Tax Credits

Featured, Geothermal, Heat Pumps, Tax Credits

There’s Still Plenty of Time to Get Tax Credits on Geothermal Heat Pumps

There’s Still Plenty of Time to Get Tax Credits on Geothermal Heat Pumps

While many of the federal tax incentives for energy-efficient residential HVAC systems expired a couple of years ago, the tax credit for geothermal heat pumps (and home solar systems) remains in effect through 2016. This means homeowners still have a year to write off a big part of their investment for this super-efficient technology, the geothermal heat pump.

How Does a Geothermal System Work?

Geothermal systems start with a network of pipes buried on your property, or submerged in a body of water. The ground system can either be a shallow horizontal loop field or a very deep vertical loop field, depending on what sort of lot your house is built on, among other factors. A liquid solution — usually a mixture of antifreeze and water — serves as the medium of heat exchange.For heating, the solution circulates in the pipes, extracting heat from the ground, which is a moderate 50-60 degrees. The heat energy is transferred from the water solution to a heat pump unit inside the house, and then transferred into indoor air, which is distributed via a blower fan and ducts, just as with any heat pump system. Cooling with a geothermal heat pump works the same way, except that heat energy extracted from the house is transferred to the water-antifreeze solution, and then "rejected" into the ground.

Why is this So Efficient?

The energy used in a standard air-source heat pump is mainly used to extract heat energy from cold air for heating, or to release heat energy into very warm air for cooling. When the heat is being released from, or deposited into, ground or water that's neither hot nor cold, much less energy is required. This is what happens with a geothermal heat pump.

How Do the Tax Credits Work?

The energy-efficiency federal tax credit equals 30 percent of the cost of purchasing and installing an Energy Star-qualified geothermal heat pump in your home or second residence (not rentals).

For more information on installing an energy-saving geothermal heating and cooling system in your Broken Arrow area home, please contact us at Air Assurance.

Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Credit/Copyright Attribution: “karen roach/Shutterstock”

Tax Credits

Don't Let Those 2013 Tax Credits Get Away: Use Them on an Efficient A/C

Don't Let Those 2013 Tax Credits Get Away: Use Them on an Efficient A/C

Don't Let Those 2013 Tax Credits Get Away: Use Them on an Efficient A/C

Homeowners who install qualifying cooling systems this year can take advantage of tax credits from the federal government to help offset the cost. Those that qualify are high-efficiency central air conditioners and heat pumps. If your equipment is over 10 years old, requires frequent repairs, or uses a lot of electricity, this summer might be an advantageous time to replace it. The minimum energy efficiency for central cooling systems stands at 13 SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio). In order to qualify for the tax credit whose maximum amount is $300, new equipment has to have a minimum rating from 14 to 16 SEER, and depends on whether you're installing a split or package system and whether it's an air conditioner or a heat pump.You and your HVAC contractor can discuss which system would be best for your home, along with going through the other important elements when choosing a new cooling system, particularly its size. Contractors use software called Manual J to perform a load calculation to arrive at the right tonnage for your new system.Going by the size of your existing equipment could result in a system that's too large or small for your home. Oversized systems drive up energy bills and leave humidity behind. They run in short cycles more frequently, which increases the wear on all the parts. A system that's too small won't keep you as comfortable during our hottest weather.Once you've chosen the right system for your home, a thorough ductwork inspection should be made to assess your current system, its size and integrity. The leaks should be sealed with mastic or metal tape. Choosing a shady location for the outdoor condenser also helps you get the most efficiency from your new system. The hot refrigerant from your home cools faster if the condenser is out of the sun and has plenty of clearance on all sides.If you'd like more information about the 2013 tax credit and choosing a new system, contact Air Assurance. We've provided top-notch HVAC services for the Broken Arrow area for nearly 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Tax Credits

Tax Credits For 2013: Make The Most Of These Savings


When the Congress passed legislation to avoid the fiscal cliff, it also resurrected the tax credit for installing energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment. The credit covers qualifying equipment purchased and installed from January 1, 2012, through December 31, 2013. The type of equipment and the minimum efficiency standards they must have include:

  • Furnaces and boilers. These appliances must have a 95 percent AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency). The current minimum for combustion furnaces is 78 percent AFUE, which means that they waste 22 percent of the fuel they consume. A 95 percent efficiency furnace wastes just 5 percent of the fuel, which lowers consumption substantially.

  • Heat pumps. The minimum SEER for qualifying heat pumps is 15 and the minimum HSPF (heating seasonal performance factor) has to be 8.5 or higher to qualify for the tax credit.

  • Air conditioners. Package air conditioners must have a minimum SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) rating of 14. A package system is one that combines the heating and cooling in a single unit and is located either on the roof or in the yard. A split-system air conditioner must have a SEER of at least 16. The current minimum for all central air conditioners stands at 13.

  • Fans for air handlers. A high-efficiency fan in the air handler qualifies for a credit, as long as it doesn't consume more than 2 percent of the total energy that the furnace, air conditioner or heat pump uses.

There are some other criteria, such as minimum EER ratings to go along with the above.  If you have any questions, our experts can help.

The credits for air conditioners and heat pumps have a limit of $300, while the maximum for furnaces is $150. A high-efficiency fan qualifies for a credit of $50. Under this particular program (25C), taxpayers can only claim $500 total tax credits for the period from 2005 through the end of 2013.   And Geothermal units still qualify for a 30% no limit tax credit that is still good through 2016.The credits help offset the cost of installing high efficiency HVAC equipment, which helps homeowners start enjoying lower utility bills faster. If you would like more information about taking advantage of the 25C program and taking a tax credit, contact Air Assurance. We've provided HVAC services for the Broken Arrow region for nearly 30 years.Our goal is to help educate our customers in the Tulsa and Broken Arrow, Oklahoma area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Image courtesy of Shutterstock

Insulation, Rebates, Tax Credits

Adding Insulation Is A Simple Home Improvement Task That May Warrant A Tax Credit

This is the time of year when adding insulation is important for keeping the cold Oklahoma winter air out, and the warmed, humidified air inside. In addition to the benefits of added comfort and lower utility bills that you can expect from your investment, there is also a limited-time insulation tax credit that you can take advantage of. This tax credit is due to expire on December 31, 2011, so now is the time to act.Adding insulation to your attic is among the most cost-effective home improvement projects you can choose to perform. The insulation tax credit allotment is 10 percent of the cost of materials or up to $500. The standard types of insulation you might want to use are included in the tax credit. Examples include batts, rolls, rigid board, blow-in fibers, pour-in-place and expanding spray insulation.In addition to adding insulation to your attic and various other locations in your home, you can also make air-sealing improvements around your home that increase your energy efficiency and earn you even more tax credits. Materials such as weatherstripping, house wrap, caulk and spray foam can be used to seal up the leaks in your home. These products can go toward a greater insulation tax credit if they come with a Manufacturer’s Certification Statement.As for applying for the insulation tax credit, the process is simple. You must fill out IRS Form 5695 and submit it with your regular tax forms by April 15, 2012. The 2011 version of this form, which is the one you need to apply for 2011 insulation tax credit, is not yet available, though it will be in early 2012. Be sure to include this tax credit information on your 2011 IRS 1040 tax form as well.To get started down the road to improved home insulation, lower utility bills and a worthwhile tax credit, please contact Air Assurancein Broken Arrow today.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!      

Air Conditioning, Air filters, Duct Sealing, Furnaces, Insulation, Programmable, Tax Credits, Technicians, Thermostats, Water Heaters

Eighteen Ways To Get Your Home Ready For Cool Weather

With fall on the horizon for residents of Tulsa, it's time to start thinking about how to get your home ready for the cold weather.  Here are eighteen different ways to stay warm and energy efficient this winter.

  • Stop Drafts: Drafts can waste up to 30 percent of your energy. There are various products that can be used to block drafts under doors and windows.

  • Change Furnace Filter: Change, or at least check your filter each month. With heavy dirt, comes less airflow, which means higher bills.

  • Run Fans in Reverse: Simply switching your fans to run clockwise will make your air warmer.

  • Drain Hoses and Air Conditioner Pipes: This prevents dangerous freezing.

  • Turn Down Your Water Heater: Lowering the temperature can reduce your water heating costs by 10 percent.

  • Install Storm Windows and Doors: This reduces drafts and can increase energy efficiency by 45 percent. Be careful though, the ROI can take years to pay you back.

  • Get a Tuneup: A preventive maintenance tuneup by a contractor will ensure that your heating system stays working efficiently, and most important, safely!

  • Program Your Thermostat: Set it intelligently, so you aren't paying to warm an empty house.

  • Use Plastic Insulation: Covering your windows adds a buffer against drafts.

  • Use An Energy Monitor: These inform you when you have been using more energy than usual.

  • Use Weatherstripping: This helps prevent air leaks.

  • Add Insulation: This is particularly helpful in the attic and basement.

  • Insulate Your Pipes: This will help decrease the chance of freezing pipes.

  • Seal Ductwork: Up to 30 percent of your conditioned air can leak out of your ducts before it reaches its destination.

  • Use Tax Credits to Your Advantage: These can make energy-efficient upgrades for your home more affordable.

  • Be Wise When Selecting a Contractor: Hire an Energy Star home comfort contractor who is certified to help you make the right choices for your home.

  • Use Alternative Energy Sources: These are often much more energy efficient than traditional methods.

  • Upgrade Your Furnace: Newer models can save you up to 50 percent when compared to older models.

For more information on how to prepare your home for winter, contact Air Assurance. We can help you turn these ideas into concrete action.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems) .Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our current promotions and get started today!      

Air Conditioning, Air filters, High Efficiency, Tax Credits, Ventilation

Invest In A High-Efficiency Air-Conditioning System Now, And Enjoy The Savings For Years To Come

Depending on the age of your current air conditioning system, a high-efficiency upgrade has the potential to reduce your annual cooling costs by as much as 40 percent. In fact, if your air conditioning system is more than ten years old, the federal government recommends a replacement due to the relative inefficiency of older systems.To see how your current system measures up to today’s high-efficiency models, you can compare Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios (SEER). The higher your system’s SEER, the more efficient your system is in terms of energy consumption over the entire cooling season. While older units may rate a SEER of 10 or below, today’s high-efficiency air conditioning units carry a minimum SEER of 13. Thus, a high-efficiency upgrade can equal significant savings over the long term.Of course, proper sizing is required to maximize the efficiency of any air conditioning system. Often, older systems have become oversized thanks to energy efficient upgrades to the home such as insulation or weather stripping. As such, these systems are not as efficient and tend to have issues with improper cycling leading to high relative humidity levels in the home.Bigger isn’t always better, and having a proper load calculation performed during a high-efficiency upgrade can help ensure that the system you choose is the most appropriate for your household.There are also several innovative features available with today’s high-efficiency air conditioners that are designed to further increase long-term comfort and energy savings. For example:

  • Fan-only switches give you the option of reducing cooling costs without sacrificing household ventilation.

  • Filter check lights prevent filter neglect and reduce the chances of the system inefficiency -- or even damage -- that can result from clogged filters.

The sooner you make the initial investment in high-efficiency air conditioning, the more you stand to save in terms of energy costs over the long term. Depending on the system you choose, you may also be eligible for federal energy-based tax credits. If you’re interested in a high-efficiency upgrade, let our trained technicians help you make an informed decision. For an expert consultation, contact Air Assurance of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma today!Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Ground-Source, Heat Pumps, Rebates, Service & Maintenance, Tax Credits

Heat Pumps: Ground-Source Or Air-Source?

Heat pumps can be one of the most energy-efficient ways to heat and cool your home. Instead of using fuel energy to create heat, they move ("pump") heat from one area to another, a process that requires less energy. There are two main types of heat pumps: air-source and ground-source. An air-source heat pump works by transferring heat to and from the outside air, while a ground-source system transfers heat to and from the ground.Both types are effective, but which one works best for a Tulsa-area home? This depends partly on the size of your property and partly on how much you want to spend in an initial investment versus spending over the long run on utility bills.Ground-source heat pumps usually cost more to install than air-source systems -- up to three times as much. That's because they require digging long trenches in which to bury the extensive pipe loop systems used to exchange heat with the ground. These underground loops can require quite a bit of land area. If a home has a small yard, a ground-source system can usually still be installed by drilling deep (100- to 400-foot) holes in which to install the pipes vertically, but that drilling adds to your costs.  However, recent federal tax incentives allow a 30% tax credit off the entire ground source heat pump cost!Air-source heat pumps can save installation costs, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the better option. That's because air-source systems have a hard time pulling heat from the outside air when the winter temperature dips below 40 degrees, as it often does in Oklahoma. An air-source system can still heat your home on cold days, but it becomes much less efficient. Ground-source systems avoid this problem, and save energy overall, because the temperature below ground remains fairly constant year-round.Should you spend more now to install a ground-source system that will save money on electricity over the long run, or spend less now but face higher utility bills? At Air Assurance, we can help you answer that. Our experts can evaluate your home to estimate installation and operation costs of each type, taking the guesswork out of the decision. Contact us today. We'll be happy to help.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Air Conditioning, Duct Sealing, Ductwork, Energy Star, Geothermal, Heat Pumps, High Efficiency, Insulation, Planned Maintenance, Service & Maintenance, Tax Credits

Take Advantage Of Two Rebate Programs To Drive Down The Final Cost Of Your High-Efficiency Air Conditioning

Over the past few years, the media has made a pretty big deal about government tax credits that have made upgrading to energy-efficient equipment a reality with increased savings. However, you may not have heard as much about other rebates from manufacturers and utility companies that you can access when upgrading to high-efficiency air-conditioning systems. For many homeowners, these combined rebates can often mean the difference between upgrading and maintaining the status quo.The Public Service Company of Oklahoma offers rebates of $100 to $600, depending on the size and Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) of your high-efficiency air conditioner or heat pump. Larger systems and higher SEER ratings get bigger incentives and rebates. The guidelines restrict the incentive to a replacement system that uses the same (current) energy source for residential (single or multi-family) homes and small commercial buildings.  They also offer incentives of up to $1500 for an entire home performance upgrades which include duct sealing, insulation, radiant barriers, home envelope sealing, etc.Lennox, a manufacturer of heating and cooling equipment, indoor air quality products, and comfort controls, also offers savings on energy-efficient products. High-efficiency air-conditioning or heat-pump systems qualify for up to $1,400 when combined with a thermostat and indoor air quality system.High-efficiency air conditioners make energy savings possible for Oklahoma homeowners. While they often cost more up-front, incentives make them more affordable. High-efficiency systems are rated SEER 16 to 23 and have a low lifetime cost. Lifetime cost takes into account the spending a system requires over the course of its life. This takes into account regular preventive maintenance costs, fuel costs, and repairs. With the energy savings that high-efficiency systems get, you get a relatively quick return on your investment and save on monthly utility bills long after you’ve paid for the system.Why not take advantage of combined rebates from every avenue possible, to drive down the cost and make your new system replacement happen? The experts at Air Assurance can assess your home’s needs, assist you in selecting an A/C, and help you take advantage of manufacturer and utility company incentives to get you the maximum savings possible. Call us today.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Air Conditioning, Energy Star, Geothermal, Heat Pumps, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Tax Credits

Realize Big Savings With A Geothermal System

If you live in Broken Arrow, you know that the summer months can get extremely hot and the winters can produce some pretty cold weather. These varying temperatures put your heating and cooling systems to the test, and can often leave you spending too much on your utility bills. Geothermal heat pumps provide a much more effective method of heating and cooling than do standard systems, and can also help you save money.Geothermal heating and cooling units are unlike most heat pumps in that they use the ground to provide your home's heating, air conditioning and hot water. These systems are considered to be 45-75 percent more energy-efficient than standard options. And because of their efficiency, the Federal government offers a 30 percent tax credit to consumers who add new geothermal heat pumps to their homes.The 30 percent tax credit currently being given by the government takes into account the price of the unit, in addition to the price of all of the installation and labor required. This credit is also uncapped, so no matter how large the project, the credit remains 30 percent.  Also, the credit can be rolled over into other years up to 2016.  A geothermal heating and cooling system must meet the Energy Star requirements that are in effect at the time of purchase.While geothermal systems cost more upfront, they will make up for that cost by saving you money in the long run. The experts at Air Assurance are well-trained to provide you with the assistance you need in choosing the correct heat pump for your home. Please contact us today for more information.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Energy Evaluations, Tax Credits

Install Any Of These Energy-Efficient Products, And Get A Credit On Your 2011 Taxes

If you’ve been considering energy-efficient upgrades to your heating and cooling system, don’t hesitate. Act now to take advantage of 2011 tax credits for energy efficiency. In an effort to improve energy efficiency in Oklahoma and throughout the nation, the federal government is offering cash back on eligible upgrades, including:

  • Central air conditioning

  • Electric heat pumps

  • Furnaces and boilers

  • Advanced main air circulating fans

To qualify for these generous tax credits, your chosen installations must meet certain criteria. For instance, central air conditioners may be eligible for $300 back provided they meet these minimum requirements:

  • Split systems – 13 EER and 16 SEER

  • Package systems – 12 EER and 14 SEER

Electric heat pumps are also eligible for $300 in tax credits, provided they meet these minimum requirements:

  • Split systems – 8.5 HSPF, 12.5 EER, and 15 SEER

  • Package systems – 8 HSPF, 12 EER, and 14 SEER

To qualify for $150 back, furnaces and boilers must meet these minimum requirements:

  • Natural gas or propane furnace – 95 AFUE

  • Oil furnace – 90 AFUE

  • Gas, propane or oil hot water boiler – 90 AFUE

You may also be eligible for money back on qualifying advanced main air circulating fans:

  • If furnace qualifies - $50 back if your fan uses less than 2 percent of the energy consumed by the furnace

  • If furnace doesn’t qualify – 30 percent back on the cost of the fan

With such generous tax credits on the table, it just doesn’t make sense to put off energy-efficient HVAC upgrades. If you have a system that is in need of replacement, let our trained technicians help you find an appropriate tax-eligible upgrade. For an expert consultation, contact Air Assurance today!Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Air Conditioning, Central, Energy Evaluations, Planned Maintenance, Rebates, Service & Maintenance, Tax Credits

Get Ready For Summer By Upgrading To High-Efficiency Air Conditioning

Summer is right around the corner here in the Tulsa Metro area, and that means it's just about time for your air conditioner to go back to work. If your system is old and/or approaching the end of its life, you might want to consider upgrading to a new high-efficiency air conditioning unit to provide your home with cool air. High-efficiency air conditioning units provide the best path to a cool house this summer. While they do cost a bit more upfront than standard A/Cs, you'll save a lot on utility bills, which means they'll go a long way towards paying for themselves in the long run.To find out how efficient an air conditioning unit is, look at its SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating). Usually, high-efficiency air conditioning units have a SEER that falls somewhere between 16-23. By installing a high-efficiency air conditioning unit in your home, you can reduce the amount of energy you consume by as much as 30-50 percent.High-efficiency air conditioners can also improve on your home's indoor air quality. According to the EPA, poor air quality inside of homes and other buildings is one of the top five health risks to humans. High-efficiency air conditioning systems are better than standard models at filtering out dust, pollen and other allergens from the air.  This is usually because of their variable speed output or 2-stage operations, allowing for a more constant level of service.So high-efficiency A/C systems kill two birds with one stone. They help you combat rising energy costs while fighting off the summer heat at the same time.If you think that your home could benefit from a more efficient air conditioning system, please contact the professionals at Air Assurance. We can help assess your needs and find the right unit for your budget and your needs.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Energy Evaluations, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Planned Maintenance, Rebates, Service & Maintenance, Solar, Tax Credits

HVAC Terms Every Oklahoma Homeowner Should Know

HVAC technicians go through years of training because there’s so much knowledge to take in. It’s not practical to expect the average Oklahoma homeowner to have all this information. However, Air Assurance has some terms that can give consumers a great advantage in finding the best equipment, service and savings.AFUE stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. It’s a measurement for a furnace’s efficiency. AFUE percentages rate how much heat the furnace produces compared to how much energy it takes to operate. A high efficiency furnace with an AFUE of 95 percent converts 95 percent of the fuel it consumes into usable heat.  So in simple terms, for every dollar you pay the gas company to heat your home, $.95 cents is actually getting into the home while only $.05 cents is wasted.  A unit that is over 20 years old is typically rated around 60 AFUE.  This means that $.40 cents of every dollar is wasted through flu venting, pilot lights, insulation of the furnace cabinet, or thicker heat exchangers that trap the heat longer.SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. SEER measures the efficiency of air conditioners. It is similar to AFUE in that it measures how much cool air the units produce against how much energy they consume. High efficiency air conditioners with SEERs from around 16 to 23 get great “miles per gallon.”  A system that is 20 years old is typically rated around 6 SEER. The minimum manufactured SEER rating today is 13.  This could equal nearly 40% in cooling savings annually!MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value. This measurement applies to air filters. A high MERV rating means the filter traps more particles. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, using a MERV 13 is ideal, as it can trap many airborne particles and allergens.Higher MERV filters are more restrictive, and can inhibit airflow in your system. This can strain your equipment, so before running right out for a high MERV, be sure to get the advice of a qualified technician who can match a filter to your system.  Note: Interesting point, Merv ratings are not governed, therefore each manufacturer can claim different Merv ratings according to different variables such as slower air flow, particle size, etc. Air Assurance has done the testing on all the filters available which is why they recommend the filters they do.  This is also the reason our technicians carry our own Clean-Climate Filters.  Built to our specs according to the most efficient air flow and particulate cleaning possible without harming your system.NATE stands for North American Technician Excellence. NATE is a third-party, non-profit organization providing testing and certification to HVAC technicians nationwide. The tests cover areas of the HVAC field, such as heat pumps, air distribution and air conditioning. When you work with a certified NATE technician you can be sure the service is up to national standards, and that you’re not taking chances with your contractor.  Air Assurance was the first company in the country to offer their customers 100% NATE certified technicians.Understanding these four terms can help you make an educated decision on equipment and contractors, so you’ll be sure to get the most “bang for your buck.” Call Air Assurance if you have more HVAC questions. We’re happy to help!Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here to download our free Home Comfort Resource guide. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Air Conditioning, Central, Energy Evaluations, IAQ – Indoor Air Quality, Planned Maintenance, Rebates, Service & Maintenance, Tax Credits, Thermostats

Get Efficient A/C Systems With SEER

No matter whether you live in Broken Arrow, Tulsa or any other town or city across the state of Oklahoma, when you’re A/C system isn’t operating at top capacity, you certainly feel it. And when your equipment has passed the 10-year mark in age, it’s time to seriously look at replacing the system you have now with a high-efficiency air conditioning unit.When embarking on this adventure, you should be aware of the SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating of the unit you will purchase. Cost-efficiency is important in these days of rising energy costs.What is SEER?The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio is the rating of an air conditioning unit, measuring the cooling output against the amount of energy (watt-hours) used over the course of a season of cooling. But what you really need to know is this: it measures how effectively a unit will cool your home. Think of it as Miles Per Gallon on a car.The higher the rating, the more energy efficient it is, and the less you will pay in cooling costs. Remember:

  • Older air conditioners usually have a lower SEER rating of perhaps 5 or 6.

  • More efficient models have a rating of at least 14 and can extend to 21+. Geothermal units can go as high as 27!

Save Money with Efficient Energy UseResidential air conditioners are currently required to be manufactured with a minimum rating of 13. But when you decide to replace your A/C system, you should look at getting a SEER rating of 14 on your unit, which qualifies it as an Energy Star air conditioner. Energy Star labels tell you you're getting energy-efficient equipment. Typically, these units also qualify for additional utility company rebates which can often offset the cost of the upgrade.When you have a long cooling season and high electricity costs, it is quite justified to spend a little more upfront for a high-efficiency A/C unit because you'll save more over time.To review your options thoroughly, it’s best to get a professional HVAC contractor to go over them with you. At Air Assurance, we are happy to answer any questions and give you our expert advice.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Tax Credits

Not Quite As Generous As 2010, But You Can Still Get Tax Credits For HVAC Equipment Purchases This Year

Everybody generally knows that upgrading HVAC equipment leads to higher efficiency, reduced energy use and lower utility bills; but it's still hard for homeowners to make upgrades. Why? Often, the cost is prohibitive. However, with tax credits and rebates available in 2011, upgrading is more of a reality than most think. These tax credits are not as generous as those offered in 2010, but, combined with a few other available rebates, you can get a great deal if you need a new heating or air-conditioning system.The governmental tax credits offered in 2011 focus on several areas of home-related equipment. This includes green energy equipment (such as biomass stoves, geothermal heat pumps, wind turbine, fuel cells and solar systems) and HVAC equipment and related products, such as furnaces, air conditioners, insulation, roofs, water heaters, windows and doors.The most popular consumer upgrades belong to the HVAC category. Air-source heat pumps, for example, are eligible for a tax credit of $300. Central air conditioners also get $300 in tax credits when they are Energy Star qualified. Gas, propane or oil water boilers and furnaces qualify for a $150 tax credit when the AFUE rating is over 95 percent. If you're looking at these tax credits on their own, you might not jump up and down with excitement over savings. But when you add in utility company and manufacturer rebates along with governmental tax credits, the savings can really add up.In Oklahoma, the Public Service Company offers up to a $600 rebate for homeowners seeking an air-conditioning system upgrade (on qualifying systems only). Lennox, a manufacturer of HVAC equipment, gives customers up to a whopping $1,400 in rebates for its qualifying Signature Series Comfort Systems.  If you're shopping for a new system, the experts at Air Assurance can help you narrow down the choices and find the best deals. Combine energy savings from more efficient equipment along with utility, manufacturer and governmental rebates, and your new heating or A/C system could become a reality much sooner than you think.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here.Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Programmable, Tax Credits, Thermostats

Heating Or Cooling A New Space? Zoning Systems Can Help

With today’s rising energy costs, everything a homeowner can do to reduce those costs, especially reoccurring costs like environmental control of their home, is worth the extra effort. However, finding the balance between controlling costs and maintaining your family’s comfort can be a challenge.In most families, different parts of the home are used during different parts of the day. During the day the living room and kitchen are the most occupied rooms; while at night those areas are abandoned and everyone is in the bedrooms. Unfortunately, in most homes, heating and cooling is piped throughout the whole house 24 hours a day.  Another common example in our area is homes that have 2 levels, but only one central heating and air conditioning system.  This tends to leave the upstairs hot, and the downstairs cold.Obviously, this is an inefficient way to maintain your family’s comfort. A zoning system, which only heats and cools the areas of the house while they are occupied can help. Early zoning systems were cost prohibitive, requiring a separate HVAC system for each zone of the house. While this type of system would pay off over time, for most people it was not financially feasible.Because most homes today are built with forced air heating and cooling, modern zoning systems take advantage of the centralized HVAC to produce heated and cooled air for the whole house. Motorized ducts are installed in the ductwork, each one connected to a programmable thermostat in its corresponding zone. The ducts are only opened when two conditions are met: firstly, that it is during time periods programmed into the thermostat; and secondly, when the temperature of the room warrants heating or cooling.This type of system is both easy to install and economical. Costs of installing your zoning system will easily be recouped in reduced energy bills. Not only that, but you can apply for an energy tax credit on your 2011 tax returns, which will return a portion of your installation costs to you.When additions are made to an existing home, upgrading your HVAC system to include zoned heating and cooling is a decision you won’t regret. Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas. To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.

Furnaces, Geothermal, Tax Credits

Tax Credits Still On For Geothermal Heat Pumps

The federal tax credit for installing a geothermal heat pump in your home is still on.  You will save 30 percent of the total cost for your new system, including the installation, with no limit to your savings.How does the system work?  Geothermal heat pumps operate much like any heat pump, except that they extract heat or cold from the ground beneath your home.  Below the surface the ground temperature stays very constant year round.  It is cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter.  By looping coils through the ground you can both warm and cool your home at a lower cost.  This is a much more environmentally safe way to heat your home.  There is no burning of gas or other energy sources which put noxious fumes into the air.  And while there is a small use of electricity, it is nowhere near as great as the electricity required to run an electrically heated or cooled home.  Electricity that is frequently produced by coal fired generating plants.  It is, in fact, a very green answer for those of us that are worried about the planet.Geothermal heat pumps are an efficient and cost effective way to control the heating and cooling of your home, even here in the Tulsa area.How does the tax credit work and why is it better than a tax deduction?  The federal government has recently extended the tax credit for installing one of our geothermal heat pumps.  A tax credit allows you to deduct the entire amount of the credit directly from your tax bill.  No matter what your tax rate, you still get the entire credit applied to your tax bill.A tax deduction, on the other hand, only allows you to reduce your taxable income. If your top tax rate is 25 percent, you then reduce your tax bill by only 25 percent of the deduction.Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information, click here. Air Assurance services Tulsa, Broken Arrow and the surrounding areas.  To get started, check out our website or see our current promotions.