifiers versus their single-room counterparts. The latter require the routine cleaning of water tanks to prevent the buildup of mold and bacteria. By contrast, you will only need to clean your whole-house humidifier once or twice a year to remove mineral deposits left behind by evaporated water. No further maintenance is typically necessary.Humidified air feels warmer than dry air, even at the same temperature, so you will be able to keep your thermostat lower and save on your heating bills. A whole-house humidifier is also designed to become a part of your household's water system, so it won't require you to purchase expensive distilled water as a single-room humidifier would. With a whole-house humidifier, you can enjoy a higher level of comfort at a significantly lower cost each month.For more information on the benefits of installing a whole-house humidifier in your home, contact Air Assurance. We're been serving the Broken Arrow/Tulsa area since 1985.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our current promotionsand get started today!      Photo courtesy ofShutterstock.